The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Twilight sparkle/belle

I feel like you do beauty and the beast you should like give both twilight and belle problems that they can help through with twilight sparkle could be having trouble accepting people who look like beasts after dealing with trike and the sirens and belle of course belle could be having trouble being herself while her village finds her weird for liking books belle could teach twilight it's not the outside what makes a good person it's in the inside that counts and twilight could teach belle she should be herself no matter what people think of her o mean they could start there by just reading books because both them like books also please let the two do a duo when they sing belle reprise



I could see Fluttershy as a mother figure to dumbo i mean poor dumbo mother taken away from him he pretty much laughed at by the others Fluttershy could teach courage to dumbo after all Fluttershy as been what dumbo has been though before I thought it was a natural pairing could also comfort him in those scene


Rairty/Mary poppins

What do rairty and mary poppins have in common i head you ask simple there both like parents i mean when rarity takes care of sweetie belle it's like mary poppins taking care of the kids i could see the two getting very along with each other teaching values and wearing the finest clothes

I feel like this is another natural one i mean both of them are pretty much hard workers and love there families i feel like they could learn the same lesson what tiana learns in the film in that while you should work hard most of the time that doesn't mean you should not spend time with your family
Rainbow dash and scootaloo/Peter pan and the lost boys

I could see a coming of age story for both scootaloo i mean it's a relatable situation so when Peter pan and the lost boys they would get along with pan trying to make scootaloo not grow up and rainbow dash telling her that there so many wonderful things about growing up also please let rainbow dash and Peter pan right captain book in the finals battle that would be awesome
Pinkie pie/Aladdin

Now you probably thinking why these two well I thought that pinkie pie would probably try to help get jasmine and properly act as a second genie to aladdin that and I thought it would be awesome
Can you tell me what you think on these relationships and could please add these ideas to your future stories thank you and keep writing good stories

Group Contributor

you have good points on all of them!

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

I just hope they would these stories ideas good

Group Contributor

why would they not be? Send a private message to Dino and see what he thinks!:raritywink:

Group Contributor

What about say... Starlight or Sunset or Spike? and what about Applebloom and Sweetie Belle?

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Well Apple bloom had Pinocchio for starlight i would pair her with elsa sunset with milk thatch from Atlantis the lost city as for spike i would pair him with stitch

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Well Apple bloom had Pinocchio for starlight i would pair her with elsa sunset with milk thatch from Atlantis the lost city as for spike i would pair him with stitch

Group Admin

Twilight Sparkle/Belle: I always had the idea these two would have something in common, so they'll definitely be good friends in the story.
Fluttershy/Dumbo: ALso had the same idea.
Mary Poppins/Rarity: That's a great idea.
Applejack/Tiana: Had the idea these two would have a lot in common. It's perfect.
Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo/Peter Pan: That could work. There will definitely be a battle against Hook.
Pinkie Pie/Aladdin: That would be amazing.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Thanks for the feed back mate

Group Admin

Continuation from page 5, #247 of quote suggestions.

Twilight: "No, of course not, Belle....all this talk of our adventures from the Book of Disney, the friends we've made along the way, and....the challenges we faced together, but also...our least favorite part of every adventures. The end of every stories. The sad good-byes."
Belle: "Oh, I never thought about that."
Twilight: "Of course not. Nobody likes sad good-byes. And yet, after so many adventures....I just don't feel like I'm ready for when this story comes to the end. Meeting you has been the best thing that's happened to me, Belle. It's hard to let it go."

Belle pulled Twilight in a comforting hug, who returned the gesture.

Twilight: (chuckles lightly) "I don't want to let go." (Nevertheless, the two parted)

Group Contributor

How sweet. I almost felt like crying.:fluttercry:

Group Admin

How did you find this comment here?

Group Contributor

I moved my cursor over the black spoiler and it showed. Why do you ask?

Group Admin

I meant how did you know where to find the comment here in this thread. I didn't know better how notifications work on a forum in a group.

Group Contributor

I found it in the forums and who last posted it. When I clicked on it, it showed me.

Group Admin
Group Contributor

Glad you finally understand now.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Nice job mate

Group Admin

Question: How and when will Applejack and Tiana hit off as BFFs? Because I already suggested that upon first meeting, Tiana freaks out hysterically.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Properly in due time

Group Admin

Belle: “Is he gone?”
Pinkie checks via a pair of binoculars.
Pinkie: “Yep, he’s gone! And still sore.”

Belle: “Can you imagine? He asked me to marry him. Me! The wife of that boorish, brainless...”
Twilight: “Muscle bound oaf? I mean no kidding, he ain’t exactly your type.”

*Cue Belle reprise.

Belle: “Madame Gaston! Can’t you just see it?~”
Twilight: “I’m trying not to.”
Belle: “Madame Gaston! His little wife?”
Twilight: “Nope!”
Belle / Twilight: “No sir! Not me! (Not you!) I guarantee it!”
Belle: “I want much more than this provincial life!”

Belle runs off into the distance with Twilight and the ponies following.

Belle: “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere~
I want it more than I can tell~”

Rainbow Dash: “I’m with ya there, girlfriend.”

Belle: “And for once it might be grand
To have someone (Turns to Twilight), like you, understand
I want so much more than they've got planned~”

Twilight nodded in agreement before both she and Belle started conversing with each other.


“Thank you Twilight,” Belle smiled. “I just can’t thank you enough! I’m so happy to have you and everyone else as my friends!”

“I concur, Belle,” Twilight smiled. “It’s so hard to believe that the magic of friendship can take us this far to meeting you! And I’ll never forget it! And I’ll never forget you either!”

Belle walked up to Twilight, squatting down to the alicorn’s level and smiled, as she wraps her arms around Twilight.

