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Firestorm Destroys Something Rather Important - BradyBunch

[Due to this story being so different from other stories that I have read this review will be different from the other ones.]

This story… was something I read. I honestly don't know what to say about it. One of the major things I have found has been a recurring critique over my reviews has been the suggestion to lengthen it out and to add more content. This story, however, is one where I would prefer it to be longer but I’m not sure it would actually improve it. It's not that the length is bad or that the story’s bad, just that it being comedy and random (my two weakest tags) I legitimately don't know how to properly critique it to say what went right and what went wrong. So, lets look at the story in its entirety. The most obvious and significant aspect of the story, as it's inclusion is almost 1/3rd of the entire length, was the section of the story that's the reason for the two aforementioned tags. If you are familiar with the youtuber HowToBasic then this is the Fimfic equivalent to his videos.

The next thing to talk about would be the characters. These… are a thing. They fit for the type of story this is and allow for some play between them to organically come about. BUT, their inclusion is simply serviceable. They don't excel but they don't detract from the experience, we simply get a surface read on who they are. I try not to discuss characters in stories with less than 5K words, but due to how much of the story is structured around who they are and how they interact with one another it seemed like an important point.

Finally, the ending. I usually refrain from taking specifically about endings but since it is literally spoiled by the title I feel no such restraint. I desperately wish that the ending wouldn’t have been spoiled by the title, I really do. If the title would have just been something generic or a bit less on the nose I feel the revelation that the thing was important would have come off for more humorous. As it stands, when reading the story all I was doing as waiting to see how he breaks it and how he finds out it was important.

The main problem I had with this story was that there really isn’t much of anything for me to review. Similar to my review for Fog on the Window, there just isn't that much that happens that can be reviewed. Also similar to Fog on the Window, this is a side story and not required reading for the main thing (I think. A Rather Large Adventure -or at least the first 50,000 words- should be reviewed by me by 1/28/19).

Final Scores:

Comedy: 8/10, If you like HowToBasic then this fic is for you. The absurdist humor is that guy's style and is delivered well. The reason the points were docked was mostly due to the implementation of the style either not translating well to the written form or the author not utilizing the style to it's fullest.

Characters: 6/10, neither good nor bad, they work for what the story needed.

Premise: 7/10, a humorous little tale of a trio of soldiers after a successful mission figuring out what to do with what they were able to salvage from their mission.

Summary: 21/30 or 7/10. This story is neither excellent nor bad, it’s good. It’s unoffensive and if you like the type of comedy this is based on this is perfectly serviceable.

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