Cinematic Adventures 250 members · 24 stories
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Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Now with the whole dino's stories being taken down because of copyright lyrics and transcribed story would you be interested in Cinematic Adventures stories would be on

Group Admin

In the end, it's entirely up to the team if it 'can' be done. I haven't heard of any issues where it's a problem there.

Group Admin

This is tragic. There has to be some way to add the lyrics without making them look...copyrighted. I mean, it's not like we can call the owners and ask permission. The call will probably cost more than what they ask.

Group Admin

And most of the people who wrote those songs are dead anyway. We may as well have 'forgotten' the idea of doing these stories at all. That we have less creative liberty than the YouTubers who are lucky to do MLP Lip Sync videos on 'any' movie, not just Disney. But those people who 'can' get away with it are so famous, they don't get touched.

You know, one of these days I don't even consider this site's rules... "rules" at all... gatekeeping is more like it. Deprives us of creative freedom, too many rules to break.

Group Admin

I have no idea what 'gatekeeping' even is, but I see where you are coming from. I'm all about with following rules and regulations at my day job, but not when 'creative liberties' are at play. I come on this site to not worry about limits and have fun, especially with all the help I offer to ensure the artists' visions come into light. Otherwise...

Why am I even here?

Gatekeeping as in, limiting certain access to an aspect of things due to excessive administrative control. For example, making unfair rules you can easily break, prohibiting language, opinions or even freedom of speech, creative liberty, Fair Use of copyright, and even constructive criticism.

In short. I am the boss, you can do this, you can't do that, you're in my turf so no backsassing me. You obey my commands.

Like that.

Group Admin

Now this way I can understand it better when you explain the meaning of it more.

I tried to get into the group to see your reply. But I instead get a 503 error, after I pressed "leave".

I don't want to go for, I was kicked out of there a long time ago. Long story.

You could try DeviantArt, that place has no problem with stuff like that. (At least, as far as I recall)

I think that would be a good choice, let’s you explore more creativity

It is not right what has happened to your Disney stories, they were some of my favourites. :fluttercry:

One possibility for preventing this would be to say in the Authors Notes that all characters and song lyrics are the property of their own original creators and there is no copyright infringement intended. I don't know whether it would work, but it is (hopefully) better than nothing.

Group Admin

I could try. But what if despite that, they will see it and unsubmit it again? Or worse?

I can still try, but that guy also send me this:

"You can't have it regardless of credit. There's no harm done and I'm not doing anything besides warning you, you're not being banned or anything. But you can't have lyrics and you can't use content you didn't write. Doesn't matter if you credit them. You need to remove it before you republish the stories."

Group Admin

Actually, why is it only this guy who reacted and none of the others?

How about adding a video of the song with lyrics at the start of the scene in your story or a part of it. It might be shorter but at least it will stay... I hope. I'm just spit balling but I had one of my stories removed until I added Celestial and Luna to it on the later chapters

Group Admin

I first wanna hear what multifreddie13's suggestion is before I do anything.

Group Admin

Who knows? They probably would all say the same thing and he has to be the one to do it.

Okay and sorry to hear the your Disney stories got removed.

What about Archive of Our Own; I am sure that site would work better?

At this moment in time, I don't know what can be suggested. I'm going to have a look through the rules and regs of what can and can't be submitted and then I'll get back to you.

Try wattpad like the author who wrote mane 6 react to death battle. Just link the story on your blog

Group Admin

Thank you.

You know, it really brings a smile to my face to know that so many people care for me and my work and everything I do in life. It kinda rekindles your belief in the goodness of mankind. You, my family and other friends showed me that I don't have to hide in the darkness.

My pleasure; your work always manages to bring a smile to my face as well, so I don't like it when something happens to take those smiles away. And to Quote a song line from the band "Disturbed",
"Some times Darkness can show you the Light" :pinkiehappy:

With things like this, i would read them there, if i can find them.

Group Admin

If this would inevitably be the only way to tell our stories without being told what we can or can't do, there is no other choice. At the end of the day, in every form of business, we must always consider every possible substitute and contingency plan. There's always a way to thrive.

I found your Fanfiction site, but i don't see you stories up yet.

Group Admin

Of course we care. Because to us, you're not just another crossover artist or one out of a million fanfic writers who come here to escape from their own personal hell (Which most don't dare to share). You have a mind that was made to tell a story and everything that's done on here, while can 'never' be anything more than a Fanfic (For the most part), is merely... 'Practice'. To help each artist feel comfortable with their capabilities of proving they have the ability to tell stories, not to goof around with random pairings or make a clop for the sake of entertaining their minds on what 'they' themselves can never do or not even caring how many thumbs down pokes they get regardless if their work is incorrect in grammar above many things.

One day, when you are ready, you'll be able to take away everything you've learned from this site until you are set to be the author you were always meant to be. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. Not in weeks or months or even 'years' at the most. But one day, just 'one'... Short... Day... When you are ready, you'll know it's the right time.

Group Admin

At least when I'm not always doing FanFic crossovers, at least there are still other stories I can work on should any of my associates ask of me to help. Nowadays, with nowhere to go, not being able to hang with friends (Video chatting doesn't count), and because I grow bored with watching crime videos that my parents watch, I need something to keep me occupied. Before all this calamity, the Cinematic Adventures have given me just that.

Not just to be some other guy helping a friend make crossovers, but being 'the' guy seeking the opportunity to challenge myself and enhance my writing capabilities by helping the most upstanding artists by bringing their visions of series like this to life. Hence, I find myself doing a better job as a collaborator than a solo artist (I've always been about being a team player, even at my real jobs).

Is there a link to it?

probably. I truly wish you could reinstate the lyrics.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Yeah is though it's slow in fanfic

Group Admin

Unfortunately, that is true about the state of It's no wonder hardly anyone really uses it as much.

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