The Skirts Alts Project 17 members · 0 stories

Skirts alts attempt to write stories so Skirts doesn't have to, with varying degrees of success
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  • Ponymonium
  • Doors That You Can't Come Back From
  • Trixiee-eee-eee
  • F-A-T-H-O-M
  • End of Ponies
  • More? Who knows if we can even get one hahaha oh man ah geez

If you do want to join this trainwreck, give me a PM or something. I don't want too many people flooding into my Drive Folders.

Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6

So after the sun swallows the Earth but before the heat death of the universe?

It took me 6 years to rewrite 60K, and that was when I was feeling inspired. You tell me.

lolllllllllll I mean you have a pretty detailed roadmap to go off of now, right? didn't he blarg about it for three hours or something a few years ago?

Considering I'm the only person who's written anything, probably me. Give me about 20 years.

so whos going to write the rest of EoP?

  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6