The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Princess luna/Jack skelliton

Now I feel that this one is a natural by the fact they both had identity crisis think about it Jack was getting board doing halloween and tried to take over Christmas and trying to be a different person and it ended up blowing up in his face as for Luna well after she believed that the night should be there forever because most people don't do much in the night so Luna ended being nightmare moon and almost taking over equestria Luna could relate to Jack because the two have suffered the same problem and Luna could give him a heart to heart
Princess celestia/elsa and Anna

The warmth of the sun with the bitterness of the cold i feel that celestial that she could be mentor to Elsa and anna with Elsa she takes responsibility but is a fair or the outside world and with anna she enjoys the outside world but doesn't take responsibility i feel like celestia could be teach them values
Princess cadence/aura

I the 2 have in common love for shining armour and the Prince i feel like these two would be friends and these two will be in sleeping beauty confirmed by rink himself
Well that it another post make sure to give your thoughts in the comments also i made forum i made a week ago but no one took a look at it would be appreciated if you too a look at it with the link here

Group Contributor

I agree with all of your ideas! Aurora is #1 princess to me, and i wonder what Cadence will do with her. BUT....that will be a very long time from now, unfortunately. So many stories to complete.:ajsleepy:

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

True but it's worth the wait also could you do a flavour i made a forum about the character interaction but no one look at i was hopping that you would spread the word about it please if you can see the link

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

True but it's worth the wait also could you do a flavour i made a forum about the character interaction but no one look at i was hopping that you would spread the word about it please if you can see the link

Group Contributor

Ill try, but, as your forum was already published in this group, i think everybody has seen it already.:applejackunsure:

Group Admin

Princess Cadence and Princess Aurora huh? Hmmm.... I kinda see that.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin
Group Admin

I like all of them.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin


Group Admin

Jack's Lamet

Princess Luna: "Dear Jack. What seems to trouble you?"

Group Admin

Sleeping Beauty
Meeting Aurora.

Princess Cadence looked down in the crib, smiling at the little girl who eagerly held her hands up for the pink alicorn.

“Aw, I think she likes you already!” Queen Leah chuckled.

Princess Cadence talks to Rose.

Briar Rose was walking through the woods with Fluttershy following, along with some animals, when another pony made herself known. That pony is none other but Princess Cadence.

“Rose! Fluttershy!” Cadence smiled, as she walked up to the two. “I thought I heard some beautiful singing.”

“Hello Cadence!” Rose greeted, running up to the pink alicorn and hugged her. “So lovely it is to see you today! How’ve you been?”

“I’m doing great! Shining Armor and I were having a picnic over there. Want to join us?”

Can I get some help please? I think Cadence and Aurora being BFFs is a good idea, but there’s a bit of a problem since Aurora lacked in the character development department. You know what I’m saying?

Group Admin

I wanted someone else to have the fun. But here goes.


Before entering the Book of Disney

"Ooh! This is going to be the most FANTASTIC ADVENTURE I'll ever get to EXPERIENCE!!!" Princess Celestia squealed, as she pranced excitedly, before calming herself. "Oh, sorry. I was prancing again, wasn't I?"

Frozen - For The First Time In Forever

The window is open, so's that door
I didn't know they did that anymore
Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates?

"8,000?" Princess Celestia asked. "Do you even have room for cakes?"

Anna: For years I've roamed these empty halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Finally, they're opening up the gates

Princess Celestia smiled at Anna's excitement as she followed the young princess throughout the castle.

There'll be actual real live people
It'll be totally strange
Wow, am I so ready for this change?

"I can tell," Princess Celestia smiled.

'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
But I'm somewhere in that zone
'Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be alone

"I can't wait to meet everyone!" Anna said as she talked to the little geese hatchlings and Princess Celestia. Then she gasped, "What if I meet the one?"

"The one?" Celestia inquired, in which a little hatchling honked.

Tonight, imagine me gown and all
Fetchingly draped against the wall
The picture of sophisticated grace

I suddenly see him standing there
A beautiful stranger, tall and fair
I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face

"Hey, save some for me," Celestia chuckled.

But then we laugh and talk all evening
Which is totally bizarre
Nothing like the life I've led so far

For the first time in forever
There'll be magic, there'll be fun
For the first time in forever
I could be noticed by someone

And I know it is totally crazy
To dream I'd find romance
But for the first time in forever
At least I've got a chance

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, put on a show
Make one wrong move and everyone will know

Elsa: (Anna:)
But it's only for today
(It's only for today)
It's agony to wait
(It's agony to wait)
Tell the guards to open up the gate...
(The gate...)

