The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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MLP villains working with the Disney villains in the Disney Chronicles would really make things 20% cooler, and would also help to drive the stories forward in a more darker, sinister, but at the same time, creative tone.

However, as Dinodisneylover1 has stated, MLP villains only get involved if they somehow knew about the Book of Disney. So chances are, they either got out of jail, broke into Twilight's castle, and happened upon the book, or some other methods.

Current Remaining MLP Villains:

  1. Cozy Glow - Has there ever been a Disney villain who is a child?
  2. The Storm King
  3. Queen Chrysalis - She would definitely team up with Disney villains like Maleficent, Ursula, Gaston, Jafar, etc. to take down some Disney Heroes and Heroines. As long as she gets some love.
  4. Tirek
  5. Pony of Shadow (AU. Check the Legends of Magic issues 7 to 12)
  6. The Dazzlings - They've already worked with the Coachman, Honest John, and Gideon. Maybe they can work with Ursula or Hades next?
  7. Diamond Dogs - They'd make fine henchmen to any Disney villains. Think of them as orcs from Lord of the Rings.
  8. Flim and Flam
  9. Wind Rider
  10. Ahuizotl
  11. Svengallop
  12. Gladmane
  13. Garble and his gang of dragons - I can just see these dragon thugs working with some menacing Disney villains with the firepowers for destruction and world domination, like Maleficent or Hades.
  14. Dr. Caballeron - He'll work, as long as there's money.
  15. Pseudocorns (MLP FIM Issue #25) - Who would want to work with these magic rejects? The Sanderson Sisters.
  16. Abacus Cinch - Probably makes for Judge Claud Frollo's partner.
  17. Verko - The crime boss who runs Klugetown.

??? King Sombra - Wait until Season 9 rolls.

Group Admin

Don't forget King Sombra and Storm King. (and maybe Tempest)

Group Admin

One of the stories in which Chrysalis would be perfect would be Mulan. I had the idea of her and her new army of changelings cooperating with Shan-Yu and the huns.

Group Admin

Uh...Isn't King Shadow a reformed villain? (At least, in the comics...)

Tempest Shadow isn't a bad guy anymore.

Group Contributor

What about Abacus Cinch? I could see her working with Claude Frollo

Group Admin

Oh yeah, her too.

Group Contributor

Also, I believe the Season 9 Big bad is supposed to be Grogar, I could picture him with Dr. Facilier

Group Contributor

Which MLP villain would you pair Scar with?

Group Contributor

For Cozy Glow, maybe she pair up with Bellwether.

Group Admin

:facehoof: Why didn't I think of that? Thank you!

Group Contributor

You're welcome! These two act all sweet and innocent at first, but then they revealed their true nature at the end. I thought that idea would work.

Group Admin

If I'm not mistaken, the comics aren't canon to the show.

Group Admin

I have the feeling that Sombra might return in Season 9 still evil. I'm not saying the comic is bad, but I think it's quite a shame to waste such a great villain.

Comment posted by Dinodisneylover1 deleted Oct 3rd, 2018
Group Admin

Maybe the ones with the Pillars of Equestria. But if the comics are canon, how come the Dazzlings have a different origin story in FIENDship is Magic than in the season 7 finale?

Group Contributor

Lets not forget about Princess Eris now as well

Group Contributor

also what about the other comic villains such as King Longhorn and Big Boy & Runt? The former would be perfect for Home On The Range.

Group Admin

Disney Villains - Brian Hull - We're Not So Bad

I wonder if both the Disney and MLP villains would sing this musical score together?

Group Admin

I love this video. This Brian Hull chap performs some stellar covers of all the songs he knows. And given what we've seen with this parody of 'I've Got A Dream', I've always wondered how it would look with the villains actually doing this cover. But most videos based off this one merely only borrow their film clips which to me is a tad amateurish but given the limitations they had they really didn't have any other choice. I will say it's one of my favorite videos that Mr. Hull has ever put together.

Group Admin

Okay, as of Season 9, King Sombra will be open for debate. I'd like to know how exactly did the king live again.

Group Admin

I have a theory as to how the King survived and how long it took for him to recover. We saw when his horn got chipped that it formed one of those dark crystals. I'm leading to speculate that when Sombra was overcome by the power of the Crystal Heart and exploded into pieces, that horn of his must've landed somewhere outside the kingdom, sinking deep beneath the snowy depths to form some crystal cocoon powered by it's dark energy. Sombra would've needed all that time to gather his strength until he was ready to strike when the Crystal Ponies least expect it. Of course, how he managed to get into the castle if the barrier should've kept him out remains to be determined.

Unless of course the horn had landed somewhere in the Crystal Empire and it was kept in storage for further study by an ambitious pony.

Group Admin

Possibly. But like I said, let's wait and see what answers Season 9 would reveal for us.

Group Admin

Maybe he was ressurected. There's only one MLP villain that can bring the dead back to life: Grogar.

Group Admin

Yep. I might have to redo that Gen.1 villains list then.

Group Contributor

We're just gonna have to wait and see.

Group Admin

We don't know for sure what the story is with King Sombra at the moment, why he came back, what he'd possibly want with Flurry Heart... Or why the heck Princess Cadence and Shining Armor isn't in any of the scenes attempting to stop him. The series definitely has a plan that involves King Sombra, whether we know what it is or not. We got one story arc from the comics, but let's face it nobody counts that as canon with the show. In this case, there's a new story in the works that could possibly either answer a few questions or stir some new ones. But the only way to know for sure is to wait until next month to determine if Sombra actually has more of a character to present... Or go back to being a snarling monster speaking very few words.

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