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Parkland Liar Survivor "Sister" Lauren Hogg creates armbands for the Tide pod eating teens turned constitutional experts to support gun control. Anybody remember any other gun control groups in history that wore armbands like that? I can think of a few but I'll let you answer.

Here's another link to a similar article.

You Americans are actually insane.

You yell at massacre survivors because.... you want deadly weapons?


Stupid and misguided dumbasses.

Now; What is the definition of "Insanity"?
in·san·i·ty. Noun. 1: A serious mental illness, madness. 2: Irrationality/foolishness.
"Believing repeating the same action will produce different results is insanity"
"Today it's going to be different."
"No, Today is going to be different."
Look at every country that banned guns.
USSR(Russia, Romania, Poland, etc)
All have skyrocketing gun violence. Compare that to Switzerland. Who GIVES it's citizens guns AND training to use 'em. It has the least violent crime in the world. Followed by us "Deplorable, Insane, Americans." States that welcome guns have less violent crime than those that ban them, and they continue to say "Gun Free Zones make us safe!" So I ask again, what is the definition of "Insanity"?

Let them wear them. Easy to find when they start the second civil war... Sarcasm!

Fucking idiots is all they are that blame the tool and since they are stupid enough to eat Tide Pods, they are even stupider to try and lecture people on guns. If this girl wants to play the victim card off her 17 dead costudents, then as a man who attempted suicide, then that means I can play off the death of the 22000 people who shoot themselves every fucking year!

We might as well ban knives, since they killed more people than rifles as a whole, or cars since they do about 37,000, or opioids at 42,000, nearly 50% higher than guns as a whole, not including the other types of drugs...

Ohp... wait... we've had a war on drugs for almost 50 years now? Huh... BECAUSE THAT HAS GONE SO WELL! :rainbowlaugh:

Hogg... a bag of hammers is smarter than you and your 'followers' :ajbemused:

Yes we're nuts, took you long enough to figure out.

Now skedaddle back to blowtorching cows for breakfast.

Are you freakin' kidding me...

First of all: "Wear these arm bands that impersonate the WWII Germans! Also, there's a symbol that is completely irrelevant to whatever I am yelling at!"

Second, the peace sign is designed for Nuclear Disarmament as well as representing a human in pain (look it up)

And third? The NRA is TOTALLY violent and is TOTALLY anti-Semitic. I TOTALLY agree with that...


Look at every country that banned guns.
USSR(Russia, Romania, Poland, etc)
All have skyrocketing gun violence. Compare that to Switzerland. Who GIVES it's citizens guns AND training to use 'em. It has the least violent crime in the world. Followed by us "Deplorable, Insane, Americans." States that welcome guns have less violent crime than those that ban them, and they continue to say "Gun Free Zones make us safe!" So I ask again, what is the definition of "Insanity"?

In China, there is no gun violence. It is knives. And only in one province. Unless knives are the same as guns, that's a lie.
Mexico can't enforce its own laws. So, no.
USSR doesn't exist.
Germany doesn't ban guns.
France doesn't ban guns.
More people in Germany own guns than Switzerland.
Vietnam had exactly one incident with gun violence. And it was a military ranger who committed it.
I literally cannot find anything relating to polish gun violence after the 1940's.
Romania also has no gun violence.
Russia has had gun violence, but they were all linked to Chechnya.

Group Contributor

The networks only allow their chosen recruited spokes-children to speak on the news channel who are anti gun. A specific clique of friends who are in the drama club are the chosen representitives for the school of 3000, one of whom has expressed interest in interning at CNN. They do not allow students with pro gun messages to speak on their networks.

Hello Xi. Friendly reminder: 六四天安門事件

You speak zhonguo?

That was by the government. Not exactly a crime.

>It's not a crime if the government does it

So murder(and by extension, mass murder) is Okay if the government sanctions it and it isn't a crime?
So It's okay that Hitler massacred 13 Million in Jewish and ethnic minorities?
It's okay that Stalin who massacred 20 million with different political opinions?
Or Pol Pot who massacred 2 million ethnic minorities?
Or Mao Zedong who massacred almost 60 million with different political opinions?
They were all leaders of governments.
Yet guns are responsible for all those deaths?
Yeah. Sure. And pencils/pens misspell words, spoons and forks make people fat, cars drive drunk, and porn gives you carpal tunnel. Uhhh.... It's the idiot holding the INANIMATE OBJECT that is to blame. Blame the GUNMAN(be it twisted psychopath, or government assassination/genocide)! Not the tools.
ANY tool can be misused. It's the dumbass misusing said tool that should be blamed. When there is a bombing, you blame the bomber. Drunk driving accident? Blame the driver(gonna ban cars next!?). Why blame guns when there is a mass shooting?! Yes in China they use mostly knives, yet you don't see China banning knives. They blame the douche-nozzle wielding the knife.

