• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


Another visit to the ER for Dash, but that's not going to keep her from her usual night out with the girls. The conversation turns to Death, and… it's not at all what Twilight expected. Death either.

13th-place finisher in the Write-Off Association's "Distant Shores" event.

Thanks to Themaskedferret for pre-reading feedback.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 79 )

Dammit, my poor taste in music means that title put this song in my head:

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.
-- Dickinson

This is cute! An interesting view of it.

Hmm, a neat take on the concept, and an especially good illustration of why Twilight and her friends are exceptional even among a world of friendly ponies. Their friendship is boundless, and not just between each other. :)


Sung to the tune:

Of "The Yellow Rose of Texas," I believe.... :twilightsmile:


Author Interviewer

Yay, it's finally here! :D

You can sing this to the Pokemon Theme Song (season 1)

That was just so very touching and fantastic! I kept wondering why Twilight was thanking each one of her friends for there stories. The idea that they each treat Death as a friend is so peaceful and interesting, especially the different ways each views it. It makes me question my own view of this as well. Perhaps it isn't as spectral and scary as I first thought. Perhaps with a different perspective, she may be a friend.

I've recently enjoyed the thought that Luna may play a part in this as well. I've often hoped when my time comes that she would be the one to guide me to the stars, if I'm so fortunate.

Wow...just...excellent, good sir. Thank you!

Friendship knows no bounds or borders. It does not fear but accepts you as you are without judgement. That is what Twilight and her friends have always meant to me, anyway. Good thoughts, Dreamer.

“Just listen,” Twilight said. Every one of the girls sees you as a friend.

You forgot to start the quotation marks again.

Good story. AJ's part made me legitimately tear up.

7506061 Seems like I took a title for one of my stories from those lines some time ago...
7506606 Thanks for catching that. Fixed.

It carried us to our destination,
A smooth ride.
It was a companionable silence,
Between Death and I.

The destination would come.

This is a very good one-shot.

I don't know what I expected, but it definitely was not this. Impressive.
This was a very beautiful read, full of feelings, and I have to say that my eyes did not stay dry (figurative sense of course). No tears have been shed either, but it still left a deep impression.
Besides, I really like the concept of it as well. Death is what we make of him/her.
Wonderful, wonderful work.


I'm confused. Are Death and Luna part of the same deity, or is it something else?

I like how you did this only read one book that linked death and dreams so it made sense to me. In the book Death states "Sleep is but the little death" so yes I can see this as yet another part of Luna even if she isn't fully aware of the fact.

wlam #18 · Aug 24th, 2016 · · 29 ·

Eh. Another one of those stories that think they're a whole lot deeper than they actually are.

Well-written. Had me glued ^^

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting, but I walked away with the impression death is kind of a part of them all, so it could relate to all ponies, the small to all-powerful.

Anywho, thanks for reminding me of why I started reading MLP fanfics :eeyup:

But aren't all of Dickenson's poems written in the same metre? Does that mean I can sing any of her poems to the Pokemon theme song?

Brb it's Karaoke time.

Cute AF. And unique. Nice one! :yay:

7507834 Death is merely the cessation of the ordered and tightly regulated biochemical mechanisms staving off randomization and the tendency of all reaction to proceed to the lowest potential energy state.

*Alondro sees Death as HAL-9000...* :applejackconfused:

Do remember that Luna is quite capable of (and indeed did) mental fragmentation into smaller entities that very often end up with a mind of their own. Think of Death as an early cousin to the Tantabulus

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Now Reviews #91.

My review can be found here.

Your story's title alone makes me think of this song.

7506029 You don't have poor taste in music, although I hope you're not a fan of Roadrunner Records.

7508996 Titty Dragon - I mean Titanium Dragon! Yay!

7509168 Well, Killswitch Engage and TAA rock the house, if that's what you're asking.

And what's so bad about RRR? C'mon, man. Loud and Proud had Lynyrd Skynyrd signed to them!

7509196 Because RoadRunner Records is owned by coyotes.



7509203 Сука бляать. Иди нахуй.

7509215 Oh, it's about 6 inches long and great to grip firmly in your hands.

Anything else you want to know about my miniature baseball bat?

7509245 I'm going to stop commenting here now.

Good story...I think...author.