Princess Celestia followed Anna outside, and through an excited crowd of people. However, courtesy of the Princess Celestia's spell, they hardly took notice of the sun alicorn's horn and wings.

Anna: (Elsa:)
For the first time in forever
(Don't let them in, don't let them see)
I'm getting what I'm dreaming of
(Be the good girl you always have to be)
A chance to change my lonely world
A chance to find true love
(Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know)

I know it all ends tomorrow
So it has to be today
'Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way...

"OOF!!" Anna exclaimed, upon being bumped up by something, or someone, all of a sudden.

"Whoa!" Celestia exclaimed as she reached out to grab Anna.

"Hey Princess Celestia!" Pinkie chirped as she bounced happily. "Where've you been? I was just getting reacquainted with my besties, Rapunzel and Eugene over there!"

Fun fact: Rapunzel made a slight cameo appearance in Frozen with Eugene.

Group Admin


Before entering the Book of Disney, Celestia took the moment to watch and felt her heart being pulled on when Anna and Elsa sang this song.

Group Contributor

Don't forget, Princess Luna will be in this story because she would get along well with Elsa.

Group Admin

Oh yeah. But I’ll let someone else have the fun of making that scene.

Group Admin

I wonder how Frozen will play out in the next Kingdom Hearts?

Group Admin

I've seen how they've done 'Frozen' for the game and for the most part it's done pretty well. Frozen has grown immensely popular since it's release many years ago. The merchandising, a broadway run (And nomination), theatrical shorts, and now a soon-to-be-released sequel. And to think it got it's start from an old story that, much like other Disney adaptations, was significantly different during it's time. Depending on what The Disney Chronicles has observed prior to the film's use of the game, it could inspire some potential sequences for the series if properly orchestrated.


Little Rumble/Peter Pan

Group Admin

I can see a partial bit of how Gallus could relate to Aladdin. Maybe not in terms of personality, given Aladdin's not quite the grumpy type, but upbringing... Yeah that does come into play. It's implied that Gallus is pretty much an orphan, not really much of a family to rely on. Even though he has a 'Grandpa' in 'Grandpa Gruff', the fact is the old bird is called that by almost everyone in Griffinstone but he's no one's relative. As for Aladdin, early concepts had his mother passing away prior to the events of the first feature (Though a deleted section had her alive and struggling) while his father ran off in pursuit of riches and stuff.

As for Rumble and Peter Pan, it should be made clear that Rumble has not been my favorite character given how he acted out the last time we saw him. But when we think about it: He wasn't always like that, first time we saw him was when he informed Twilight and Rainbow that his brother, Thunderlane, was too sick to help get the water to Cloudsdale. His methods later on about preventing other children from 'doing anything' to get their cutie marks, claiming a cutie mark will only limit them from doing anything else they want to do, in a way is symbolic about the fear of growing up. That once a person ends up getting a degree that will entitle them to a job specific to their skills, they won't be able to do anything else... But that is not entirely true. For all the flake I give to High School Musical for example, just because certain kids are known for their cliques doesn't mean they can't do other things. Whether it's a Jock baking desserts or a studios student dancing to hip hop or a laid back skateboarder playing the cello, it demonstrates there are other things one can try. And in a way, when Rumble reflects on how Peter Pan is determined to ensure none of the kids grow up he might ask himself... 'Is this really how other ponies look at me?'

Discord and Genie.
Both have amazing magic and both are very funny, I think they would get along very well. It's just my opinion.
If appear Sunset and/or Starlight again…
Sunset and/or Starlight and Esmeralda and/or Megara
All of them are rebellious but with good intentions. In the case of Megara, she had a bad experience and now she finds it difficult to trust others.
And Esmeralda, like I said, is rebel and kind with Quasimodo and every gypsy. :twistnerd:
Everyone are just my opinion. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

It's funny that you mention Discord and Genie. Mr. Logan Miller once initially conceived an 'Aladdin' project which would've involved Discord, indicating he and Genie were friends. Sadly the project itself has yet to get off the planning stage, but he did share a pencil sketch of the two together on his Twitter account. Shame of course, with the release of Aladdin today (If we don't count the early Thursday evening releases), it would've been rather appropriate. But given all the other projects he's already got planned for the year and how much time it's going to take, I'm sure it'll still be worth the wait when the time is right.

As far as the other pairing is concerned... Either combination could work because they 'do' share some things in common. Of course, neither Sunset and Starlight came close to escaping death like Megara or Esmerelda (The latter didn't survive the original story)... Although Sunset 'almost' lost her memories of her E.G. friends and Starlight was almost sent to oblivion in the last finale... I guess it's pretty close.

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