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In the new season of MLP Gen 5, the show revealed both Breezies and more dragons than little Sparky. So who do you believe if there are more creatures in Equestria and some that might be extinct. Sorry for sounding dark but not all species stay alive for over a thousand years. I think the Changelings and Crystal Ponies might be gone. The reason; Changelings share love through magic and don’t know how they’ll stay alive without it and the Crystal Ponies do live in the frozen north and without the Crystal Heart, how can they survive? Diamond Dogs might have their intelligence increase and Minotaurs might be more advance. Which race you believe are alive?

I think the Yaks would still be alive, seeing as they lived in isolation before Twilight opened relations with them, and even afterwards they were mostly independent. Chances are that nopony remembers the yaks, and the yaks have gone back to having no relations with the ponies over what they likely perceive was an unexplained snub.

Of the races, I suspect all but the Changelings and Crystal Ponies are still around. As you note the Dragons and the Breezies are still with us, but I suspect the Yaks and Griffons went back into isolation, as they had been for thousands of years before Equestria reached out to them.

Personally, I believe that the other Sapients (my term for non-pony civilizations), along with some Earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi, left to found a new home that still held onto Twilight’s lessons of the Magic of Friendship.

The Abyssinians might still be around, considering they are a purely mercantile race with no Magic users: there's no difference should Magic vanish for them unless it affects their quarterly gains.

I believe that the Bat Ponies are still alive. =3

And yes this is coming from me still being a bat pony fan. X3

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