Also, Amazing Grace, Gilligan's Island, House of the Rising Sun, Micky Mouse Club... et c.
It's known as "Common Meter" for a reason :D


friendship does not fear, friendship does not forget, our membership includes over 9000 ponies, and we will be ready to strike

7508030 I'm not sure what you're trying to read into this. It's just a simple story about Twilight assuring someone she has friends. There's nothing particularly deep here. If you were hoping to sound sophisticated, you could have made an actual substantive comment instead of resorting to being vague and snide.

7507845 Death is one of three incarnations of Luna, and one that Twilight suspects is much more independent than the other two.

Interesting, this leaves so many questions unanswered.

Like why did Twilight ordered that half glass of prune juice?

Why does Twilight see death more?

Why didn't she tell all her friends and why didn't they asked?

What other business would Death need to attend to other than the final kind?

There are more question, but those are the ones I really would like answered.


wlam #37 · Aug 25th, 2016 · · 22 ·

Oh, no, I never sound sophisticated about internet pony fanfiction, that would be a waste to even try. I do admittedly sound snide most of the time. I can break it down to you why this looks to me like just another bit of generic feature bait, though. Random poetic-sounding name that has nothing to do with the actual content of the story, check. Profound topic like a conversation about death, check. "Insightful" commentary like "oh no, death is not a bad thing or scary at all, death is our fwiend," check. Violently shoehorning in some kind of relevance to existing characters, like that death is somehow actually Luna and that Twilight knew all along - because that makes any kind of sense - check. Actually saying anything insightful about death? No check. So yeah, to me, this is a story that tries very hard to give all the semblances of being internet deep, but doesn't actually having anything all that important to say.

Then again, looking at your lineup, you seem to have made a writing career in this place out of that style of story, so I'm not surprised you'd feel differently. And if you actually want me to believe that this is just about Twilight convincing someone that she has friends, then write them having a picnic or something instead of having a five thousand word conversation about, you know, death and what it means to them.

So if one is Death is the other Life or Birth or something similar?

7509686 I used to play Runescape a few years ago. In that game there were a special breed of dragon monsters called Steel Dragons, but a lot of people often mistook them for Titanium Dragons, and so they would abbreviate Titanium to 'Titty' when talking to each other, similar to how people in such games might say they have 500gp instead of saying they have 500 pieces of gold, for example.

I am so very amused I'm not the only one to call him this on this site. Although, I call him something else nowadays.

My reasons for calling him Titty Dragon are, asides from the word play, are that there used to be a time where I found him incredibly scary to approach. I mean, he does reviews, goes over all the pros and cons of a fic, I find it within my interests and that it's a good story worth my time to read, and then he slaps it with a Not Worth Reading sticker and burns it with fiery dragon breath (I get that he has very high standards, so even getting a review from his is pretty much an auto recommend in other people's eyes). He also does the whole Mighty Wall of Text thing when he posts comments. So he is rather intimidating. So one day, after I decide to call him that straight to his face :P Jokingly, of course. Basically my way of making him more approachable to myself. Plus the name is funny as hell. And he was cool with it, saying it was kind of a running joke. Every fandom he's been in, there's always been at least one person who figured out there are titties in his online handle :B

Then one day I was in a Skype group and PresentPerfect shortened it to Titty D, which sounds like a G name and is mighty hilarious. Like, if Titty D took up rapping, this would be the go to name. And I guess it is somewhat of a Yu-Gi-Oh! reference with Lord of D and his associated card, Flute of Summoning Dragon (kinda a strange thing, shortening the card name like that. There's space on the card to put in the word "Dragons". But now kids can now fill it with other D words :pinkiehappy:).

I've met Titty D at Bronycon, and he's a swell guy. Fun to goof around. Sure, he's nothing like the angry dragon his reviews can imply, and he can certainly go on rants, but Ferret has dubbed him to be "cuddly". And I am in full agreement with this :duck: He does rather have this aspect of cuddliness in his personality, too.

