Characterization Academy 50 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

Hey all, Bluegrass here. I'm wondering if there are any ideas or suggestions you have for lectures. I'm not sure what would be most useful, so I'll leave it up to you lovely folks to decide what you want to see for yourselves.

Also, I need more lecturers. If you're interested, PM me!


Are you saying you started a school without a curriculum? :twilightoops:

Group Contributor


I think it's more of a "We have tons we can discuss, so what would you guys like to see or hear?" :raritywink:

I know I could post seemingly endless luctures in regaurds to the finer points of "feels" and showing emotions in characters and their interactions with others; and that's just one of many subjects regarding characterization.

Building a lecture takes a bit of resource collection and planning. So it's best to use these on what others want to know more about. :moustache:

Oh, okay. How about something basic, like "how do you let the reader know about an aspect of a character's personality that does not come up in conversation"

For example, if someone's outlook was modified by a traumatic event, they usually wouldn't want to talk about it. However, it modifies their behavior and makes them seem inconsistent if the foible isn't explained.

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4780755 Lands what Azu said. I swear, I can't articulate myself today. :fluttershyouch:

Anywho, that's an absolutely wonderful idea! I LOVE it. Definitely going to try to write a lecture on that one.

4780803 Excellent. My strategy so far has been to force it to come up in conversation, but I don't like how that plays out.

4779836 I have a couple ideas if they sound like they would work. One idea could be about the differences between constructive feedback and criticisms as well as benefits of both.

Another could be about the classic “Hero’s journey” analogy when writing a longer story.

Overall, maybe just some ideas like these that help the basics of characterization, a storyline, etc., but also touch on more in depth topics that are relevant as well.

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4780857 Interesting, I'll keep those in mind when constructing future lectures!

Group Contributor


Conversation is actually a great place to show this traits and quirks, only not in the actual dialogue itself. Unless speech mannerisms are a part of them of course. :raritywink:


That first one in particular is more general writing elements more then characterization. Unless it's in regards to a character. :moustache:

Now that you mention it, yes, that does sound a bit too general. I guess I did mean in terms of a character being presented as it is still important to know how to help someone with their characters.

4779836 Hi, there. It's been more than two months since the last comment, so I just thought I would check in. Did everyone die, or did more important stuff come up?

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Admin

4953358 I was busy with my last semester in college. X3 Sooo, now I should have some time to work on stuff. Sorry about that!

4953372 No pressure, just getting lonely. :scootangel:

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