“Group hug!” Pinkie Pie cheered happily, as everyone all gathered around and exchanged a heartwarming embrace.

Group Admin

The Princess and the Frog
After their initial meeting, left a rather bad impression on Tiana, Applejack kept her distance from the girl for the time being and decided not to talk, so as to avoid freaking some other people. Nevertheless, when Tiana left to buy an abandoned building for her restaurant, Applejack followed the young woman, because the latter reminded so much of herself.

Tiana noticed Applejack following. At first, Tiana asked, "You again?!" Applejack decided not to talk, since she didn't want to scare the girl like last time. "What, you ain't going to say anything to me?" Applejack pretended that she doesn't talk and gave Tiana a confused side glance. "Uh-huh, I thought so. I must've been working too hard. So um, where'd you come from?" Applejack was a little bit stumped, since she didn't know how to respond. "Well, what brings you here to New Orlean? You hungry?" Applejack nodded her head. "Aw, you poor thing! Here, have a beignets! It's my mom's special recipe!"

Applejack happily took one, and her eyes lit up.

Later, Applejack joined in the celebration with Tiana and her mother.

Group Contributor

Nice work! I'm sure that she and Tiana will become good buddies just like how Twilight and Fluttershy were with Snow White and Belle.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

I love all of your free back keep it up

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Love it can you think of one's for the others please

Group Admin

If everyone else are okay with it, that is.

You found the perfect pony and princess match up. Applejack and Tiana are perfect together as BFF's. Both of them are hard workers and do anything for their family.

Group Admin

I can't take all of the credits here. Everybody knows Applejack and Tiana make a great duo together.

Group Admin

I have no doubts about that. Both put hard work above most everything, Tiana especially because she believes if she works hard she'll get the money to start her own restaurant as her father wanted. Not realizing that hard work is only the half of it, it's the 'love' for your family and everyone you care about that is worth more than the weight of gold. Least Applejack has always put family and friends as her most important quality, although there are some cases with her family when she cares... Too much (Her overprotective nature of her sister and grandmother especially). They both have their quirks, but they are lovable characters just the same. Should be a fun adventure when the Chronicles eventually gets there.

Group Admin

Meeting Jasmine.

The merchant was about to thrust his sword down on the girl, when thankfully, he was intervened by none other than Aladdin, "Oh thank you kind sir!" The cunning thief said, as he cleverly steals the sword from the big man's hand and shook it. "I'm so glad you found her!"

"Yes! Our most highest gratitude to you," Capper added, while making sure his face was still hidden.

"Here! Have a cupcake!" Pinkie smiled, giving the merchant the said pastry.

Turning to the girl, Aladdin scolded, "I've been looking all over for you."

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just play along," Capper advised in whisper.

"You know this girl?" The merchant asked, stopping the trio.

Feigning distress, Aladdin answered, "Sadly yes. She is my sister. She's a little crazy," The girl scoffed in response.

"She said she knew the sultan!" The merchant scowled, as he pulled both man and cat up to his face.

"Whew! When's the last time you brushed your teeth, huh?" Capper cringed in disgust.

Before they could make another scene, Aladdin calmly brushed the burly man's hands off, as he gestures, "She thinks the monkey is the sultan," He said, gesturing to Abu who was peeking into someone's purse.

Deciding to go with it, the girl bowed before Abu, "Oh wise sultan," She began. "How may I serve you?" Abu, being the playful monkey he is, decided to play the part, chirping and chattering, as if he was giving commands.

"Tragic isn't it?" Aladdin asked, much to the merchant's disbelief. "But no harm done." With that, Aladdin tossed an apple in the air, to which the man quickly caught, before he and Capper walked over to help the girl up. "Now come along sis. Time to go see the doctor."

"Oh hello doctor," The girl greeted a camel. "How are you?"

"No, no. Not that one."

Pinkie couldn't help but laugh, "I like her! She's silly!"

Group Admin

That'll make for quite an encounter when the ponies meet Jasmine, not knowing she's actually a princess. Reminds me of when I worked with a few friends to create a Disney-MLP connected series in which one of the first worlds they went to is Agrabah. As an assistant, I kind of added a few liberties from the 'Broadway' version... Sadly we never finished that series. You could easily say it's been on hiatus for years.

Mmm… Very Interesting…
Twilight and Belle: I can see why.
But I thought that Fluttershy already had Snow White. Oh, well, I think everypony can have more than one Disney friend. :pinkiehappy:
That's make me think… Starlight and Sunset will appear on another Disney adventure?

Group Admin

To keep you up to date: There are plans to first introduce Sunset Shimmer into the Chronicles through 'Dumbo' once 'Fantasia' is finished. As far as Starlight Glimmer goes, there are plans to reintroduce her back into the chronicles to hopefully prove she's not just going to come into the story to be a prisoner... 'Again'. I know Starlight can do better than that, even if all the 'haters' of the world think she doesn't deserve it. But frankly: They're just fighting a losing battle they know they can't win, even if they won't be man (Or woman) enough to admit they are wrong.

As far as Fluttershy goes, whose to say she can only make one friend in the world of Disney? There are plenty of others she can meet and befriend, some of whom share some things in common with her. It's all a matter of opening the mind to greater thoughts.


There are plans to first introduce Sunset Shimmer into the Chronicles through 'Dumbo' once 'Fantasia' is finished.

Yes, I know about this. But I don't know if everypony that travelled to Disney Book, can go again? :applejackunsure:

Group Admin

If you've read the 'Guests' list on this forum, then you'd know it is 'possible', if not 'probable', that previous guest stars are guaranteed to make a comeback. You just need to pay very close attention.

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