The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild 230 members · 997 stories
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I see several Republican-majority state legislatures are looking to restrict access to voting. It’s very telling, and pretty damn sad, that for Republicans to win elections they have to prevent people from voting rather than include more people.
Pretty sure if there were still legitimate fiscal conservatives in their ranks they’d do better. You know, reduce wasteful spending while seeing to it everyone pays their fair share including the wealthy (and especially the über-wealthy), rather than cut taxes for those who already have too much. As it stands, I’m stuck picking between porkbarrel spending on the left vs. taxes on higher-incomes and estates all-but disappearing on the right.
Also a little tired of corporate money fueling Democrats and Republicans alike, and their rank-and-file voters screeching about their opponents’ taking it while ignoring their own party’s doing the same.
Doesn’t seem like anybody trying to fix it, either. Should I get involved?


Probably sooner than the Democrats proving that the GOP is restricting votes. Besides, Times Magazine already admitted the rigging of the 2020 election against Trump (and if you think that Republicans, Democrats, Big Tech, corporations, political activist and news agencies colluding together to influence the vote against Trump, while also pushing for policies that only help Biden, isn't rigging an election, then you have confirmation bias, because you know well that you would be calling for illegitimacy had this been done to help Trump win).


Asking for an ID =/= Restricting people from voting, heck, the US is the only country in the world that does it and I'm certain Maduro would love to eliminate the ID if that meant he could get more votes.

Cool. Well if they're openly admitting they rigged the election then Trump will have zero problem winning those court cases and sending them all to jail.

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

The court cases that the courts refuse to hear?

Not getting your case thrown out is the first stage in winning a court case, yes. If the court dismisses your case before going to trial then you probably weren't going to win it. Usually it's due to a substantial lack of evidence to the point they deem the actual trial unnecessary.

And yes, the court does look at evidence presented to them before deciding to dismiss a case. They don't just flip a coin or whatever.


If the court dismisses your case before going to trial then you probably weren't going to win it. Usually it's due to a substantial lack of evidence to the point they deem the actual trial unnecessary.

This argument would actually hold if The Supreme Court had actually given a reason as to why they decided to NOT hear the case. But, hey, it will be fun to watch the Democrats try to use the courts when is their turn to claim fraud after losing and be unable to prove it.


But, hey, it will be fun to watch the Democrats try to use the courts when is their turn to claim fraud after losing and be unable to prove it.

Are they not going to rig the elections next time or something? In this conspiracy theory they can do it so well that the courts won't even hear the case for voter fraud.

Well I actually have some level of integrity. If the Democrats claim there was widespread voter fraud in the next election then fail to prove it in court then I will say there was no voter fraud in the next election. You can quote that.

Anyway, you're free to believe whatever you want. But the fact remains Trump cannot get his allegations into court, let alone prove his allegations in court. No one will go to jail for widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.


Are they not going to rig the elections next time or something?

It looks like you don't read what happens in the states, the GOP is already addressing the issues that the courts refused to listen. Granted, I'm sure they will still try to rig the elections, but I already have an idea of what will happen to them if they try to use the courts.

The GOP has been pushing voter suppression stuff for decades. I don't see how they'd be able to stop what would have to be an incredible election rigging system at this point.

I should probably stop talking to you, though. I can already tell that the test is 'if the democrats win it was rigged and if the republicans win it was legit''. Full stop. Doesn't matter what either side can prove or what the courts say.


The GOP has been pushing voter suppression stuff for decades.

Asking for an ID to vote isn't Voter Suppression, it's funny though, whenever the GOP tries to bring something that could bring trust to the electoral process, the Democrats call it "Voter Suppression" as if only voting makes an election democratic or good. They know nothing of election integrity.

I don't see how they'd be able to stop what would have to be an incredible election rigging system at this point.

Again, you should read what it's happening on the local level, things are already moving but if you think that election rigging cannot be stopped or defeated, it has been defeated in Venezuela, in the 2015 legislative elections, and the Democrats were unable to stop the GOP from winning seats on the House of Representatives.

Granted, if you think no fraud happened because the courts said nothing, that the GOP does voter suppression and that this is 'if the democrats win it was rigged and if the republicans win it was legit'' then you don't understand what has been talked about.

China Uncensored: China Draws Red Lines for US | what Is Biden China Policy?

Matt Christiansen: Smith College Ruins Workers' Lives Over Hoaxed Racism Accusations | The Narrative Survives Anyway

China Uncensored: China Orders Hong Kong to be More "Patriotic"

America Uncovered: Coca-Cola Says "Be Less White" & Biden's "Kids in Cages" Controversy

America Uncovered: Can Biden Stop Iran's Nuclear Missiles?

