Steven Universe 451 members · 47 stories
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Nova Arc
Group Admin

Okay. I haven't seen any SU/MLP fic involving any of our gemsonas. So I'm bringing it up: we need a fic with our gemsonas. Here's what I had in mind:

Earth is only one of many worlds the Gems have visited, but it isn't the only one they've tried to take over either. Equestria was another, and just like on Earth, Homeworld met some traitorous resistance: The ??? Gems. They now protect their new home from threats from their world. But something big is coming, bigger than them, bigger that the war, bigger than Yellow Diamond.

Just the rough idea. It will be fine-tuned. For this to work, I need five more people, three if The Hatt Man and Miss Spectrum accept my invitation (you guys are two of the biggest SU fans I've met, you'd be perfect), to get started. If you want in, please give your part in this production and your gemsona's info in this format:
Gemstone Placement:
Affiliation: (Insert suggested team name: ??? Gems)
Appearance: (skin, hair, eyes, outfit, etc)
Unique powers: (minus standard gem powers like shapeshifting, weapon summoning, etc) e.g.: elemental power, manipulation of ???, etc.
Other skills: Non-magical powers, just natural talents and skills

If you're in, great. If not, if this happens, I hope you like it. Have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll be putting my gemsona's info soon. All gemsonas will be used, but only 5 (or 3) will make it to the main cast. Others will be placed as side characters and credited or, at a request, can be made into villains, if you're into that kind of thing. Ponies will be anthro. Fic is rated T. Other specs will be discussed as more members get involved. Thanks in advance. Hope this idea turns out great!

In other news, 111 MEMBERZ!!!

Name: tourmaline
Gem placement: on the side of the left shoulder
Weapon: one sided hammer (note: the handle is as long as the one on peal's spear)
Affiliation: the binding gems?
Appearance: skin is a pinkish red, hair is purple and long, eyes are blue, and his/her (this is my gemsona but all gems seem to go by female pronouns) clothes dark red with pink diamonds on the knees and elbows
Personality: a bit sarcastic, tens to be more open minded then most, preferring to think ways out of situations then to brut force it, quick to annoy
Unique powers: can tell with a glance what someone is like, can create plazma balls which is used as projectiles once hit his/her hammer if needed
e.g.: none
Other skills: painting, and black belt in karate

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin

4640892 This sounds awesome! I'm in!
Name: Obsidian
Gem placement: one on the back of each of his hands
Weapon: blades connected to the backs of his hands
Affiliation: The Uncut Gems?

Personality: He's a very honorable and loyal individual, immersed in the military/warrior lifestyle and preferring direct action to sneaking around. He's very proud of both his people and his planet, and this pride blinded him to their faults until it was too late. He still loves his people and desperately wants to return, but knows that he can't unless something changes. In regards to humans and other non-Gems, Obsidian looks on them like one would look at a dog. He doesn't despise them or want to hurt them like other Gems, but instead feels that they should be looked after by the superior Gems and despises Gems that abuse them simply because they can.
Unique powers: lava manipulation, which includes turning his blades into pure magma.
Other skills: being a former captain I'm the Homeworld Army, he has talent and experience with leading and strategizing.
Etc.: See here for more info on Obsidian, including his background.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4642031 Awesome. Four more to go. I was actually hoping someone would do an Obsidian. Welcome to the project.
4641835 Very nice. Welcome to the project.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

Name: Amber
Gemstone Placement: Chest (pentagonal shape)
Weapon: Spear with a blade that can change shape and size (originally half the length of the handle)
Affiliation: The Havoc Gems
Appearance: Amber skin, bright yellow eyes, and back-length bright amber hair with pink highlights at the ends; wears a yellow sleeveless top with a high collar, dark orange khakis, and yellow and red shoes. Also wears black fingerless gloves and belts, goggles around his neck or on his head, and headphones with a smiley face on the ears.
Personality: Cheerful, happy-go-lucky, adventurous, fun, optimistic, mischievous
Unique powers: Can morph his body in ways most Gems can't, can use his hair as extra appendages and can turn it to burning plasma, can absorb gemstones for different powers or the gem shards of broken Gems to use their powers and weapons (if they have any), can fire orange blasts that have either an impact effect or crystallizes the target and bombs that explode, crystallize, or goop enemies (crystals are conductors). Blasts look like fire/flaming plasma.
Other skills: Engineer and technician, good with Gem tech, old and new, excellent strategist, good in CQC, attentive to detail, master prankster, trapper.

