A Thousand Words 247 members · 624 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

don't forget to pm me a copy of your entry if you're cutting it close to the deadline! the important thing is that the judges have access to the final text of your story by the deadline, and not a minute later

Time to crunch.

Made it with six hours to spare.

is my title meta enough?

TNick of Time
After a terrible accident, the Cloudsdale Bureau of Affairs is crumbling. Spitfire runs through what may be her last thoughts, trapped beneath a beam.
HapHazred · 1000 words  ·  26  1 · 431 views
Group Admin


no, more meta!

Not a problem, already did submit to 3/5. Decided not to burn myself out or my story ideas' potential by rushing myself

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