Matt Christiansen: Toronto-Area Authorities Say Isolate Kids Within Their Own Homes | Some Parents Actually Comply

Viva Frei: Parler vs. Amazon "Voluntary Dismissal"? Lawyer Explains

America Uncovered: Biden's MASSIVE Covid Stimulus Bill Enters Senate

7448072 is correct, not a single Republican supported it, also, two DEMOCRATS rejected it.

China Uncensored: World Health Organization Investigators Tied to China?

America Uncovered: Dr. Seuss Cancelled & Andrew Cuomo's Sexual Harassment Allegations

Remember when Biden and the democrats were critical of Trump for being soft on Saudi Arabia, if this the time to apply them the Clown Meme?

Also, banning Dr. Seuss, or trying to cancel for him, for modern ideas is a bad idea.

Matt Christiansen: Dozens of Portland Riot Charges Are Quietly Dropped | The 'Mockery' of the Rule of Law

China Uncensored: China Declares War on Bitcoin

Oh yeah, a Chinese "crypto currency", I'm certain it will be as effective as Maduro's Petro.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The actual Dr. Seuss books that are no longer being printed by the publisher are: “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!,” and “The Cat’s Quizzer.”. (So... most of his well known books are still being published.)

Here's two pictures from "If I Ran the Zoo".

"Helpers who all wear their eyes at a slant"? Really?

--Sweetie Belle

Viva Frei:

Facebook to Pay $650 MILLION Settlement for Privacy Invasion

China Uncensored: India-China Border Clash: Chinese Police Cancel Online Discussion

Officer Hotpants
Group Admin

And? Asians do have distinct eye shapes. It's not like he said "I'll hunt in the mountains of the Muh-Qing-Binks".

Timcast: ENTIRE Democratic Staff In Nevada QUITS After Socialist Wins Every Party Leadership Seat

America Uncovered: Biden Sanctions Russia. Is He Tougher Than Trump? | Alexei Navalny Poisoning

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

And slant-eyes is specifically used as a ethnic slur against them. See under S here.
I'm pretty sure if you go out and start calling asians that, they are not going to be happy....

--Sweetie Belle

Matt Christiansen: BLM Agitators Harass Kids Outside of Cheerleading Competition | Bow of Get Beat Up

China Uncensored: Is Taiwan Prepared for a Chinese Invasion?

America Uncovered: Democrats Pass MASSIVE Election Reform Bill

VisualPolitik EN: ARGENTINA: The world's most EXPENSIVE Political System?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Disney's Bob Chapek, Bob Iger to Chair Dual Diversity Councils


I hear they might even have people that go by Robert on the councils... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

China Uncensored: Americans View China As THE ENEMY as CCP Prepares for War

America Uncovered: Will California Recall Governor Gavin Newson? | Coronavirus Stimulus Check Update

China Uncensored: China-Russia MOON BASE Begins

VisualPolitik EN: Why is ALASKA on the verge of BANKRUPTCY? (Despite being SO RICH)

Matt Christiansen: The George Floyd Autonomous Zone | It’s Murderous, but Nobody Cares About These Killings

Fox News SLAPPs Back at $2.7 Billion Defamation Suit

China Uncensored: Taiwan's Pineapple Craze to Thwart China

America Uncovered: Is the US Breaking Apart? | Why Some Conservatives Want to Form New States

You know how the Democrats always complain about the US Senate being "undemocratic" by giving each state 2 senators equally? Want to know how things would be under their idealistic narrative? In California, 1 senator for 11 CONSERVATIVE counties and 11 senators for LOS ANGELES (Democrat) County. I suppose they only care about communities being unrepresented/unheard is when it's convenient to them.

Thanks Supreme Court of 1964.

Regarding the state secessionist movements (create their own states within the US) I really don't see any of these working out, especially in California.

INB4 "they are being childish because they don't like getting ruled by democrats": If Puerto Rico and Washington DC has a right for self determination, so does this counties who are being literally ignored just because they don't align with the ideology of the ruling party on each state.

You know the only reason people cry about federal senstors is that thry don't know what a federation is. Every other federation in the world has to make a compromise between federation and regional power on account thats how federations run.

That also means evening out federal influence between members. The only reason people are made abouy senators is more to do euth the fact the USA stupidity limited their lower house while most others I believe haven't.

You know corporate diversity councils either A) don't do much of an impact, or B) really only allow company loyalists to hand pick people of backgrounds who they know will never criticize them and be groomed into company loyalists.


So it would be recorded that someone tried to do their Constitutional duty, even if it was hopeless against traitors.

Most of them already betrayed us to corporate interests long ago. In reality they are more mad that the 40 years of doing so bite them in th ass to a degree.
Funny, but most of what progressives had wanted was gutted from it. Furthermore, the checks are not debt collection protected, cut off 17 million (lmostly suburban) and are still based on the 2019 yexas which are completely out of date.

