Christian Bronies of the Reformation 92 members · 227 stories
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Send Some Prayers My Way

I'm going through a pretty difficult situation right now regarding my housing situation, health, and some other issues.

So any prayers sent my way would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all of the prayers in advance.

I am praying for everyone as well. I hope that your week will be blessed.

6558926 You've been through quite a lot in the past few years. I hoped things would start looking up for you in time. I'm sad to hear you're still struggling.

What kind of health issues are you dealing with?

Group Contributor


Thank you so much! I will be sending prayers your way as well. :heart:


Well right now I am dealing with a thing where my body just quits and I fall to the floor. I can be stuck like this for hours at a time. My brain will tell my body to move, but my body will essentially just stay there on the floor.

It's pretty frustrating to deal with. I'm trying not to let it bother me too much and just do my best to work around this limitation but it does make getting things done difficult sometimes due to my daily struggle with it.

Anyway, I appreciate any prayers or good vibes that can be sent my way. :heart:

6559188 That's a very interesting condition you have. Is it triggered by emotions/stress/exhaustion or does it come at random? Do you just lie for hours at a time on the floor until it passes? Did you talk to a doctor about it?

Is your condition anything like sleep paralysis? I sometimes get that. My mind fully wakes up but my body is still in locked mode and I can't even open my eyes, yet alone move my body. It only lasts for a few seconds, though.

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6559647 I'm not really sure what it is triggered by, to be honest. I do feel tired most of the day, but that most likely has to do with my anemia and some other health issues. I've dealt with this particular issue since I was a teen but it has gotten more frequent over the years. I got tested for it in my teens and they couldn't really figure out what was causing it. Later I had some friends in medical professions tell me that it sounds like catatonic depression, but that is just their opinion without medically diagnosing me in person. I do have depression, social anxiety, PTSD, agoraphobia, and some other things that would fit in with a diagnosis of catatonic depression. But without other tests I'm not really sure.

I've actually experienced sleep paralysis a few different times and it's really weird! One of the first times I had sleep paralysis I had this nightmare about zombies and I tried to wake up but my body was locked (almost felt like it was being held down). The weird thing was that I managed to open my eyes and I could see the zombies from my dream standing in my room! It was a pretty crazy experience. Eventually I was able to 'wake up' to a certain extent and and the zombies slowly disappeared. I was kind of locked in that position for a while though until finally it felt like whatever was on me holding me down 'lifted'.

A weird thing about sleep paralysis is that a lot of people report seeing a creepy lady sitting on them (or some other creepy thing sitting on them) while they are experiencing the 'lock down' feeling. I have personally never seen anything 'sitting' on me per se. But I did have a weird situation where I woke up from a nightmare, my body was locked up, and I could 'see' this skeleton like thing pinning me to the bed. I was locked like that for a while before my brain woke up all of the way, I was able to move my body, and the weird skeleton thing disappeared.

6559768 Did you ever consider getting another diagnosis?

Do you think you might have already been catatonically depressed when you were 10?

There have been many reports of creatures sitting on one's chest through the history. You can also see a lot of paintings of the various creatures. Sleep paralysis is known to induce hallucinations. I've had them, too. I saw a scary, black, savage ghost on my chest. I tried to smile at it, but I couldn't move. It dissipated away after a few seconds.

When you fall to the floor, does it feel like sleep paralysis? Are you then literally locked in that position for hours? What do you do during that time? Do you try to fight it or do you use the time to catch a nap?

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6560002 When my body goes into 'lockdown mode' it isn't really like sleep paralysis. I don't have any nightmares or dreams. I'm just basically stuck like that. My brain wants my body to move, but my body just stays there. I can imagine my body saying in a Cartman voice, "I'll do what I want!"

I'm not sure if I am explaining this the right way, but that's pretty much what happens.

6560042 So, what do you do while you're in the lockdown mode? Do you panic? Do you go, "Ugh, not this again!" Do you hope somebody will find you? If someone were to find you, could that someone help you in any way? Do you just snap back to normal or do you regain your body gradually?

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6560079 I don't really panic because I've dealt with this since I was young. I has gotten more frequent over the years, but it's the same old song and dance.

I work out of the home due to some other disorders I have that make it hard for me to interact with people for long periods of time. I occasionally go to the store and stuff, but I also order a lot of food/ products online so I don't have to leave too often.

This issue has become more troublesome now than it has been in the past, so fortunately up until this point I have never had to deal with have a lockdown outside of my house (I'm crossing my fingers that it won't happen now that things are getting more challenging for me).

6560109 What kind of work do you do from your home?

Can you describe a typical episode of a lockdown?

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6560117 I do all sorts of stuff like affiliate marketing, surveys, taking care of pets, website development, app development, social media management, etc. Whatever online opportunity comes my way, I take it.

A typical lockdown kind of comes out of nowhere. I don't really have any warning signs or anything. My body just drops and I'm stuck like that. Sometimes I'm stuck for a short amount of time (like a few minutes). Sometimes I can get stuck for a few hours. When I am in that state my brain is working. I am aware of what is going on. So I keep telling my body to move (you know internally, in my mind) but it won't. Then eventually I can get to the place where my body will move again. Like I said, sometimes this lasts a few minutes. Sometimes this lasts longer.

6560131 Where do you find all this work online? Do you have an employer or are you a freelancer?

Is there no pattern whatsoever when you get the lockdown? Do you think 'talking' to your body helps in any way? Do you think you'd get out of it even if you wouldn't 'talk' to your body?

Are you afraid that one time the lockdown may become permanent and you'll never be able to move again for the rest of your life?

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6560144 Most of what I do is freelance except for when I take social media management jobs and that is usually through other companies. I find the work through various sources by putting the search term 'remote work' on Google or other search engines.

I don't really notice any particular pattern with the lockdown. It just happens whenever it wants to. I do think telling my body to move when I am in that state helps a lot. Sometimes it is more effective than others.

I never really thought about the condition being permanent. It usually only lasts a few minutes or hours. I guess I am thinking of the best outcome so I haven't really thought too much about the negative things.

I have a philosophy of just 'keeping calm, carrying on'. I try not to think about the limitations, although they can be frustrating. I try to focus on the things I can do each day to move my life forward.

6560170 It's nice that you keep yourself busy. Work is healthy for the mind.

Did you ever hit your head when you went into a lockdown?

There's a center in the brain that acts as a gateway for signals between the body and the brain. Some people who damage that part (injury, cancer, etc.) can experience permanent lockdown.

I have an opposite strategy to yours. I always think of the worst possible scenario. Every second that scenario doesn't realize is then a good moment.

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6560290 I've fortunately not had any injuries (head or otherwise) from when my body goes into lockdown mode. I definitely count myself lucky. That is something to think about though. I am going to think about solutions to all of the things you brought up. :heart:

6559188 You're welcome and thank you.

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6560737 You are very welcome. I hope that you have a blessed rest of your week. :heart:

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6562465 Thank you so much. :raritystarry:

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