Also, I'm pretty sure if I keep calling him Titty D, someone will eventually mistake him for Titty Sparkles, which would be just too funny :rainbowlaugh:

Ok, I guess I should talk to about the fic, which I haven't actually read yet, but will during my lunch break. This is of my interest. Death, morbidity, light side of the dark side, etc. I came from Titty D's review, and the way he puts it, it sounds a bit like a crossover with Death from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. Like, specifically with how he put RD, it sounds like something in the comics. If I recall correctly, Dream offered a man immortality to see if how he would like the experience and had to talk to his sister Death to make it so. Dream and the man would meet every hundred years and he would regale Dream with the ups and downs of his life. Plus Death in your story sounds kind of nice, not too far from the perkigoth Death is in Sandman.

H0i Titty D! :3

7510801 I've never thought of him as intimidating. I mean I've had pairs of scissors, cutting knives and a chainsaw held up to my face in a threatening manner in the past by crazy people so that's probably why.

Say, have you ever wondered what it actually is like to have dozens of small titanium-coated razor teeth strip away flesh and hack away at bone? It's actually so much more gruesome than they make it look in the movies. Did you also know you've forfeited your life if you were to ever point a chainsaw at me?

Is this comment a joke? You don't have to believe it. But I'll always know the truth.

Did you ever meet anyone else at that convention besides Titty Dragqueen?

An interesting interpretation.

Another story where I confused myself with the show no tell concept.

Immortality versus Death, just another friend to have a conversation with.

Time for twilight to get a persona

7511594 Doesn't death kill all that touch him/her? But wait its Pinkie I'm talking about..I'll drop it.....CURIOSITY TRIGGERED

Before reading this story, I must note that Riverside is a group f hospitals near me, and they are net orioles for bad service, and higher than normal mortality rates. I hope the story doesn't take place there... Only one way to find out!

I am glad that wasn't what this was about... I very much enjoyed that. I like the idea that death is different to different people. I guess it holds a different meaning.


Random poetic-sounding name that has nothing to do with the actual content of the story, check.

This is blatantly false, and you know it. On the side people might not catch, it's a direct reference to the write-off this came from. On the side people will, Death makes direct reference to a river in the story. Sorry.

Profound topic like a conversation about death, check.

It's great that you get to decide for everyone what's profound and what isn't. I'll check with you next time.

"Insightful" commentary like "oh no, death is not a bad thing or scary at all, death is our fwiend," check.

So you accuse me of not being deep by choosing a topic that wasn't deep in the first place, which I already said was the case. So now in addition to defining for the masses what they're allowed to see as deep you also get to define my mindset when I wrote it. Gotcha. I'll check with you on that next time, too.

Violently shoehorning in some kind of relevance to existing characters, like that death is somehow actually Luna and that Twilight knew all along - because that makes any kind of sense - check.

And you also get to declare what makes sense without giving any evidence either way. How doesn't it make sense? You don't ever say. Authors must be beating down your door to ask you before they commit themselves to losing causes.

And if you actually want me to believe that this is just about Twilight convincing someone that she has friends, then write them having a picnic or something instead of having a five thousand word conversation about, you know, death and what it means to them.

And you get to decide what plots and premises authors use. And while you're at it, you're going to go ahead and condemn everything I've written. So all the pre-readers at The Royal Guard and Equestria Daily, the write-off voters like Cold in Gardez, Bad Horse, bookplayer, and horizon, bloggers like Titanium Dragon and Chris, the Royal Canterlot Library curators, etc., etc. are all grossly misled, and you're just the guy to educate them. Got it.

It's one thing if you've actually read all of them and have valid criticisms to say. But when you make very broad and superficial statements fraught with buzzwords, there's no reason to take you seriously.


Like why did Twilight ordered that half glass of prune juice?

She explains this one. She ordered it for Dash, since opiate-based pain medication can do bad things to your digestion. It might help and it might not, but it won't hurt, either.

Why does Twilight see death more?

Because of her magical talent, which is why it's happened even more once she became a princess, as she says.

Why didn't she tell all her friends and why didn't they asked?

She was the one kind of rushing them to finish up and go home, so they figured she didn't have a story or didn't want to tell one. But Dash does end up pressing her on it.
What other business would Death need to attend to other than the final kind?
I just leave that one open. It could mean she's preparing for someone, like she alludes to in Rarity's story, that she's going to help someone, like she does with Dash, or many other possibilities. Twilight didn't feel the need to pry.

7512456 Thank you very much for explaining. :scootangel:

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