In the event that we don't have enough Gemsonas, here's another one of mine:

Name: Fulgurite
Gemstone Placement: Belly button (lightning bolt-shaped)
Weapon: Lightning/electrically charged boots
Affiliation: The Havoc Gems
Appearance: Sandy-yellow skin, bright orange eyes, and back-length yellow hair with a blue and orange lightning bolt-shaped highlight. Wears a yellow long-sleeved crop top with blue and orange accents, electric blue shorts, and yellow boots with blue lightning bolt designs.
Personality: Cheerful, hyperactive, mischievous, fun-loving
Unique powers: Lightning manipulation, electrified controllable hair, super speed
Other skills: Engineer, master prankster, tactician

If we get the last Gemsona, Fulgurite will become one of the Gems in Amber's possession. Non-sentient gems in his possession include a ruby (fire; hammer), non-Gem fulgurite if Fulgurite is used (lightning; electrified tonfas), and jet (speed; kukri blades)

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin

4642219 When I first was making my Gemsona, I wanted to use my birthstone, but then I remembered that my birthstone is Garnet:rainbowlaugh:
But yeah, I know I'm not the first person to make a character named Obsidian, but I think I'm the only one whose taken advantage of the fact that obsidian is volcanic glass and given him lava manipulation powers to reflect that.
Also, after reading wizard0209's character Tourmaline, I think that he/she and Obsidian would work well in the story since their personalities are somewhat conflicting in regards to how they approach a situation and how Obsidian's more military personality would clash with Tourmaline's sarcastic and "quick to annoy" personality.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4642599 Same. My birthstone is an opal. :rainbowlaugh: Good character, though. And it would be fun to see Tourmaline and Obsidian interacting... maybe fusing... :pinkiegasp:... :rainbowlaugh: I'm still trying to decide between Amber (resin formation, not tree sap), Fulgurite, and... I don't know, some other orangish or fiery colored gem. I've got more than one and more than one way to use them. Suggestions?

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin


maybe fusing

Just a quick note: I don't know if you saw this on the page I linked, but Obsidian can't fuse, or at the very least it's dangerous for him to fuse. His powers make fusions very unstable and it also reflects his asexual/aromantic personality.

But now let's see if I can help. First, is the Gemsona a reflection of you and your personality, or something apart from you? By answering that, it might be easier to narrow down what gem you want and how to use it. The first thing that jumps to mind is Amber, and how he special ability could be that her body is viscous, or semi-liquid, allowing him/her to manipulate his/her body in a way other Gems can't. This would reflect that Amber is made from resin.
Fulgurite would also be good though. Since it's called "petrified lightning", his/her special power could be lightning control/blasts

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4642706 I initially couldn't decide. One thing I though of was that Amber's flexibility could be used as a way to "merge" with another gem shard and take its powers/properties. This could be used as tragic backstory of how he/she lost a close friend and was bound to her shard. Either Ful or Amber can be base or shard, works either way. Does it seem too OPed? I actually had the same idea for their powers, both were too awesome it made it hard to decide! :twilightsheepish:

Also, do you want some male gems, or do we stick to the standard female pronouns?

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin

4642744 That's actually a really good idea. Stuff gets trapped inside amber all the time, so that would make sense for Amber to have that power. The power itself actually makes Amber appear somewhat weak rather than OP, because he/she depends on another Gem in order to have power, so I wouldn't worry about that.

Obsidian identifies as male, and I would probably ask the other people what gender their Gemsonas identify as.

4642599 :rainbowlaugh: yes Tourmaline and Obsidian interacting would be great!

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin

4642835 It would be awesome to see them argue, kinda like Pearl and Amethyst.:rainbowkiss:

I like the idea, but I'm not gonna join in. Still gonna steal the template to make a Gemsona though

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4642964 Go right on ahead!

