CRISIS: Equestria 72 members · 7 stories
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Greetings, members of this displaced group. I write The League of Sweetie Belles, a fic all about sending a troop of multiversal Sweetie Belles into fanfic worlds for the heck of it. Sometimes, they visit dead fanfic worlds. And sometimes those dead fanfics are given an ending of sorts through their invitation, as they have already done for Sunshine and Fire.

CRISIS: Equestira's chapter(s) is coming soon(ish) (like a few months soon) and I figured before I started scribbling about it in earnest, I'll poke my head in here. Besides the (very helpful) post with all the archived chapters, what other resources might there be on CRISIS, and where might I find them?

-GM, master of C:E.

Only thing off of the top of my head is that the author did another story. It was a ship fic for Twilight and Trixie with a bit of PinkieDash too. Not directly related but it is more from the author.

Oh my gosh, this is some really great news! I... I might just reread all of Crisis Equestria for this!

I currently am, so you're in good company! :pinkiecrazy:
-GM, master of the reread.

As of now, CRISIS: Equestria has been reread, and the LSB chapters are being plotted out.

-GM, master of plottings.


Figured you might be interested. It is starting once more. CRISIS: Equestria will live on...
-GM, master of pies.

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