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Group Contributor

Anyone else enjoying the season? We have fun and drama and some really stupid!

Group Contributor

I don't think we'll see as much stupid in the very near future... until they forget how much money it costs to bludgeon another man with his own hat (which they will). :derpytongue2:

Group Admin


As a 49ers fan, yes I am. Outside of that game against Seattle, it has been good. Also, being a UW alumni, seeing Josh Allen's Buffalo Bills being 8-3 has been a pleasant surprise and Jon Gruden calling a ref "A cock sucking mother fucker" today was hilarious!

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor


Being a Seattle fan is the most frustrating thing ever. They love to have really close-scoring games and when Russ balls, his other teammates are on a down day.

Good example would be today where Seattle couldā€™ve scored 4 TDs but 2 dropped passes by DK Metcalf and 2 fumbles by Chris Carson spoiled it. Except for the overthrow on a wide open Jacob Hollister that couldā€™ve also been a TD. Thatā€™s on Russ.

Group Admin


I can imagine. No offense but being a Seattle fan would be awful to start with :scootangel: Just kidding, I can understand where you're coming from. What I hate is when the damn defense is so horrible that the offense has to put up five TDs just to win the game or the offense is so anemic that you have to ride your defense to victory.

Group Contributor

I always forget you're a Cowboy.


At least the Seahawks more often than not win those close games. Not to mention, you got one of the most clutch QBs in the league and forerunner for 2020 MVP.

The Lions on the other hand can't seem to win those close games this year, so I'd say being a lions' fan is much more frustrating.

Group Admin


Yeah I got into an argument with some Denver fans bashing the guy today. One said, "Oh I'd take Tebow any day because he can win games." My response, "Hello, 8-3 is a winning record." Another brought up how he has to run the ball all the time and was in a very condescending way saying they wonder where he will be in three years. I told them that I'd be laughing if he was hoisting the Lombardi Trophy and he is a hell of a lot closer to doing that than Denver is.

Group Contributor

I laughed when he said that. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin


I'm curious as to how much he is going to get fined for that. My guess is probably in the neighborhood of $ 50,000

Group Contributor

No, I meant that you went to UW. They're still the Cowboys, right? Or did some left-winger scream loudly enough that it was changed?

Group Contributor




Hey we got a stinker skunking up the thread!

Group Contributor

And a kingly fellow he certainly is not! Go back to your Canadian football, you stinker... with your 110-yd fields and eight months of snow!

Group Admin


Yeah, they are the Cowboys. I'm just saying I got into an argument with some Broncos fans who were bashing Josh Allen since Buffalo was playing Denver. One thing is, most people in Laramie are Denver fans EXCEPT for when they're playing Buffalo. I like the Broncos and the Bills both but my life long love is the 49ers....and damn the 49ers kicked Green Bay's ass. Outside of a few bone headed mistakes on defense, they kicked the Pack's ass.


Tsk Tsk, that stinker is so full of himself!

Group Contributor

I'm thinking it might soon be time to lay down a little poetry...

Look at that! Twelve comments in and we've already devolved.

Group Admin


Speaking of the CFL, the team up there I like, the Hamilton Tiger cats, lost the Grey Cup to Winnipeg. The stinker doesn't remind me of the football type....he reminds me of the figure skating type.


I'm surprised to took us that long.:rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

I've never followed the CFL. But I'm a decent poet! Here's an old one; I'm too tired to come up with a new one.

Padding membership
Mainly by banning people
Gosh, it's pathetic

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor


Well the thing is for Seattle it's always the offense stepping up and the defense disappearing and vice versa. But I do have to thank the Texans and the Lions for giving us Jadeveon Clowney and Quandre Diggs for almost nothing tho.

Upside is the Seahawks fanbase is full of memes.

Group Contributor


Pumped group story-count
Mostly head admin add-ons
Goes against what's cool

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

7063196 what world do left-wingers have any problems with a team named the ā€œCowboysā€?

Yeah the Dallas Cowboys are America's team after all. My Cowboys are having an up and down year so far, some weeks we look like the best team in the league and other's we look down right pathetic. Hopefully they can pull it together and win the division.

Group Contributor

Laramie, not Dallas. Some take issue with the University of Wyoming's mascot being the cowboy. The same folks take issue with one of Wyoming's nicknames. Wyoming is known as "The Equality State"; it's also known as "The Cowboy State". Guess which one causes upset.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Left-wingers generally donā€™t have a problem, you guys just have a bunch of nut-cases but every state has those people.

Just like here in California we got a bunch of out-of-touch boomers living in Orange County and white supremacists who canā€™t accept the fact theyā€™re not welcome here even in the whitest areas like Anaheim.

But itā€™s also kind of a strange part of the US. Here in my area, Bernie supporters and Trump supporters are literally neighbors and we have no problems with each other.

Group Admin



You two catch the 49ers/Seahawks game? I swear, this is five straight games where my Niners have nearly given me a damn heart if the Niners have another game like this and I suddenly look like I left the site, just know I had a heart attack and didn't survive.

Oh and I decided to pin this so it will always be available for us to easily find.


I sure saw it. Things got really interesting when the Seahawks was at the one-yard line AND they had Beast Mode again. That delay of game took away what would have been talking about all week, whether they got in or not, or how.

Group Admin





Well folks Jason Garrett's contract will not be renewed and the Cowboys will be moving forward without him? Any thoughts on this? Personally I'm disappointed because I love the fact that he never took Dem Boyz anywhere....well hopefully the next coach will be terrible.


