The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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A continuation from Tim Ribbert's threads for character interactions and relationships.

Part 1 – Twilight Sparkle & Belle, Fluttershy & Dumbo, Rarity & Mary Poppins, Applejack & Tiana, Rainbow Dash & Peter Pan, Pinkie Pie & Aladdin
Part 2 – Princess Luna & Jack Skellington, Princess Celestia/Luna & Queen Elsa/Princess Anna, Princess Cadence & Aurora.

Pinkie Pie & The Aracuan – From Los Tres Caballeros (The Three Caballeros).

Do I need to go on to how much a chemistry these two would have together? Of course, there's Goofy, Baloo, Rapunzel, and some more comic relief Disney Characters I can't list at the top of my head right now.

Fluttershy & Dance of the Hours animals

So for those of us who've watched Fantasia, we all know what's going to happen next. After our heroes' adventure in the Pastoral Symphony realm, next they'll go into the Dance of the Hours realm, where they'll find themselves in a dance academy of anthropomorphic animals. And knowing how much Fluttershy loves to care for animals, as well as singing, how strong of a bond she can form with the animals is the question.

There's Madame Upanova(Morning), Hyacine Hippo(Day), Elephanchine(Dusk), and Ben Ali Gator(Night).

Dragon Lord Ember & Mulan (or Mushu)

These two action girls have strict but loving fathers, they both had to pretend to be someone else in order to achieve their goals, and they're both strong warriors, and lastly in Asian cultures, dragons are symbols of wisdom, strength, and valor. Ember in particular would definitely be the dragon who can relate to Mulan the most. Plus, I think our favorite sapphire dragon can balance out Mushu's oversized ego when they're both consulting Mulan. Another display of Yin-Yang I guess.

Capper & Thomas O'Malley

Yeah, it'll be a little strange for Thomas O'Malley when he and Capper meet for the first time, since one is anthropmorphic while the other is (by our perspectives) normal. But hey, we have seen Pluto and Goofy together, and in time these two cats will eventually form a bond since they can relate with each other. They're both smooth talking and they know how to charm the ladies.

And those are all the characters and the friendships they'd form I've got so far. And as Dramamaster829 would say, what do YOU think? What other MLP/Disney characters do you know would form a strong bond together in the Disney Chronicles?

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I think Spike would have a special friendship with Tarzan young and adult. I say because both are different and are raised among another type of being like Spike and ponies and Tarzan with gorillas. And they always seem to feel like they never truly belonged or are always reminded that they're not like the others they mostly associate with.

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So true. And let's not forget, they were both duped, once, by a villain of their own kind. Tarzan with Clayton, and Spike with Sludge.

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Princess Cadence & Maid Marian

Dinodisneylover1 did say he can see both the Princess of Love and Robin Hood's lover being very good friends, and I think I can see why. They're both adopted by royalties, they both have a long distant relationship with loved ones, and they're both romantic. But is there more we can go off of to build their friendship to be believable?

Gallus & Aladdin

I think Gallus would would be very good friends with Al, for he could relate to him on not having any family.

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I think to answer that question we need to take into account to a subject that goes beyond royalty and love: Adventure.

As established by Princess Cadence herself, she got a thrill out of the adventure in teaming with Twilight Sparkle when Discord was 'supposedly' sick and to get the cure required them to get a petal from a savage flower. Even though they found themselves in danger, Cadence got a huge thrill of it because she admits that palace life gets a little boring compared to all the adventures Twilight has. We've even seen Cadence wanted to get in on the action during the Season 9 premier after returning the Heart because after all Sombra 'did' use her own daughter as leverage and wanted to take part in the fight. So if we compare her appearance for 'this' story (If it's truly legit) and compare it to all the other features she's guest starring in earlier, we can see that what Cadence is looking for is a little excitement in her life.

Whereas for Maid Marian, some say that because she seems unaware of Prince John's actions and if she were to see how the village has struggled terribly she'd question if she's truly a 'princess' even though it may not be the case. She'd be questioning what could she have done had she'd known all this was going on from right under her nose, depending on if she was aware of what her uncle was doing or not. But perhaps knowing that Robin Hood has gone through great lengths to help the people when they were broke and starving, never knowing if Robin will even keep himself out of custody or could get hurt, you'd think she'd have wanted to help just to prove she's not just another damsel in distress who needs saving. So if anyone can relate about perhaps wanting to help and not just be seen as a princess worth saving, Cadence can relate to that.

Don't you think?

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Rainbow Dash and Judy Hopps

Besides the fact that both characters are insanely fast, they both have big dreams. Whereas Rainbow Dash dreamed of being a Wonderbolt, Judy wanted to become the 'first' Rabbit Officer in 'Zootopia' and she wanted that job so badly she'd go through intense training to do so. Even when her colleagues didn't take her seriously and reduced her to being a traffic cop, Judy was willing to do the job and relied on her own skillset to get 200 tickets in just as Rainbow Dash initially was content being a weather pony clearing the skies in ten seconds flat. But when something big comes up from either side, both were quick to take the case even if they may come off as 'rushing' into something or headstrong in their case (In some case, stubborn with their motives). And both can admit when they realize what they did was wrong, like Judy Hopps using the '1000 Year Predator vs. Prey' story as an excuse for why certain animals suddenly went savage (Unintentionally offending Nick Wilde, who's been her partner through the movie) or when Rainbow Dash tried to convince Scootaloo not to join Lightning Dust's team of stunt ponies without even wondering 'Why would Scootaloo look up to her team instead of Rainbow's?' which she doesn't even find out until Scootaloo finally snaps after joining the team behind her sister figure's back. So yeah, I can see a ton of material to work with between these two.

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I couldn’t agree more.

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Fluttershy and Cody (Rescuers Down Under)

On this account, the two in some ways are slightly different as far as personalities go (Not just in terms of Gender). Cody is more outspoken about his beliefs especially when it comes to not submitting to McLeach's demands to reveal the location of Marahute and her eggs, while Fluttershy is more softspoken and she'd be slightly scared if she were in the same place as the boy. And yet when it comes to their love for animals, even being able to communicate with them (Though Marahute doesn't get 'any' lines at all), that is where they have common ground. Fluttershy would want to see an animal in good health so much she once took Celestia's bird when she thought the little one was very sick not realizing it was just going through a phase that a phoenix is supposed to do and Cody would go to great lengths, and any heights, to save Marahute whether it was freeing her from a net either atop a cliff or dangling when McCleach captured her again.

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In a way, they are absolutely perfect together. Spike can especially relate to Tarzan's struggle fitting in with the only family he's known, given as a baby he didn't have many memories of his biological parents who were killed by a leopard (Though in some versions, the mother died of an illness and the pop was killed by the Gorillas). And unlike Spike who's efforts to help gets respect from most of his friends, most of Tarzan's attempts seemed to go unnoticed by Kerchak, who refused to embrace him as a son throughout the entire movie, until it seemed as if he was finally going to give him respect when the lad presented him the boy of Sabor, who was responsible for the death of his 'infant' son at the start of the flick... Until the humans started showing up and about.

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