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Can't believe it! The Ravens didn't looked like the Ravens that was beating even the top teams one by one in their winning streak.

Titans are for real.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Every bit of surprising. Both of my dad’s friends bet on the Titans. Won several thousand.

Btw, one of them bet around $50K on Japan in the last World Cup.

Group Admin






Does anyone besides me think that this year's halftime show is going to suck big time? I swear, so many people are so excited for it and for the love of Lombardi, what football fans listen to Shakira and JLo? They need to bring in rock acts for halftime, groups like Metallica, The Scorpions, Judas Priest, etc. They play so much metal in the stadiums so why not bring in a metal act for halftime?


I didn't give much thought about it. Then again, I usually don't watch the halftime show much anyway, unless I'm watching the Super Bowl at someone else's place.

Group Admin


Once again most people will use it for a beer run, to take a massive shit, get online and talk about the first half (me for instance) and of course a lot of people will make use of the mute button. The only purpose those two will serve is eye candy for guys who like skinny girls.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

All about the money.

Btw I’m kinda conflicted on who I want to win. Niners are a divisional rival, but if Chiefs lose, Seattle may end up with a higher 2nd round pick.

Group Admin


Yeah I can see where you would be conflicted....pull for the Niners! That is my suggestion.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Yeah but, the Chiefs don’t win a whole lot so...

Also lot of the Niners players gonna be asking for a lot of money later on. Jimmy G is literally your Achillies Heel.

Group Admin


Well hey, it has been 25 years since the last Super Bowl win! Yes I know it has been 50 for KC but as a 49ers fan, you ought to know who I'd pull for. Hey if it was Seattle and Baltimore in the Super Bowl I'd pull for Seattle!

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

I know. I got no beef. I’m living in a neighborhood full of Steelers, Rams, Cowboys, and Chiefs fans.

Also kinda apprehensive because there were some Niners fans who were doxxing Seahawks fans in social media and they got a bunch of death threats.

Group Admin


WTF? The Seahawks fans got death threats or the 49ers fans got death threats?

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Prominent Seahawks fans. They got suspended of course but those guys will just come back with different accounts when the rivalry heats up. Doxxing is why I don't use my personal email in social media.

But hey, if Niners win, that's okay for me. I'm happy for Saleh and Sherman who both were Seahawks. If Chiefs win, I'm happy for Frank Clark and to an extent, Patrick Mahomes because he got passed over in the draft for some reason??? Guy was a beast in Texas Tech so I have no idea why he got passed over but then again, Russell Wilson of all people fell to the 3rd Round.

Group Admin


I will say this, those people who gave those Seattle fans death threats do not represent the majority of Niner Nation. Yes we fight with Seattle fans but only very few would ever go as far as making death threats and those ones, most of us won't accept them. I will agree on Wilson, how the hell did he drop to the third round? I honestly wish the 49ers would have drafted him, he is a great player on the field and a class act off of it.

Group Contributor

It surely will suck. I'll be freshening up the snack table and making sure the keg's tapped properly during that time.

Group Admin


I swear, I don't think the NFL even cares about what actual football fans like. They just get some shitty act in that will appeal to the blokes that only watch for the halftime show and the commercials. Real football fans don't listen to that shit.

Group Contributor

Won $200! Never seen an end like that.

Group Admin


Normally I would be happy for you but in this instance I'm not.

Group Contributor

I said I took less pleasure than normal! :fluttershysad:

Group Contributor

I walked away with $200. I put up my $80 of beer and snack money and bet on 5:2 odds.

I figured KC might be able to rally in the second half even if SF clobbered them in the first and run away with it like they have a few times this year. But they went and did something you only see in movies.

Group Admin


I guess I shouldn't be surprised given that Shannahan was the OC when Atlanta choked against New England after taking that 28-3 lead but still, this has left a very sour taste in my mouth.

Group Contributor

That ending surprised me a little, but as was said, the Chiefs were more than capable of pulling such a stunt. I just don't know how they staged that many double-digit comebacks in one season.

Group Contributor

Yeah. Never know what will happen.

Group Admin


Yeah they pulled that many. I think the big problem was their opponents taking their foot off the gas and writing them off once they got so much of a lead. That is something that no team should ever do and when it comes to that Super Bowl, I know that conversion on 3rd and 15 is what turned the tide. I remember getting a very sick feeling in my stomach when that happened. I just hope the hell my Niners don't suffer that Super Bowl hangover and wind up being mediocre next season.

Group Admin




Anyone here watching the XFL?


I forgot it was on. I'm going to have to get used to having some football after the Super Bowl.

Not that I don't mind!

Group Admin

It is a hell of a lot better than it was the first time around back in 2000. Back then it was just a mix of WWF and football. This new version, they are actually playing serious football. More football is always good! I don't have a team I support in it, I'm just glad we get an extra couple months of 🏈

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor


Don't have time, XFL basically the NFL G League

Anyways, I've only been paying attention to the Seahawks offseason.

Seahawks in a good position with a predicted 9 draft picks and around $54 million in cap space. Could easily reach $70 million after releasing several players.