6354436 The meme is that if you mention Tienanmen Square to a chinese person online the censors turn off your internet.


USSR(Russia, Romania, Poland, etc)

Only those six countries have gun restrictions?

No. There's alot more. I just didn't want to list them all for simplicity.
There's also Japan, with a strict 'No Guns Allowed" policy, the UK, majority of Europe(except Slovakia, When I look at Polenar Tactical's videos, I see select fire AKs all the time. He just doesn't use it in his videos.), Asia, Australia, South America to my knowledge. I may be wrong so please correct me. And most of Africa if I recall correctly. I know Canada has guns, but they're more strict than California, Massachusetts, New York and Hawaii combined(pistol gripped rifles(AKs ARs, etc) are not allowed to have mags holding more than 5 rounds, guns must be kept in a safe outside your home(that was a legit law last I checked).


There's also Japan,

Which is very safe?


Also very safe?

Well we’re not those countries so piss off

It's not a crime IN THE COUNTRY if the government does it. Soldiers massacring civilians isn't gun violence, its government-sanctioned murder.

Guns are banned because they are very efficient killing machines. They were invented solely for military purposes. Guns aren't necessary for anything in civilian life. Knives are. You can't ban knives because they have uses in everyday life, guns do not. China doesn't just blame the "douche-nozzle wielding the knife" they also blame the entire ethnicity. Ever notice the large amount of soldiers stationed solely in that province?

Mass stabbings, acid attacks, mass vehicular manslaughter, among other things. The point is, getting rid of guns will solve nothing. The guns were banned yes, but violent crime, home invasions, stabbings, bludgeoning, that all is still happening and on the rise. You gonna ban the big steak knife in your kitchen because some "Misunderstood" sociopath decided to stab 25 people on a college campus screaming "Allah Ackbar!" or however it's said? Aloha Snackbar was it? I digress. Gonna ban Ford Mustangs because some pathetic twenty something went on a bender, and got into a head on with a soccer mom's minivan and killed her and her kids while speeding? Or the "Refugee" from Syria who rents a moving van and slams it into a crowd of civilians, and then laughs as cops gun him down? What about the twenty something British girls who get various acids splashed in their faces as their just out for a coffee/trip to the shopping centre? Sure, other countries may ban the scary "Donnerpfeifen"(German: Thunder Pipes), but violent crime WILL continue. No matter how many bans you put in place, no matter how good or "safe"(and I'm using that term VERY loosely) it makes people feel. When a shooting at the airport happens, what do you do? Call men with guns. Moving van slams into a crowd of people? Call men with guns(and paramedics). Acid gets splashed in your faces? Call men with guns. Stabbing outside your college dorm? Call men with guns. Saying you don't need guns because the police can handle it is like saying you don't need a fire extinguisher because the fire department can handle it; Or "You don't need a first aid kit, that's what hospitals are for!"

(Edit)My apologies if I ramble like that , but, my point is, Japan, Australia, The UK, etc all claim to be "Safe", but violent crime as a whole, not just gun crime/violence, is on the rise in those countries, and bans do absolute bupkiss to stop it.


Mass stabbings, acid attacks, mass vehicular manslaughter, among other things.

In Japan and Australia?

. The guns were banned yes, but violent crime, home invasions, stabbings, bludgeoning, that all is still happening and on the rise.

They're not on the rise in Australlia?

(Edit)My apologies if I ramble like that , but, my point is, Japan, Australia, The UK, etc all claim to be "Safe", but violent crime as a whole, not just gun crime/violence, is on the rise in those countries, and bans do absolute bupkiss to stop it.

And it's not on the rise in Japan?

While I don't buy the stats from Australia, I stand corrected on Japan.

I hardly believe what the Australians say. Especially when it's reported that their police WILL NOT release the stats.
Fun, isn't it? When the Australian's who have a gun ban in place, tell Americans to NOT LISTEN to their gun grabbing politicians(Or Tide pod eating teenagers who like to dress up as Hitlers 'Brown Shirts')... When people who have lost their right to fight with the Great Equalizer, tell you NOT to listen to the government telling you, 'You don't need a (Insert firearm here)' ... You need a (insert firearm here). Even the Brits want their guns back.
Yet you're Okay with allowing that same "Highly efficient baby killing machine" being in the hands of POLICE and MILITARY, the very same groups those governments used to massacre hundreds of millions of people around the world just because they were ethnic minorities or had different opinions(political or religious)? Government sanctioned murder/mass murder/genocide is, and will always be a crime. Within their borders or not.


Actually the government can be found in violation of its own laws. What do you think corruption is, and why do you think it is punishable

I meant the government in a whole.


You don't need a gun. Just a few knives.