Yay! ^_^

Did my best, and you can find the result right HERE

Name: Rainbow Peridot Quartz, RPQ
Gemstone Placement: Forehead *Like Pearl and Peridot*
Weapon: Flail with gem colored spikes
Affiliation: Dazzling Gems *not associated with the Sirens*
Appearance: Blue skin, bright teal eyes, dark blue-green hair, human-esque clothes *black jacket, jeans, boots, shirt the color of her eyes*
Personality: Fierce in battle, somewhat cold, yet nice to those on her good side
Unique powers: None
Other skills: Ballet, singing in softer, deeper tones.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4643780 Nice work. But what's her stand? I she rogue or a member of team? Main or side? Also, it may confusing since she shares the name of two other characters (Peridot may make an appearance). But otherwise, she's in.

4646347 Woo!
All right, the thing in the description is just the gemsona bio with Beach City.
At the point in the story when Peri gets to Equestria, she's a Homeworld Gem, could be a side gem.
Like a guard for the official Peridot :twilightsheepish:

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4646430 Okay. Thanks for the contribution.

Name: Zircon
Gemstone Placement: the underside of his right wrist (summons weapon with a flick of his wrist)
Weapon: katana
Affiliation: Harmony Gems
Appearance: light blue skin, black hair, blue eyes, roughly Amethyst's height. Wears a white muscle shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a dark blue hoodie.
Personality: abrasive but caring. Highly insecure about his height and music (see Other Skills)
Unique powers: Zircon can split the blade of his katana to act as a propeller, either to fly or propel him through water. He can also lower the surrounding temperature to sub-zero temperatures, and can fire frozen projectiles from his hand.
Other skills: Zircon is a talented guitarist and singer, preferring the styles of Ed Sheeran and Green Day, and is quite partial to rapping. He is shy, however, and will often only be found expressing these talents in private.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4642031 Okay, we've got a name and possible location. Now we need a symbol. Homeworld has diamonds, CG have stars. Suggestions for Harmony Gems' symbol?

Professor Tacitus
Group Admin

4753509 Hm, that's a good question. Since they're the Harmony Gems, maybe a circular gem? But that seems too simple. Maybe a similar shape to Twilight's Element?

4753709 I was thinking the same thing as professor tactiucs :twilightblush:

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4641835 Hey, does Tourmaline identify as a he or a she? Also, what does his/her outfit look like? Got a description?

4790995 Tourmaline is a guy, and I was thinking of it as one piece like Grants, but like I said before the symbols are on knees and elbows. Sorry that wasn't clear. :twilightblush:

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4791210 Do you mean Garnet?

4791325 stupid auto correct :twilightangry2:! And yes, that is what I meant

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4793771 Cool. Thanks.

I am so In
Name: Hematite
Gemstone Placement: Point on Neck where color bone meets the Sternum
Weapon: Zen Rake
Affiliation: ? Celestial Gems
Appearance: Not tall or short, not thin or fat (average build), smokey gray skin, dark metallic grey hair that looks like it has been gelled back, rust red eyes and simple square glasses, Tattered old robes (similar to Obi-Wan in Star Wars A New Hope)
Personality: Very calm and rarely extremely aggravated (a wise sage type). Very intellectual, curios of situations were matters of logic are trumped for emotional reasons, and enjoys passing the time ether with tending a rock garden or with extensive mathematical equations involving the natural world around him (ex: fibonacci sequence). Enjoys toying with others that annoy him through clever quips but is usually known to be very respectful toward most that he meets otherwise. Distant from most other gems even when he is among a group of them due to the purpose of his creation, before joining the resistance, to assassinate gems that the leaders of homeworld would label as "problematic." [Also means that he cannot maintain a fusion with any other gem for more than 30 seconds due to the distrust usually felt by the other gem(s) involved] Aside from that his calculating mind makes him an ideal strategist on the battlefield and due to him spending the majority of his years as ether an assassin or a strategist, he is quite easily overwhelmed in any fight that exceeds a 1:2 ratio. Also on a side not, used to look fairly feminine but decided to take on a more masculine appearance for a regeneration during rebellion due to him believing "that it suited him better"
Unique powers: able to manipulate Cosmic energy; average for fighting any sentient being but can range from very inconvenient for a gem to deadly as he can use it to do things from temporarily canceling out another gem's ability to poofing/cracking/shattering a gem he physically touches. (hence all the distrust towards him)
Other skills:Stealthy when he chooses to be, Fantastic mathematician, and proud master at rock gardening!

