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Ah, yes. Hollywood and Netflix fail attempts at making live action movie adaptations of great anime shows or movies.

Well...there some exemptions, like for example; James Cameron's Alita: Battle Angel, but alas they're far in between I'm afraid. There's more bad live action anime adaptations than actual good ones. Like, Speed Racer (2008), Dragonball Evolution (2009), Death Note (2017), Ghost in the Shell (2017), etcetera and so on.

As a long time anime fan since the 90s. I have seen my fair share of poorly made live action adaptations of well known and popular anime movies and shows and than some.

Sure there's the Japanese live action adaptation movies of these anime as well. But at least they try to stay true to the original source material. Despite mixed the results from it. But at least they're still fun to watch in the whole it's so bad it's good deal and whatnot.

But unfortunately I can't say same the American ones... if I had to be honest I get nothing from them, I'm afraid. Mostly because of the sheer asinine decisions that were made during their production. Some decisions more questionable than the next.

Well, that's all I got to say, take this as you will and don't be afraid to leave a comment. I would love to hear your opinions and feelings on the matter.

And with that enjoy the YouTube vid, which talked about the same subject. They explain it far better than I can. That's for certain.


Wait till you see the worst biopic of your life

I had high hopes for the Death Note movie, but sadly they were dashed, only Ryuk being voiced by Green Goblin was the good part. Everyone else just didn't really feel like the characters they were portraying

Mmm? Oh you don't say? Is it almost as bad as Netflix's plans of making a live action series of One Piece? :unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor

I heard they said they were going to do a one piece live version

I mean there are worst films so yes (I’m looking at you Tom Hooper and M. Night)

It was a David Bowie biopic… and it did not do well

Group Contributor

It's like the same situation that Disney is also making live version of the classic Disney cartoon movies

And they changed a lot in the story's narrative as well and not in good way either. Some of which were quite asinine, if I had to be honest really.


You didn’t like Speed Racer adaptation. It’s actually better than you would remember

Dude, as someone who grew up watching episodes of the original 1967 anime of Speed Racer. The very anime that made me love cars and racing back when I was just 5 or 6 years old. My opinions on the live action adaptation may differ from how you seen the movie.

BTW, FYI, I just rewatched it, three days ago. Second time I've watched it and saw the whole thing really.... the first time, I simply walked out of the movie theater in great disappointment after seeing it half of it. I still feel buyer's remorse from getting the ticket for that movie. Whenever I think about it at rare times. So with that said, after so many years and seeing the movie fully... I still didn't like it all that much nor care for it really.... if I had to be honest. :applejackunsure:


Oh well suit yourself

I assumed you might’ve liked it cuz that film has it’s own cult following years later

It’s an absolute memory that I watched the original series and film adaptation. Still enjoyed those two to this day

Comment posted by Redwolf777sg deleted Sep 10th, 2021

That movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's not a good adaptation, but I enjoy it anyway.

I say it might be better than anyone remembers

But hey your opinion not mine

Oh I see. Well, nevertheless to say friend. To each to their own as they say. If you like the movie than kudos to you and whatnot. :trixieshiftleft:

Well at least we both have films we disliked

I can guarantee that you won’t like the David Bowie biopic

Are you seriously forgetting that Oda himself is an executive producer for that series?


Hah! Like that matters much! :applejackunsure:

And that's just it. He's only the executive producer. How a show or movie is handled is ultimately up for the director for the most part.

And seeing how the live action show/movie of Cowboy Bebop is being handled and the drama that has been building up quite some time now. Because apparently Netflix loves negative publicity and all that happy horse shit. As long it gains the attention be it good or bad and people watch it. They're be happy to move on to the next anime IP and rinse and repeat.

Just saying...:pinkiehappy:

I have very little hope that Hollywood would do these things.

1. They need the money.

2. They still want to push an agenda. When fans warn them of problems, the fans are called "Problematical."
Heck, Hollywood has handled several Western IPs like Star wars and Star Trek and others badly.

3. They also think that American audiences are stupid, that's probably why a lot of the nuances are lost.

What? A story about what it is to be Human? Nah, folks won't get it. How about a story about a woman looking for her lost memories? Everyone's got memories? Don't remember what happened to mine after several lines...

Back in the day, folks used to to more cerebral movies, but not so much now.

These are on top of the other issues mentioned in the video.

I kinda wonder about the cultural problems because it's not like Japan is in another universe, and you have to travel half a lifetime to get there. Japanese culture and ideas has influenced the West and visa versa. What sort of backgrounds do the directors, writers and maybe the folks that green-light movies have?

And of course, lets not forget the American view of cartoons/anime is for kids.
That attitude is also enshrined in some institutions like libraries too.

No rants please. I'm deathly fatigued with them as it is.

Group Contributor

Just imagine them making a Final Fantasy 7 live version movie anybody remember Final Fantasy Spirits Within

Comment posted by Redwolf777sg deleted Sep 10th, 2021
Comment posted by Redwolf777sg deleted Nov 9th, 2021

Yeah, they have a history of being bad.

Group Contributor

Yeah I guess that's true but I did hear about a rumor they are going to make a live version of one piece

Group Contributor

Yeah like transformers Michael Bay version

That's not a rumor, that's true. And it's being made by Netflix, friend. So if the live action Cowboy Bebop flops, than they got another popular anime to mess around with. Oh, yay.......

Clownfish Video #1

Clownfish Video #2

Ok, what did they do with David Bowie biopic?

Group Contributor

Well then......

Yeah, looks like mother fate is being an passive aggressive bitch this year right?.:applejackunsure:


The main problem is that films limits itself tremendously

Comment posted by sunshim_13 deleted Sep 10th, 2021

Oh? By how much? I mean this is f**king David Bowie, we're talking here, The Starman for crying out loud! :ajbemused:

They start with the era on David’s album The Man Who Sold The World


WHAT?! So nothing on the Diamond Dogs or Ziggy Stardust eras?! Seriously?! WTF, man???:applejackconfused:

Not to mention a lot of the scenes in there were pretty dull and the actors were pretty much half assing it



Ok... Ok... Just one more thing to put on my shit list towards Hollywood. Because they did David Bowie's legacy dirty with that half ass biopic film.

Enough said.... Motherf**kers.:flutterrage:

*Sits you down*

*clears throat*

Btw it’s not a documentary it’s a biopic

Now I will be fair there was a scene or two were some of it was convincing but even then it’s just not ideal compared to how they did this film dirty.

1.5/10 from me
I warn you to stay away from this film unless you want brain damage

Like I hear the live-action version of Death Note cut out a lot of what made the anime fun. I hear the Fullmetal Alchemist one cut out several significant characters and left Envy alive at the end. And I didn't much care for the live-action DBZ one. Fate: The Winx Saga, I wasn't expecting to be like Sailor Moon in any way and entered with an open mind, but still didn't enjoy it AND left its villain - who is not anyone from the animated series, not the Trix (who are replaced with Beatrix), not Darkar, not Valtor, not the fairy hunters - inconclusive. And I don't even care about that part, she's no Voldemort, Chrysalis, Thanos, Nehelenia, or Dodgson to me.

And they always end them open for sequels, as if they think the reception will be good enough that they'll want to make another one. When will they learn their lesson already?

I loved Speed racer! :rainbowdetermined2:

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