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Thule #1 · Nov 14th, 2023 · · 1 ·

I was watching a YouTube short from ZacSpeaksGiant.
And this gave me a wild idea....

An Orc healer/cleric named Death is displaced to Equestria.
Orcs gets their name, just as mentioned in the clip, by what they have been able to break/defeat.
And as this orc have become something akin to a living legend as a Grandmaster in the magics of Healing (Restoration, clergy, white....) and (decent proficiency?) Necromancy, he can stop nearly anyone from dying when they are under his care and heal them.
Granted that the patients can reach him in time.

The reason he studied Necromancy was that he reasoned that in some cases, he would not have enough time to cast and let Healing magics work.
So to extend the time he could heal someone.

He also promote that Necromancy, like any other magic, is neutral in nature. But people have misconceptions of this magic.
His Necromancy works by 5 magical pillars.
Pain, Flesh, Bone, Soul/Spirit and Death.
But each of the magical pillars have two sides to them.
The inspiration/basis of this form of Necromancy comes from this excerpt:

When you hear those words you think causing pain, rending flesh, breaking bone, enslaving spirits and bringing death....
I can prevent pain. I don't have much practice with it but I can sew flesh back together. I've been able to fix my broken bones time and again. I soothed the souls of my murdered family and I have long defied death itself.
"Chapter 3: Bargain... What!? - Foal Necromancer by Kytranis"

Death wears a body part (right most digit/pinky finger?) of his patients that he did not manage to save, as a memory of his failures and a promise to those who he failed, that he would save anyone who came to him.
Always granted from former patient before their unfortunate demise, before he became the great healer he is today.

The locals distrust and scorn Death due to the intimidating stature of his race and the great feats of raw strength he have shown with his bare hands.
Also what they see as barbaric "fleshy jewelry/trophies" and the reports of him practice Necromancy.
It does not make it better when they eventually learn that his name is Death.

With how the locals have made clear what they think of Death, he choose to make the decision to live in isolation and somewhat self imposed exile.
If a poor creature or soul in need of healing or soothing, comes to him or crosses his path, he will render his aid.
But he makes peace with himself that there is no need to cause any unnecessary problems, be it for himself or the quadrupedal locals.

As all other of his kin, he do have a rather short fuse and the cultural crass/simple way of speaking, where he refers to himself in 3rd person.
He is rather possessive of his patients, as he views his patients as his temporary prized hoard, thus his responsability.

By what ever god or patron you worship, if you mess with his (temporary) prized hoard, he will hurt you enough to make you qualify as a part of his prized hoard.
And if you do not learn the rather rage-filled violent lesson given by Death, you will continue to be re-entered into his hoard.

Why would someone downvote this, it sounds great

As someone who sorta had their own little story-epiphany today, this makes me smile with all the wonders and horrors that could be rendered, write it up!

Group Contributor

Sounds like the guy is gonna have it rough in Equestria when there are alot of creature who disapprove necromancy, especially Celestia.

Interesting idea… very well thought out… good character… I shall watch your career with interest.

Also sorry but ….. NECROMANCY FOR THE WIN… anyway now that that is out of my system good luck… necromancy is complicated as heck.

Fun fact the original mend wounds was actually under necromancy flesh molding if I remember correctly.

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