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stag the story teller
Group Contributor

...who else thinks necromancy is a specific type of chronomancy?

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7969682 If it was, the zombies wouldn't smell.

Toa from Siberia
Group Contributor

Necromancer is just a healer that refuses to give up.

Lunar Walker
Group Contributor

Now that I think about it... It makes a sick sort of sense.

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

OK think about it in a science way, chronomancy is all about time and some dimensional/temporal vectors, that you can alter the direction how you like, necromancy is the same but only for specific situations and cases

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7969688 It's a neat idea, I just don't agree with it.

Zombies are still corpses, IMO, they're just possessed similarly to how an item can be possessed.

If it was chronomancy, it would be called resurrection, not necromancy.

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

like I said, in necromancy you use just some of the vectors, like those for animating a husk or corpse and those for bringing back the soul

Chrome Masquerade
Group Contributor

Well, that depends on the type of Necromancy
Like' D&D wise, I could argue that it's a subset of Evocation, involving necromantic energies.

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

and I could argue that chronomancy is also a type of that, but only used for the time and space and not the others, or even the other way around since in chronomancy you work with the space time and everything can be summarised as a type of effect on that

Group Contributor

A necromancer is a healer with bad timing.

Group Contributor

Not really. Chronomancy involves the manipulation of time, necromancy involves the manipulation of the dead, and not just reanimating dead bodies, it can also be used to summon and possibly control the spirits of those who have passed. You could argue that low-level necromancy has more in common with clairvoyance as you would summon the spirits of the departed for information and insights.

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

like I said on a bare bones science take, necromancy is a form of chronomancy that the user uses for very specific things, as i know the in order to use the time part of the space time continuum right, you need to be aware of spatial positioning so you also need to alter the space arownd you, and most of the rest of the magic schools are just variation of it designed for specific things

Group Contributor

Not necessarily. Could also just be a workaholic who very literally doesn’t know when to stop

Chrome Masquerade
Group Contributor

Fair enough.

Though, come to think of it, Necromancy is also, arguably, an all-encompassing school of magic, also being used for divination, conjuration, enchantmentx, transmutations...

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

the thing is that they all are but they're defined only by what they're main use is rhather then what you can do with them

stag the story teller
Group Contributor
Chrome Masquerade
Group Contributor
Group Contributor

I would say it depends on the universe you’re in and the exact way the necromancy works. If you’re making zombies I could see it being possible, but if you’re making reanimating a skeleton or something I feel like it becomes less plausible.

Group Contributor

What's chronomancy ?



7969685 7969697
Funny thing
in my StoryVers,
if you cast "necromancy" on someone is is about to die, but didn't
they stop "roting/die-ing", there heart stops, they stop bleeding
they do that to tack them to the doctor (with out a rush)
then when the doctor is ready, they undo the spell

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

like I said before you use it on what you need at the moment, because at the end you realy just reverse some vectors, and that's what magic really is, it only depends on what vectors you can control or on what vectors you want to control atm

stag the story teller
Group Contributor

the ability to manipulate the time-space mesh in order to go back or forward in in time.

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