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Group Admin

First of all, when I say 'switcheroo,' this is not what I had in mind.

(Mildly NSFW-ish, but it touches on some weird stuff that you'd probably see in the featured box with your mature filter turned off. Still hilarious, however).

In any case, the deadline is fast approaching! And people have asked me "oh hey, what's the deal with posting our stories?" Which ... I haven't really thought about because I'm making this up as I go along. But! After talking with some folks, here's a vague plan:

Sometime on Monday, April 23 post your story, with a little thing in the long description mentioning and linking to whoever's stuff you based it on/were inspired by. I'm just leaving things nebulously "on Monday" to give people some flexibility-- plus that also gives any procrastinators (read: me, as I haven't finished the story yet) a little extra time to wrap things up.

Anyway, there's my general thought on it-- what do you guys think?

Sounds reasonable. We also may get a steady supply of stories considering our distribution among timezones.

Sounds good to me, too.


Honestly, I'll consider it a success if I get the fic ready by the original deadline. At this rate, anyway.

Not gonna front, there are gonna be a few clopfics including mine competing for the featured box on that day, not to mention this contest. :twilightsheepish:

In that case then we're just going to have to fill up both the Mature and and the Everybody feature box.

They'll never know what hit 'em, heheheh.

Started Finished my story right on the deadline. Seeing how I'm a couple hours ahead of the American time zones, chances are it's gonna be one of the first stories out on Monday. :derpytongue2:

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