Christian Bronies of the Reformation 92 members · 227 stories
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Time Reaper
Group Admin

As someone who believes on the idea that evolution doesn't disprove God (when, actually, it proves him) I would like to know when did people started to see religion and science as separate entities?

I'm sure some would like to blame Darwin but that wouldn't help into pointing out how deep is this belief that science and religion doesn't mix when it's actually the contrary. Archaeology has been one of the field branches that has helped the most into proving that the events described The Bible were on actual locations (to the point of, probably, finding Sodoma and/or Gomorra) and has proved that Isreal did got eventually to the Promised Land (with the "how" becoming the new debate) among other things.

Saying that science is a field only allowed for atheist is also a lie, Albert Einstein was a practitioner Jew, Isaac Newton was a devoted Christian, my physic teacher is a catholic (as far I'm aware, and she also confirmed that Science and religion do mix. She also proved through science that "the left is always bad") with a very deep knowledge of the world and history of science, and I may not be very into the scientific world (since its not among the things that picks up my interest, those being videogames, economy, politics and history as of now) but I'm very sure that there are also Christians among the modern scientific world.

I am also aware that we could blame the Vatican for forcing science to fit their views during the Dark Age, but that would be like blaming modern Germans for what the Nazi did to the Jews (and it's written: "You will not judge a son for the sins of the father, neither judge a father for the sins of the son") and especially when the Vatican has been accepting modern science (except anything that defies God, like "choosing your sex") so they cannot being kept with the blame.

Anyways, this thread was designed in mind to start a discussion, I hope this is a good start.

What is it with you people and blaming the Vatican for everything? You check your closet for Jesuits too? :twilightangry2:


my physic teacher is a catholic (as far I'm aware, and she also confirmed that Science and religion do mix. She also proved through science that "the left is always bad") with a very deep knowledge of the world and history of science, and I may not be very into the scientific world (since its not among the things that picks up my interest, those being videogames, economy, politics and history as of now) but I'm very sure that there are also Christians among the modern scientific world.

There are because if there's anything I've learned, it's that Catholics believe in evolution.

It sounds weird, but it's apparently a thing.

I am also aware that we could blame the Vatican for forcing science to fit their views during the Dark Age

I'm not sure what the Vatican is really but I understand it's link with Catholics. If I as a Christian have learned anything, it's that we don't blame other denominations for anything. How could you possibly blame them?

I also believe no one else has commented her because what you're talking about is probably bull. I mean, I'm pretty sure plenty of Christian believe in science. What is this the 11th century? Come on, get with the times.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Not according to the Anti-theist and Liberals, according to them, if you believe in religion that makes you a retard homophobic that will destroy humans rights.

I know that most Christians believe in science (and I don't want to blame any other denomination, even if some of them are a pain) but there are some that doesn't know that.

I do believe in God but I also believe that God gave us a brain and it is a sin to waste it. With that in mind I have incorporated the Eternal Watchmaker Theory and Theistic Evolution into my core beliefs. The Eternal Watchmaker Theory for those who are unfamiliar is one that came out of the Enlightenment, it proposes that God set the stage for creation and then let the laws of nature take over so to speak much like a person setting a watch making it work on its own. Theistic Evolution takes ideas from the Eternal Watchmaker Theory and applies it to evolution.

5958937 I don't think that is the point Time Reaper was trying to make, it is true that the Catholic Church did suppress scientific knowledge in the past but have changed a great deal in that regard.

5959403 Correct, The Catholic Churches current position is that evolution does not conflict with scripture which does fit into Theistic Evolution which I mentioned above. As for why the Catholic Church is blamed for so much this is in large part due to the hegemonic power the Catholic Church once had in Western Europe. While the Eastern Orthodox Church existed for a good while, they haven't made significant inroads into Western Europe giving the Catholic Church a monopoly that remained unchallenged (except for the occasional rebellion here and there) until the Protestant Reformation.


Not according to the Anti-theist and Liberals, according to them, if you believe in religion that makes you a retard homophobic that will destroy humans rights

I'm sure they don't all think that just like. Probably just some of them.

5959423 Calling the catholic church a monopoly feels messed up.

5959567 It certainly wouldn't be accurate to call it one today, but it was accurate before the Protestant Reformation though. I say this not to bash the Catholics, but to state historical fact and to explain why the Catholic Church was blamed for a lot of things in the past.

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