Positive Ponies 3,479 members · 1,462 stories
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23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Recently, I've been trying to cook up something for anyone to enjoy 'cuz my animation dreams are hibernating atm, writing is my only option right now and I'm questioning my sanity as I write about a cat and a demon being friends. :facehoof:🐱😈

I've thought about it for a while, but I want to give those really hoping to have a personal work of theirs released IRL a boost in confidence.

So, here, we share whatever original NON-PONY concepts and ideas we hope to legit have put out there for the world one day and share considerate/constructive feedback. No, that does not mean copy/paste everything you have put down on Wattpad, fanfiction, etc here.

Here's when you need inspiration for creating your own unique worlds. (It helps me, lol) :rainbowdetermined2:

Brainstorm, help improve, be creative! 🤓🤓🤓

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Ooh! I've been working on a story called The Dormant Daughter, which I came up with the idea for based on the song Daughter of the Moon, by Adriana Figueroa

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

I've had too many ideas to remember them all, but there is a massive old folder laying around somewhere from before I had my Chromebook. Most of my ideas start with a character and then I build the rest of the world from there. Probably not the best way of writing a story, but it's the way my brain seems to work. :derpytongue2:

Most of my ideas are of the dark fantasy genre, occasionally with elements of sci-fi in there. Of course, building an entire world from scratch is never easy, which is why I've had more success with writing MLP fanfiction so far - there's already a template there.

I really should dig up some of my old notebooks at some point.

I self published a book called Destinies Beyond the Mythos, but it might not be available right now due to distribution issues.

link4 #5 · Sep 14th, 2021 · · 1 ·

sanity is overrated.

I have a lot these and some story ideas that could be made none pony. I just want to write a few novels in pony land first. So? What are they about? Magical realism story about a woman and the trouble she finds herself in. Now a lot of my ideas are on the surface some what generic. But, I believe with the skilled hands any idea can be amazing. That and I have wanted to write a romance, a fantasy, and all kinds of genres, really, I have poetic style and brain full of characters that with practice. They will be some fine words written.

Also...the best story ideas well executed are the some the funnest. I think the desire conform is strong when consider ideas that are weird or out there. When they are really some of the most fun and can have the best rewards? I mean do you really want to read another farm boy saves the world story? Or what have you? (No shade...just saying...ya know?)

Ive been working on a lot of stories (some originals and some being fanfictions) and table top games. But because of my work, studies and family issues, i havent gotten anything done. Im bearly updating my most complex table top game (though im thinking it should be made as a pc game due to everything it has). I feel that soon ill be able to update everything.

I've recently been kicking around the idea of a Sci-Fi story focused on space travel and exploration. So, like Star Trek in that way, I suppose, with a focus on Slice of Life and Adventure. The idea mostly came about because I wanted to tell a story where world-building(Alien species, customs, culture, religion, technology, philosophy, etc.) were the main focus of the story.

I have somewhat of a good idea for the characters, just not the main antagonist nor the story's overarching theme. I'm thinking of taking a leaf out of Guardians of the Galaxy and having that theme be about family and whatnot, but I guess that might feel a bit too blatant, no matter how I handle said theme, huh?

All of this is still just an idea I've been kicking around though, nothing concrete. But still, any suggested stories/shows/movies/games I should check out for inspiration?

Oh hey! Didn't think you were in this group too. Though I guess there are only so many places a user on this site could be :p
If you're primarily looking for inspiration, then there's this anthology show on Netflix called Love, Death, and Robots that comes to mind. Every episode is wildly different in tone and content, but they're all sci fi, so there's a huge variety of stuff to find inspiration in. There's also an anime comedy called Space Dandy that explores a whole bunch of different planets and species and is wildly creative. The one big potential drawback for both of these shows is that some episodes contain a LOT of mature content, but if that isn't a deal breaker I'd give em a watch

Oh, hey! Nice to see you here too. :twilightsmile: How have you been doing? And thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely check 'em out.

I completely did not notice this thread at first glance, and now I wanna share all 6 original story concepts I have in here.

I've sort of been playing around with the idea of a more down-to-earth story. The premise is simple: A student is asked to be a temporary student counselor and interacts with other students, each going through a sort of crisis. The main character will have to find ways to comfort them and lift their spirits in ways that will leave a real impact on their lives. It could discuss philosophy of life, status, depression, identity, loss, and love. There's just so much to talk about, and I think it could lead to something great.

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