As a Cowboys fan, I have to say: FINALLY! Just might be worth missing out on the playoffs this year if it meant getting rid of him, and they end up getting a coach that'll get them somewhere.

Group Admin


Here is the problem, JERRY JONES. The guy wants a "yes man" as a coach rather than a coach that will be allowed to handle things his way. The first thing Jerry could do is step down as GM and get someone in there that knows what he is doing but Jerry said, "I'm not going to fire myself" when it came to the GM issue. I remember back in the 90s when he fired Jimmy Johnson after winning back-to-back Super Bowls. I thought it was the idiot move of the decade but as a 49ers fan, it did make me happy. He fired Jimmy solely because he wanted too much control over the team, he wanted the type of control to where he could continue to build a competitive team (which he did). Now I am very glad that Jed York in San Fran finally decided to step back and get a GM that wants to build a great team and hired a good coach. Now I did do something funny though, I went to the Giants FB page and commented that Garrett was available because I'm pretty sure he'd love a chance to stick it to Jerry twice a season now.

Hey not cool, Garrett was the best coach we've had since Barry Switzer. I'm kinda glad to see them finally making some changes, but things won't really get better until Jerry Jones gets outta the way. He's the biggest problem the team has.

Group Admin


Well what Jerry needs to do is get an actual GM instead of doing that himself and let the next coach have more say over the roster but Jerry's ego is really holding the team back. York brought in Lynch as the GM in San Fran and then they brought in Kyle Shannahan as coach....and good thing this year, Jimmy G. has remained healthy which led to the 13-3 record. I think a lot of Dallas fans though were too hard on Garrett and don't understand the whole situation involving how much control Jerry really has. Hell if he could get away with it I could see him wanting to coach the team himself....which is against the rules. The only owner to get away with that was Al Davis early in in the Raiders' existence, back when the AFL still existed before the merger.


Yeah. Jerry needs to go most of all, or at least get a GM to do it. But that's not happening anytime soon, unfortunately for Cowboy fans everywhere.

Group Admin


And much to the delight of fans of the other 31 teams.

Group Admin





My AFC Wildcard Predictions


New England...................31

NFC Predictions

New Orleans......................41


What are yours?

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Seattle over Eagles with Diggs and Clowney back from injury

Since itā€™s a Brian Schottenheimer offense, offense will be quiet first half before going full panic mode on second half.


Buffalo: 20

New England:27

Minnesota: 17
New Orleans: 31

Seattle: 34
Philadelphia: 28

Group Admin


We shall see when it comes to the Seattle/Philadelphia game.....I'm hoping the Eagles win but of course every 49ers fan is likely hoping for the same.


Looks like we're thinking differently on the Hou/Buf and Phi/Sea games. So far Buffalo is up 13-0 on Houston at halftime....Josh Allen is doing quite well.


He is. If he and the Bills keep it up, the Bills' streak of no playoff wins will finally end.

So much for the Bills ending their drought of no playoff wins.

And I can't believe it! The Patriots LOST!

Wow. Just, wow.:rainbowderp:

Group Admin


Yeah that was something regarding the Patriots. Well they are like t he late Roman Empire right now, in serious today's games, I'm glad that the Vikings won (easier for the 49ers to handle) but I'm not thrilled that the Seachickens won....that helmet to helmet hit on Wentz that went uncalled didn't help matters any. I'm betting though had the same thing happened to Russel Wilson, the flag would have been thrown.

Group Admin






Well guys if the 49ers game is really close and you don't hear from me or see me active, just know the game caused me to have a heart attack and I didn't survive.

My pick:

Minnesota 17
San Francisco 38

God I hope I'm right, I don't think I can handle any more games that go down to the final seconds.


I'll go with

Minnesota 18
San Francisco 27

Picks for the other games.

Houston: 31
Kansas City: 34

Seattle: 27
Green Bay: 21 (upset pick, though I'm personally rooting for Green Bay)

Tennessee: 21
Baltimore: 31

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Welcome to the club buddy. This is pretty much every Seahawks game this season.

Group Admin


As far as my other is a bit late to pick a winner on the Baltimore/Titans game since it already started but I will predict the others.

Houston 19
Kansas City 28

Seattle 27
Green Bay 30


Thankfully today's game didn't go down to the final seconds....I don't know how much more in the way of "down to the final play" games I can take.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

I'm a little mad I can't talk shit about the Ravens on Twitter because someone got upset I called out Pete Buttigieg on his bullshit so I got reported and suspended for a week.

Group Admin


WTF? You got suspended for a week over that? Some people have such thin truly is pathetic.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor

Yeah, Twitter's gay asf suspending and banning Leftists but are perfectly fine with Nazis and White Supremacists

Case and point: Richard Spencer


Wow. I haven't always had the toughest skin, but wow, even at my most sensitive I wouldn't have wanted to report someone for just that. Unless a lot happened that triggered that ban, it's crazy to be reported and banned for a week on Twitter for that.

Mr Dorito
Group Contributor


Well the thing I find bullshit is Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg stans have been reporting a lot of Bernie supporters for soft shit and Twitter agrees with them for some reason.

I think I also got heat because I replied to Peteā€™s main account to donate to which the Bernie campaign staffers actually bought and the link leads to Bernieā€™s donation page.

It was worth it though. So many Suburban moms didnā€™t like how the Bernie campaign bought

Itā€™s kind of like which leads to the Chilled Chaos Youtube page.

Group Admin



So guys, lets get this discussion back on track. What are your thoughts on the Titans beating the Ravens?

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