Friendship Is Awesomes 297 members · 14,290 stories
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Group Admin

This is hypothetical question.

Since we're already talked about us as either hero or anti-hero, how about us as villains... specifically the enemies of Mane Six.

If you were the villain, what would be your backstory, which Mane Six or other heroic characters that you constantly antagonize to and what kind of villain song you use?

For a villain song, you need a song that represents who you are and what kind of villain you are.

Also, you can't use songs that MLP villains already use... so, No This Day Aria, No In Our Town, No Open Up Your Eyes, No A Better Way To Be Bad, No any of Dazzlings songs, No Unleash the Magic, No We Will Stand For Everfree, No Invisible etc.

Those songs are taken.

Well, maybe I could antagonize Opal (and, by extension, Rarity)?

Villain song:

--Sweetie Belle

I would be those type of villain that don’t believe in ponies government and want to change it so everycreature can be better equal and not follow the way of the ponies. It would be like me and my group of different creature will not trust the word of the ponies, over throw them and we will be the rulers.

And this will be my song/theme

I would constantly antagonize literally any Magic User, but mainly Twilight Sparkle.

I would be a fudging Dark Mage who wields both Positive and Negative magic fields and uses Chaos Magic. And to top it all off, I would use a Gregorian Chant as my type of villain song. I'm an ancient evil awoken after a billion years, and I've been around longer than Celly and Woona have, and old enough to be their great great grandfather.

In a sense, they would be going against the very first villain.

I think I would be a theatrical villain that's just evil for the sake of it to screw with the "heroes" and this would be my evil song number.

Group Admin

I actually have a villain OC that I'd try to emulate

Essentially, my - and by extension his - philosophy would be that order and chaos have to exist together, for they are nothing without each other. A world of order is strict and unyielding, and a world of chaos is untamed and dangerous. Since they already provide the order, I would provide the chaos. I'd probably end up antagonizing Twilight a lot as a result, since she's a huge rule freak; my hypothetical villain's polar opposite, and play on how she likely has fun beating villains and making the world safer. How it gives her a sense of purpose to her life, and makes her feel wanted by Celestia, who herself feels wanted by the ponies in protecting them and guiding them. I'd call them out for not providing chaos themselves, implying that they need me and that I'm just fulfilling that role for them.

And I say that's okay. They just need someone that can provide the danger so they can save everyone from it. And even if they hate the idea of manipulation... well, if they don't want me, then they can have Chrysalis or Tirek. And are they really sure they want those two threatening Equestria?

As for the song... well, I've got a good beat to it, but the lyrics need changing:

Let me see if I can put this in a way you'll understand:

I'm not your normal antagonist

I'm not a woobie that will bow to a princess

I'm not a broken bird who needs your help to fly.


I'm the bad guy

All these former villains that you see!

Each of them, with shaking knees, has knelt before you

Oh, I can't fail you, like these villains do

Why, you may ask?

Well, I'm the bad guy!

Oh, don't you cheer-oh

When you're a hero

Saving others from death

Cuz I say it's thrilling

To be a villain.

We both fight till glory then we take a breath

After all, you're the good guy... and I'm the bad guy!

(Cut to minions or one of Twilight's friends.)

Friend: Oh, goodness! He's not trying to conquer Equestria so he can rule it. He just wants to fight us! That's disturbing.

Minion: Disturbing, or a lot of fun?

(As the minion chases the friend, cut back to me and Twilight)

Oh, ain't it fantastic?

You see a villain, you blast it!

And do I need to tell you why?

I've always had a fondness

For hope brought out from wrongness

We fight and then in glory, we all take a breath

You can't say you find this business rather fun.

I don't need your concern or your compassion

I'll fight with you and endanger you, and then say bye-bye.


Come on, guess!

Twilight: Cuz... you're the bad guy?

And you're the good guy. Now let's fight!

[Evil laugh]

I actually have an OC antagonist that has similar, if not the same, viewpoints of the Mane Six and their friends as I sort of do. He would be the very first antagonist in the series to think that they are evil, especially Starlight and Discord, and the first one to be a more heroic antagonist.

He would live in a horrible and poverty-stricken town on the other side of the planet with some of the only ones who are extremely kind and justice-obsessed being his family, especially his parents. He would also be tricked by an old seer for years into thinking that the Mane Six and their friends are evil, vindictive, and manipulative beings who use their fake good-nature as a facade to trick others and get away with their misdeeds.

He would also be trained by the seer and study with her in order to be powerful enough to take them on, as well as gave him her magic-proof bo-staff before dying of old-age right in front of him, which greatly traumatized him in the process. While going through his journey against the Mane Six and their friends, he would try to help others along the way, showing his strong moral compass and determination to do the right thing.

I'm actually trying to come up with two great, interesting, well-written, and original songs for him on my own, both describing his character arc from what he was in the beginning to what he is right now. Until I become finished with both of them, here are two songs that describe different parts of him.

His Angrier and Antagonistic Side


Revised lyrics:

Twilight: Odium, you gotta believe us! We weren't going to try to kill yo-

Odium: Yeah right! You're just gonna take me out when you had the chance! *Poof* Since you and your evil friends want to get away with your heartless actions and don't care who you hurt in the process!

Twilight: What?! No, that's not-!

Odium: Don't try to sweet-talk me, you evil jerks! All that stuff that you've said to me was a flat-out LIE, wasn't it? You're just trying to manipulate and break me, so you can all laugh about it in your own coronation! WELL, NOT THIS TIME!!!

Don't try to talk me down

I know exactly what your game is

You think I'm nothing, but a burden to you

Well, now just look at me

I won't just fall for your schemes

I'm broken, I'm torn apart, I can't be fixed, but you know the only things I won't miss?

Twilight: Odium-

Odium: NO!

The Mane Six, the savior of Equestria. I can't believe my ears.

You're liars and jerks. You played me for a fool, and doing it till the end.

Well, no! I won't let you get the last laugh.

You've really done it now

You're sick. You're twisted. You're too good to be true, but now...

I'll make you pay!

I'm an idiot! A fool! We get it already!

I know exactly what you're thinkin'.

Who I am is nothing, but a pawn for you to abuse.

I'll destroy your coronation. I'll take out all of you!

Maybe then, you'll realize

What it's like to live in a world full of hurt, pain, and lies.

You don't care about anybody else. You don't care at all.

So, don't say that you do. I'm tired of all, let's just say.

I'm sick of all your HEARTLESS SONGS, so now...

I'll make you pay!

Twilight: Odium! We know you're upset, but just calm down and we can-

Odium: NO! I'm not gonna be another one of your victims, Twilight Sparkle! I'm not falling for this at all! I'm not falling for you once! You're just trying to break me mentally, LIKE THE HEARTLESS JERKS THAT YOU ARE!!!

Twilight: Odium, wait. Please. Just listen-!

Odium: Grrr!!! Shut it, Twilight!

Fool me once, fool me twice. Don't play me for a third! I won't let you get away.

I'm through with your fake good-nature, SO, SHUT YOUR HEARTLESS TRAP!!! Before I bring you pain!

It's my mission. It's my kind of time for a happy ending of my own.

I'm going to make you evil jerks pay, and then...

You'll never hurt again...



His Heroic and Guilt-ridden Side

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