Psychopomp 12 members · 32 stories

Friends With Death

A story in which the psychopomp is friends with a non-psychopomp.

  • EAt the Riverside
    Another visit to the ER for Dash, but that's not going to keep her from her usual night out with the girls. The conversation turns to Death, and… it's not at all what Twilight expected. Death either.
    Pascoite · 4.7k words  ·  623  12 · 5.7k views
  • EPsychopomp
    Luna and Twilight have a conversation at a crucial juncture in Twilight's life. Celestia and Applejack discuss it after the fact. A story about moving on, the recurrence of things in eternity, awkwardness, and friendship.
    Nyronus · 2.2k words  ·  96  0 · 1.7k views