Sentinels of the Multiverse 15 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

I just posted a link to this group on Shameless Self-Promotion LET THE DELUGETRICKLE BEGIN

Say hi. Talk about your experience with SOTM. Who's your favorite hero? :B

Of course, it's hard to know when we've got like two dozen new heroes coming with Oblivaeon but OH WELL

I like Absolute Zero. :3 Also Tachyon. And Haka. And Legacy. And Chrono-Ranger. <.<

Majin Syeekoh

Hi, I'm Majin Syeekoh and I have no idea what's going on.

I honestly just joined to be cool.

Hoi I'm Temmie! WezaQ! :trollestia:
Haven't played the game but I did download a few versions of it for Tabletop Simulator.:twilightsmile:
Hopefully my friends will be willing to try it (they aren't too big on card games). :ajbemused:

Hi, My name is Kingofsouls. I've been playing Sentinels for a few years. I was introduced to it at an event at a game store I used to go to, and fell in love with it immediately. FIrst hero I played as was Ra btw.

My favorite hero is Setback, because not only is he fun to play as with his Unlucky Token mechanic, but he's my favorite character because he's the average person thrust into greatness and he is so optimistic that he just rolls with everything.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

I doubled our membership! :V

There's also an official version for Steam!

Welcome. :D

Hi! I'm Twinkletail! I like to write things!

I've got the main game and a few expansions, as well as the Steam game with the season pass. I like Setback a bunch, the luck thing is fun to play around with. Tachyon's also really fun.

I'm just here for the refreshments.

Hi! I already expressed enthusiasm back on the SA board, but I'll pop on here, too.

I've been playing Sentinels on and off for a few years - mostly the tabletop iteration, as I've got local friends who enjoy busting out the game from time to time. I'll never object to playing in the online community, though!

I'm caught up all the way through Wrath of the Cosmos, as we speak.

The Sentinels, Omnitron-x and the Naturalist are far and away my favorites, since strong + lots o' options is basically what i gun for in a character. Granted, I play others: the Argent Adept is hella fun even if i can never seem to make him work out, Legacy always lets me feel like the "good guy" on my team, and when my group absolutely wants to win I can be nudged into playing Visionary from time to time.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

Welcome, both of you! :D

I find that Visionary tends to be the character I don't play because she's fun, but because she's necessary. Rarely does she not make the game easier.

I find that Visionary tends to be the character I don't play because she's fun, but because she's necessary. Rarely does she not make the game easier.

That's entirely my point. :rainbowwild: Any villain that doesn't consistently do damage to all characters (or who have alternate victory conditions) can be trumped by visionary's damage immunity mode and a bit of tactical damage redistribution, and she's got tons of deck and board manipulation on top of that. She can even throw out respectable damage from time to time! I consider her far and away the most powerful hero in the game, but by the same token, uh - it can sometimes make games less fun for it, unless you're going up against a really tough villain and/or one of the aforementioned "damage to all characters" villains out there.

I'm Dan. I can geek out about Sentinels until the cows come home. I started playing 3 years ago right when Rook City came out, relentlessly got every expansion and promo, have kickstartered Oblivaeon, and probably have hundreds of games under my belt right now.

I think my favorite heroes to play are Nightmist and Skyscraper. Both have a lot of moving parts and can fill a lot of roles, making them very entertaining to roll as.

My favorite hero story is Omnitron X, just because of how niftily (and tragically) he fits into the overarching plot.

Hi, I'm UrsaMajor. I first played SOTM in a friendly local game store around 2011 or so, and was hooked ever since. I got into MLP:FiM last fall, just as the show was ending.

I'm not sure I have a favorite hero to play, but Expatriette is my favorite character and least favorite to play. I wish I could write, but the last time I managed to get more than a couple of sentences down was a couple-paragraph microfic I wrote in 2011.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

And then he did it, the mad lad. XD

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