Its also not even enough to get the nation back on track. Just enough to keep the collapse from being to bad but not enough to undo its effects. This will just be the Obama era type recovery which wasn't even felt until his last two years in office.
Democrats Pass MASSIVE Election Reform Bill

HR1 is just symbolism. The Dems know it can't pass. Even if they nix the filibuster their still a process of which requires 60 votes. This isn't like the 1965 civil rights act were all but 15 sebators were for it. That had the votes to pass. In todays hyperparitasin world the dems would need 10 republicans to join abd even if they did the danm bill over played itself by demsnding complete changes to both state voting laws abd the conduct of the Supreme Court.

If that law gets to the courts it's dead. Truth is the DNC wants the GOP base to be ready to fight and take back the house to justify whats effectively their weakness.

Oh, and for more grim news. The only thing standing in Bidens way of rejoining the Iranian deal is his refusal to lift sanctions. We're literally in a stalemate as Iran refuses to let in international nuclear checkers or whatever unless the US lifts its sanctions. But the USA again won't lift them unless Iran lets in the watch group. Thus stalemate only has to last until June at which point the new president of Iran (who will likely be a hardline) will simply tear up the deal.

Oh, and it might look like our military leadership expects that to happen. Our military presence hasn't withdrawn from Afghanistan and troops are redeployed to Iraq. It looks like they are expecting a war and are planning to invade from two sides.

And yes its arguable that the ending of the deal would count as a justified reason to go to war.

Comment posted by Mega NewWays97 deleted Mar 17th, 2021

Well the Equal Rights Amendment got a no deadline extension by the hoise so they can make it a part of the constitution... except take away the senate battle their one problem.

Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, Tennessee, and South Dakota revoked their ratifications. Their no certainity on if this actually you know... is allowed or if it means only 33 states ratified it.

I took this from yahoo news as it shows what the court might rule if this is broight up.

"If you count a latecomer on the plus side," Ginsburg said during an appearance at Georgetown University Law Center, "how can you disregard states that said 'We’ve changed our minds?'"

China Uncensored: ENORMOUS Sandstorm Englufs China

Matt Christiansen: Matt Christiansen: Nashville Woman Loses Traffic Stop Shootout With Cop | Mom Wants Answers, Bodycam Gives Them

America Uncovered: Biden Wants $4 Billion to Fix Border Crisis

Speaking of policies that are completely useless, I've noticed a trend with Democrat Lawmakers where they tend to add stuff into their bills that are completely unrelated to the bill itself and only is to push ideological stuff.

Porking is literally a dumb thing. Especially when we had that 5,000 page monster that got passed despite no one reading it.

China Uncensored: Biden Administration's China Summit: What's At Stake?

So Biden sanctioned Chinese officials... great let's hope he does mor- Oh wait, those were already done by Trump.

He's just contining nearly everything in firgien Trump was doing... with the exception of only supporting Saudi Arabia defensively (the Pentagon considers the whole thing as basically them being defensive so who cares) and santioning Russia

Matt Christiansen: The Anti-Asian Hate Crime Surge: Another Manufactured Hysteria | All the Facts

China Uncensored: Chinese FIshermen VS US Coast Guard? | China's Maritime Militia

VisualPolitik EN: MYANMAR: All the Keys to the Coup D'état

Ok, they added the testimony of someone who lives in there as the coup is developing, cool.

Chinese FIshermen VS US Coast Guard?

Funny enough Indonesia is sick of dealing with Chinese fishing boats as is Argentina. Both nations now have a "leave or we sink you" policy when it comes to this

Actually on this note China acting like its the new Global hegemon... which jt likely will be but by my current assertion thats likely to be so in about 10-20 years. Really depends on how quickly America burns through the twilight years of its influence.

Okay, if you see anyone screaming that qe had muskets wgen the constitution was signed please tell them to shut up. For one thing muskets were already being phased out across the world for rifles by the time the war begun, and by its end the beginings of relovers, repeaters, abd gatling weapons were starting to be developed.

The actual reason for the second amendment was because the USA was envisonsed to be defensive when it came to war/only fight on their home contient aganist powers that take up to a week to properly react to them.

"We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again. I got that done when I was a senator. It passed, it was the law for the longest time and it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again."

... Yes this is from Biden and no. No this never happened like he thinks it lets up. Assault weapons are not unbanned. Full autoweapons have been banned for close to half a f*cking century. That never been overturned or fought.

What he's complaining about the economic consensus and 40 years of austerity to everything that isn't military or federal intelligence related has done to our society... which he is continuing to do!

America Uncovered: US China Meeting--Will Biden Back Down?

China just going to let us waste away our resources in a pointless attempt at military built up in a world who is already sensing the weakness and is getting tired of putting up with our cultural imperialism at the tip of economic dependency... or military force.


I'm fairly certain may prefer the US to China, especially functioning democracies.

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