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But for some reason I'm feeling more open and social on this site. Any thread that I can put my two sense in I'm posting on. Kinda made me realize how self conscious I am. At first I was worried people would just ignore me or that I was somehow overstepping my bounds. But after getting positive responses, I don't see why I was so worried in the first place. Now this thread isn't just about me, I'm writing it for you all as well. Sometimes we just have to take a chance and hope everything goes all right. If it doesn't don't let that failure hold you back. Learn from it, and always ask questions. Now I know I still have a ways to go, as writing down my words is a lot easier than actually talking to someone in person, I dunno why, it just seems like that. So I challenge all of you, do something that you were scared to do. Doesn't have to be something big, but just you aren't comfortable with. Then doing it, hopefully you'll realize like me that it actually wasn't too bad, or why you were scared to do it in the first place. :twilightsmile: Sorry if I'm just spamming all your threads, but I'm still learning to socialize with others. :twilightblush:

Have a good day!

5674590 I found something similar occurring with me, where I'm normally quiet and borderline shy but I can't shut the f*ck up online. Personally, I just find myself more comfortable when people can't hear my voice or see my face. I find feel it gives me more time to think and say something that isn't hilariously stupid.

Also, it's "two cents", not "two sense".

5674665 heh, thanks. :twilightblush: I think that's why I'm more social online, it feels like I have more time to respond than when I'm actually talking to someone. Also I get to see what I'm saying, its kinda hard to keep track of that when I talk.

5674590 I'm also trying to be more social on this site and other places too, seeing your thread raises my courage a bit more. But my reason is because english is my second language. I'm actually more social in my native lenguage.

5675665 That was the whole point of the thread.:twilightsmile: I'm glad I could give you some courage by sharing my experience. In fact, kudos to you for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying to remain social in a whole other language. :pinkiehappy: I can only imagine how hard English can be to learn on top of another language (took Chinese for 5 years, how they learned our wacky language still boggles me.) By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is your first language?

5675699 Spanish from Puerto Rico. I learned english by playing video games and watching TV :pinkiehappy:

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