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Again, this is a crossover battle I couldn't resist thinking off.

Both of them have so many issues that even their therapists need therapists. Both of them are paranoid of super-powered individuals (Billy having much better reason to be, admittedly [the number of actually heroic Supers on HIS world can be counted on one hand with fingers left over] - Batman simply has a ton of contingencies concerning super-powered allies [which, while those precautions are sensible given how often those super-powered allies fall under mind control, his contingencies have a nasty habit of falling into the hands of criminals who have the resources and determination to get past even the best security]). Both of them have knacks for defeating much more powerful opponents on wits and skill. Both of them are leaders of their own teams (the Boys and the Bat-Family) despite being notoriously hard to work with.

So, do you think Batman could beat Billy Butcher or would Butcher's greater ruthlessness prevail over the Dark Knight?

What do you think?

At the very least, Billy would have absolutely no problem with ending the Joker on the first opportunity.

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I haven't read or watched anything that Billy Butcher was from (and I don't plan to). But I like to think Batman would win.

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Yeah. So do I. At least if Garth Ennis weren't writing it. :-D

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Batman would try to talk Billy down. Failing that, Batman would kick his ass. He wouldn't kill him, but he would win.

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Oh, I definitely agree with that.

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Batman, definitely. He’s Butcher’s superior in physical combat. Butcher may have some military training, but Batman was trained by men who actually know how to fight, not to mention that he’s won fights with some of the world's deadliest assassins and fighters.

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Batman easily, even if Billy Butcher is under V and temporary has super powers. No amount of dropping the c word would help him against Batman. On that note, wasn't there an official Batman vs. Punisher fight and Batman won? So Batman dealt with and won against someone similar already.

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Butcher can definitely think outside the box during fights and does have powers on par with Homelander thanks to his consumption of Compound V, but he is simply no match against Batman's superior intellect and martial arts prowess.

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Neither of you are getting any arguments from me there. Definitely agree whole-heartedly with those assessments.

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