John Schneider's a fucking wizard, no denying that. In my honest opinion, trade the 1st and 3rd to the Detroit Lions for Darius Slay, sign Greg Olsen to pair with Will Dissly, draft Michael Pittman Jr to go behind John Ursua, DK Metcalf, and Tyler Lockett, draft Colby Parkinson to go behind Greg Olsen and Will Dissly, sign Dante Fowler Jr, resign Jadeveon Clowney, sign both Bryan Bulaga and Brandon Scherff, resign both Quinton Jefferson and Al Woods, and let go of Jarran Reed, Malik Turner, Ed Dickson, Jaron Brown, Justin Britt (but for God's sake let Ethan Pocic be Center and not Joey Hunt), Mychal Kendricks, Mike Iupati, and Germain Ifedi. David Moore is optional as he didn't really do anything last season. Would rather put in Ursua in Jaron Brown's place and Cody Barton or Ben Burr-Kirven in Mychal Kendrick's spot. (Oh lordy BBK is fast as fuck for a Linebacker). It's a crime he fell far in the draft.

If the Vikings choose to let go of Stefon Diggs (Because the Vikings are in a shit position and are over the cap limit), Schneider better be on that fucking quick like Pete Carroll and a stick of gum.






So is anyone here watching the XFL? If so, what is your opinion of it so far?


I didn't get to see it today, but from what I saw last week, overall I like it.


I think it is good. The fans in St. Louis seem to really support their team. That is probably so because St. Louis has not had pro football for quite a while and that will work in their advantage big time.

Group Admin


I do think St. Louis does have an advantage because of that and damn, they owned New York today. New York played downright terrible and that kicker for St. Louis, I'm betting the Bears come calling soon. He kicked two field goals from 50+ and they could certainly use a good kicker.

I don't know! But I was hoping that you meant hoofball (the international one, not the american one!) ⚽

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Ah yes, very enjoyable sport

Wait...did you really just say...hoofball?

Um, crazy, and why should I delete it again? Ponies, after all!

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Fuck the ponies. It’s our sport.

I understand, but only with certain context.

Group Contributor

Bunch of dramatic assholes faking injuries.

Once I saw an Italian get punched in the jaw in a game and he still rolled around hugging his knee.

Group Admin


So think baseball will return in July like the owners are hoping?

Group Contributor

No. It may be up to 3 years until things are normal. Maybe 1 before pro sports are back.

That is what Pone figures. He is kind of in survivalist mode.

Group Admin


On CNN they reported that the owners have come up with a plan involving the season starting in July with no fans in the stands but I highly doubt the players union is going to agree to this. Their plan involved pay for only part of a season, a DH in the NL and 14 playoff teams. The plan simply seems to favor the owners too much. I think that they should just scrap this season and focus on 2021. Regarding how long it will be until things are back to normal will depend on how the country re-opens the economy. Reopening too soon will only set us back further....a case involving night clubs in South Korea and reopening too soon in Germany have already proven that and that is in countries where people aren't as stubborn about wearing masks as we are. I would expect that from Pone though, I would love to see live sports return soon but I think that for the safety of all, just scrap everything until would be better to have to wait just one year than two or three.

Group Admin

It seems so damn weird. No fans in the stands at some stadiums, very few fans in other stadiums, both college and pro. What is so annoying though is the tacky fake crowd noise. They can't even get it to sound right and for the love of Celestia, fans in Vegas would not be cheering when the Saints score a touchdown. Just sharing my thoughts on this.

With how surreal the NFL season is this year, thanks to that pandemic, I almost forgot about this thread.

It seems like they're trying, but the fake crowd noise just isn't the same as the real deal. Also, Can't believe the Cowboys pulled off that come from behind win! the 29-10 was almost the new 28-3 for the Falcons.

Group Admin

This season is definitely going to be a strange one, one unlike the others because of the pandemic. It has started out horrible though because of Bosa's torn ACL and Garopollo's injury. I just hope my Niners can pull a rabbit out of a hat and have another great season. yeah what the Cowboys did was strange, especially for them.

And it still doesn't seem right to see Brady in a Tampa uniform. I'd love to see the Patriots manage to go and win everything WITHOUT Brady, hell play Tampa in the Super Bowl and win. That would be priceless.

Yeah, it didn't feel quite right seeing Brady in a different uniform. I really didn't think he'd ever leave, especially since it wasn't like the guy to take over was already ready to start, like Aaron Rodgers was when the Packers traded Favre.

Obviously, I'd went either the Panthers or Cowboys in the Super Bowl since they are both my favorite teams, but Bill Belichick having to gameplan against Brady...that would see a sight, to say the least. It there's any Head coach that knows Brady's weaknesses and how to attack him the best, it would be Belichick.

Group Admin


NFL ratings are down this year because of the protests but I could see a Belichick/Brady Super Bowl bringing in record ratings. Even the people who are pissed off at the league for supporting the protesting would likely be so curious about it that they may take a one day break from their boycott. I swear though, I will NEVER get used to the Las Vegas Raiders.


Oh, yeah. Stephen A. Smith loves seeing them lose.

Group Admin


Just wait until they get eliminated from playoff contention....that one will be hilarious!

Group Contributor

I missed the game.

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