The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Contributor

This could go either way....
God only knows....

I'd say a lion cub leaping from a tree gives us bad flashbacks to that one SNES level. : p

Group Admin

I thought it was a rumor, but here it is clear as day.

Group Contributor

like I said, here's hoping.

Group Admin

It this the movie we wanted? Maybe not. Did this need to happen? No. Could it be good? Maybe. Is it worth the price of admission?

Eh… depends if there’s nothing better in theaters. Or you can wait till it hits streaming.

I think it might work, but I'll to wait till it comes out to make my opinion.

Did I see Timon and Pumbaa facing off with Scar?

I feel like this is gonna be a flop.

To quote Dr. Dawson: Well, I am rather curious.

Group Admin

I'm suspecting it's either a dream sequence or there's going to be instances where they interrupt the story by jumping in the midst of it. I heard that was a rumor for what they planned for this 'prequel' of sorts, sort of a 'Lion King 1 1/2' but in live action form.

Oh, weird, but cool

Probably see this with my folks since we're all old salts for the Lion King, but otherwise I am full devoted to Sonic 3 in any way possible.

Group Admin

And meanwhile we haven't really heard a thing about Sonic 3 yet other than getting Keanu Reeves to voice Shadow. Interesting choice, but then he's worked with roles involving brooding characters who shoots guns before.

Unrelated, but my mom doesn't like Disney, because she full on believes that their in her words "Very bigoted towards woman".

And when I spoke on how fans say Disney is lost its quality, she said that everyone is losing quality due to them not getting payed enough.

Group Admin

Boy you sure know how to rain some positivity. Yes Disney’s women were treated like damsels in distress, but times have changed. Some women have even fought for themselves. And maybe if we all received our fair pay, we would focus less on low quality issues and focus on the bigger problems. Like how to get away with crime while the police does nothing.

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