I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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One of the main things I find annoying about Glimmer... She doesn't belong in Equestria.

She would be HILARIOUS in Rick and Morty. Or Gravity Falls. In fact, any show with darker themes and a darker setting and preferably also characters you aren't all that attached to. When Morty suffers, you laugh. When Pinkie suffers, you feel bad for her. A sociopathic wizard randomly brainwashing Morty for conevience's sake and because his voice was annoying her... that's pretty funny. A sociopathic wizard randomly brainwashing Pinkie for conevience's sake and because her free thought and better suggestions were annoying her... that's not funny.

Like how Pikachu electrocuting Team Rocket is funny, but Littlepip getting shot by a Raider is sad. It's weird, but there are unspoken rules of comedy, and "Make sure the person suffering deserves it, unless bad things happening to good people is one of the show's central themes, in which case, good luck with that" is one of them. It's why Bugs Bunny works and bad Patrick episodes of modern Spongebob don't.


Starlight Glimmer is admittedly a darker character than most of the villains on the show even villains who objectively do worse things. This is both involved in warping and suppressing someone's personality, and the fact that Starlight Glimmer herself committed her crimes under the theory that she was doing good.

On the other hand, the little girls watching this show can be very well served by the knowledge that there are people like Starlight Glimmer out in the world. Heck, they interact with people a lot like her every time they go to school. Usually, teaching class.

5940294 That's what I hate so much about her. Kids need to learn that there are people like her out there...

And that such people are beyond saving, unfortunately.

When you're that far gone, there's really nothing to be done. It's sad, but true.

5940548 Exactly! The story keeps acting like you should just let the sociopath/asshole brigade go around being dicks while using "Well, at least I'm not hurting people as much as I could be" as an excuse. A sociopath in a kid's show getting reformed and trained to be a moral and good person could be really interesting, BUT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF MILLER, VOGEL, AND THE OTHER IDIOTS, SHE'S ALREADY PERFECT AND DOESN'T NEED TO IMPROVE OR GROW AND EVERYONE SHOULD JUST ACCEPT HER SOCIOPATHIC ASS FOR WHO SHE IS.

5940719 VVVVVVVOOOOOGGGGGGEEEELLLLL!!!!!!!:twilightangry2:

5940719 Have you read We Can't All Be Friends? I think it's how the episode should have gone down.

why am i unable to comment on this fic

When I try commenting, it says error. When I tried messaging the writer, it said server error. Do I know this guy?

5940849 That was a good story to read.

I think this is kind of a similar complain I have against pinkie pie, I of course don't hate her but mso tof the time I find her annoying

I was wondering why this is since I don't mind characters like her, I loved looney tunes and I find the Warner brothers (and the Warner sister) in animaniacs just as funny as I did when I was an infant

I think the reason why is that the Warner siblings are wacky characters in a wacky world for a wacky show, a bit distracting if you. Have a character like that in a shwo that's one half adventure fantasy and one half slice of life

Bit off track but I think it's similar to the problem you discussed here

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