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4641835 Hey, does Tourmaline have a history I can use? For flashbacks. I'm thinking of having more focus on him in some chapters.


Name: Asterix
Gemstone Placement: Right Palm
Weapon: Crossbow
Affiliation: Rouge
Appearance: Pale grey skin, long, wavy silver hair parted down middle. Reaches middle of torso. Deep green eyes. Slightly shorter than pearl, bigger but similar build to Lapis. Clothes to be decided, but probably something like this:

Personality: Cold, harsh, unforgiving. Very offical, with pent up emotions like sorrow from homeworld abandoning her. Manipulates people using her sexuality, and is often seen chewing gum in order to present herself as 'cool'. Dry sense of humor and mildly-disturbing love for gore and cuddly things. Has a short temper and will lash out by shooting things until they die, whether it be friends or doors that just wont fucking open. Is very gentle with those she perceives as fragile and will build up genuine concern for those she's close too, very good at motivating/comforting people too despite her harsh exterior.

Unique powers: Can levitate things using a bunch of tiny crushed up rocks, like nanobots.

Other skills: Bear Grylls survival skills, great dancer, can make her boobs move.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4960206 Impressive. But I may need a backstory for flashbacks. Also, do you have an image or would you like me to draw her out when her time comes to debut?

Comment posted by EquestrianKirin deleted Jan 6th, 2016

Here's my Gemsona ^^ if you do use him, you're free to draw him if you want to ^^

Name: Emerald Quartz
Gemstone Placement: chest (just above the ribcage)
Weapon: metallic claws (like Marvel's Wolverine, but slightly smaller and serrated)
Affiliation: Rogue
Appearance: He is a green skinned Gem, about as tall as lapis is with a similarly thin build. His eyes are also green, with slits for pupils much like a reptile. His hair is a bit scruffy and short, an odd ring of hair around his ears, connecting his sideburns to the back of his head. His outfit has a strong resemblance to Peridot's, though it lacks the diamond symbols of Homeworld. He also wears a white headband with a "radioactive" symbol on it, and both his arms are bandaged up to the elbows.
Personality: Emerald is a Gem who prefers to do his own thing, and follow his own schedule, rather than really listen to instruction. When it comes to sides in any sort of large battle, he's precarious to that; he'll either help or screw over either side in a fight depending on what he wants to do, unless a very, VERY good reason keeps him locked to one side. He does have an bit of a habit of shutting up if he ends up in a group conversation; if someone needs an answer from the group, he'll wait and see if anyone else can answer instead of him, for example. Being originally made for protection and battle like other Quartz, Emerald can end up in an almost instinctive rage if pushed too far.
Unique powers: has supernatural camouflage, immune to radiation
Other skills: excellent strategist, great stamina, extremely fast reflexes

And since it might help you out, here's some backstory (details to important moments) :twilightsmile:

Emerald Quartz was one of the Quartz Gems made down on earth during the years of colonization, but an error in creation had made him smaller and weaker than what a normal Quartz Gem should be. This had resulted in Homeworld in some confusion, as making him a soldier or guard wouldn't be as sufficient as it was supposed to be. For Emerald, he was left in the Kindergarten for a while until he managed to get away, and explore Earth a little bit. That didn't meant though that he was out of harm's way - as the rebellion had caught up with him once he stumbled upon a Gem Warfield, in the middle of a heated battle between a group of Homeworld and rebelling Gems. Emerald witnessed the war chaos, which angered him more and more to see his own kind tearing each other up, until it drove him into the fight. However, being unaware on which side was which, he ended up slicing, poofing, and beating up whatever Gem came near him, to the point when the battle itself was slowed down, and even stopped thanks to Emerald's involvement. He'd poof every Gem if he didn't realize after everything cooled down at what he'd done, and soon rushed off from the scene.

