LyraAlluse Fan Group 156 members · 819 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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5942219 Yeah, she's a faget.

5942200 If that's you and you're gay for her, then that's a problem because she's not male. You should change your gender to female if you want to be gay for her. You also have to convince her husband to not beat the shit out of you.

5942230 I take my inspirational advice from Caitlyn Jennar and Facebook post. I didn't make my way in this world eating rasin brand for breakfeast everymorning!

5942235 Good for you, I guess.

5942230 Are you assuming genders?

5942290 I saw a beard, and I thought: 'male'. So, yeah; I guess I really am assuming genders.

5942291 Offended.

Group Admin


I love all of your crazy people. Keep on being crazy. XD

5942432 And you're the main inspiration for these crazy people. :trollestia:

Group Admin

5942624 Being crazy is easy and fun. :rainbowkiss:

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 12