His involvement in that fight hadn't gone unnoticed, and Emerald kept himself away from other Gems in case that instinct would reappear again. As far as learning about Earth went, he got his own information about some human activity from observation, until he discovered some of Earth's "darker" moments (wars on Earth from museums, mainly). The discovery of this gave Emerald a different outlook on humanity, seeing them as far more dangerous than Homeworld first realized. Soon, he got himself away from Humans as well, and remained on his own since.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4964655 Another rogue. Nice. The next story arc just got it's next major character.:pinkiehappy:

4964686 AWESOME! I can't wait to see this :pinkiehappy:

Nova Arc
Group Admin

4960206 So, good news! Asterix will be appearing in the next story arc of Harmony Gems!:pinkiehappy: However, to make it official, I'll need a few things:

1. Backstory and flashback scenes.
2. Preferred role in the story (goals, motives, frequency of appearance)
3. Will I need to bump up the rating to Teen?:trollestia:

Send info by PM.

4640892 I think I submitted some awhile ago, but I'm not sure. If I did, can I try different ones instead of those?

Nova Arc
Group Admin

5236517 Sure. If you feel like changing them, go right on ahead.

5236565 Okay thanks
Name: Azurite
Gemstone Placement: Forehead
Weapon: Rapier
Affiliation: Homeworld, specifically Blue Diamond
Appearance: Has blue skin with neat indigo hair. Wears clothing similar to a Musketeer, with gloves and boots
Personality: Calm and collected, prefers not to emote. If he fails in his missions, he can become incredibly enraged.
Unique powers: Is telepathic, and can manipulate emotions to influence others and make himself more intimidating than he is. He could also make others angry to turn them against each other. These are just a few examples.
Other skills: Quite fast and skilled with his rapier.
He's failed many missions to apprehend renegade gems, specifically the Crystal Gems. Because of this, he's gained a hatred of them and refined his skills even more. Losing to them drives him half- insane.

You could use him or...

Name: Cinnabar
Gemstone Placement: Back of neck
Weapon: Lighter
Affiliation: Rogue
Appearance: Bright red skin with crimson hair tied in a ponytail. She wears a red jacket over an orange tank top, as well as brown fingerless gloves and dark red jeans
Personality: She's tough and quite thuggish but has a curiosity that's almost childlike. That curiosity has caused her a lot of trouble. She was often used as an assassin to kill many humans
Unique powers: She can make gas clouds and turn her physical form into gas. She choke people with it, use it as a distraction to get away or ignite it with her lighter
Other skills: An expert at sneaking around. Quite tricky.
A gem thought to be shattered. She waited for Homeworld to return for her for centuries but eventually realised they weren't coming back. Since then, she's been looking out for herself. She steals and cheats simply because of her curiosity. If she gets too caught, she'll turn into gas and escape. While her body is gas, she's untouchable but unable use her weapon so she usually just exerts gas from her sleeves so she can still use her lighter.

Nova Arc
Group Admin

5239788 Sweet. I'll try to find a place for them.:pinkiehappy:

Hey Nova! Sorry this is late.

Name: Melody Topaz.
Gemstone Placement: Left shoulder.
Weapon: Soft pink (same as her bow) hammer with purple (same as her hair) handle and blue (same as her top) stripes on the ends.
Affiliation: Crystal Gems.

Personality: Melody is a bold spirit, full of life and energy, but she is also rational and practical. She loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions, putting things together in ways no one else would think to. She is also very perceptive, noticing even the slightest shifts and changes. She is very direct, prefering to communicate clearly with direct and factual questions and answers. She is also incredibly social, with a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities. She does have a tendency to be insensitive, and has a very hard time controlling her emotions, especially in emotionally charged situations, and her blunt honesty doesn't help. She is also very impatient, and has a hard time slowing down. She is very risk-prone, often pushing into situations without thinking. She is also incredibly unstructured, and has a tendency to miss the bigger picture. She is also very defiant, often wanting to live by her own rules. She is a hopeless romantic, and loves to write mystery sci-fi romance novels as a hobby. She is very emotionally unstable, and often breaks down, ending up in, of course, an emotional song sequence.
Unique powers: Extreme Flexibility, Music (her gem flashes in time with the music), Extreme Intelligence, An ability to sense the nearest source of technology.
Other skills: She only talks in music (The only actual words she can say are either in techno or singing, and even then she rarely does), she is a genius at computer programming and technological invention.

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