Yet you're Okay with allowing that same "Highly efficient baby killing machine" being in the hands of POLICE and MILITARY, the very same groups those governments used to massacre hundreds of millions of people around the world just because they were ethnic minorities or had different opinions(political or religious)? Government sanctioned murder/mass murder/genocide is, and will always be a crime. Within their borders or not.

you are actually a fuckwit
You are saying that if you give people military grade weapons, crime will go down.
You also think all Syrian refugees are terrorists.
You yell at massacre survivors. Who are CHILDREN
You think people who are against guns hate their country and want to ban guns from the military? No guns on police works, but not the military. No compromise on national security.

Just to let you know, I am not an American gun control advocate. Or American at all.


You also think all Syrian refugees are terrorists.

If someone handed you a bowl of 1000 candies, and told you 100 of them are poisoned, would you take a handful?

You think people who are against guns hate their country and want to ban guns from the military? No guns on police works, but not the military. No compromise on national security.

No. The Second Amendment for us Americans is a non negotiable right. If you are an American who doesn't want to exercise that right, that's fine. Totally your choice. It was designed so the people can have the same power as the military. Taking those guns away from good, honest, law abiding folk, is how you get government corruption. In America, The government SHOULD fear it's people, because they have the same power as the military. Banning guns takes away from the civilian. Not the military, or Police. Hitler banned civilian gun ownership. 13 million dead. Stalin, 20 million. Mao Zedong, 60 million. Who killed all those people? Military and Police, under orders from the Government. How many of them would still be alive if they... I don't know... shot back?

You are saying that if you give people military grade weapons, crime will go down.

Yes. Yes it will. And we have the statistics to prove it.

Quite the pattern.
Just for giggles, here's one I found on Liberal news Media Washington Post.

Gun Ban paradise Austrailia.

You yell at massacre survivors. Who are CHILDREN

Act like a child, be treated like a child. These are 16-19 year olds who claim to know everything(yet they shove laundry detergent in their mouths:rainbowhuh::ajbemused::facehoof:). I've been through that phase.

Just to let you know, I am not an American gun control advocate. Or American at all.

Then why are you here arguing with Americans about American issues? I don't complain about European issues. Why? I don't live in Europe. (Edit: Rephrase)If you're Not an American CITIZEN, It's not your business.

1. You grossly overestimated.
2. More would be dead. They government would say they are rebelling and crack down harder, much harder.
3. I don’t believe the American media. Left or right.
4. You show one video and think that one instance disprove everything.
5. It isn’t my business but you made it my business.

Why would you even go up against a grizzly bear anyway?


It isn’t my business but you made it my business.

You made it your business when you first commented. You could have just kept to yourself, and we wouldn't be arguing this, and this thread would have been long forgotten days ago. But No. You chose to type away, and here we still are.

More would be dead. They government would say they are rebelling and crack down harder, much harder.

Explain the Polish/French/Czech/Chinese/Belgian or even the German resistances during WWII. Or the Afghan resistance(modern Al-Qaueda) durring the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Or the Zulus who took on the British Empire. The Hungarian Revolt. The American Revolution. They all shot back. Point being, They lived!

I don’t believe the American media. Left or right.

Neither do I. Most of those graphs come from the FBI, Justice Department, ATF, etc. I will not deny that 1 or 2 are media yes, but Liberal media arguing the same thing you are. They just had the balls to admit they were wrong. Majority of gun violence comes from suicide; If you paid attention. "18 school shootings in 2018" is also a farse. 13 of those were parking lot suicides.


You made it your business when you first commented. You could have just kept to yourself, and we wouldn't be arguing this, and this thread would have been long forgotten days ago. But No. You chose to type away, and here we still are.

I made an offhand comment and you turned into a full blown argument. If I stopped, you would assume you won and use me as “evidence” against gun control.

Explain the Polish/French/Czech/Chinese/Belgian or even the German resistances during WWII. Or the Afghan resistance(modern Al-Qaueda) durring the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Or the Zulus who took on the British Empire. The Hungarian Revolt. The American Revolution. They all shot back.

The resistances that succeeded has support from big countries. Hungarian revolt failed. Zulu’s failed. Did you notice that every resistance movement under a communist system failed?

Most of those graphs come from the FBI, Justice Department, ATF, et

I don’t believe the American government either.

Ah. Well, defense against wild animals and hunting is ok.


Did you notice that every resistance movement under a communist system failed?

Yes and turned themselves into martyrs. Their cause and deaths are remembered and revered because of it.

What was it you said?

You Americans are actually insane.

You yell at massacre survivors because.... you want deadly weapons?


Ah yes. That. Key words. Insane & Americans. Lets go over it again shall we? In-san-i-ty: Noun. Foolishness, Madness, Irrationality.
Believing repeating the same action over and over will produce different results. And because neither of us is going to budge on our argument, we're both insane.

Or American at all

Thus, not your business. It's an American issue. I don't complain about Europe's violence simply because
A: I'm not European
B: I don't live in Europe.
If I hadn't said something, someone else would have, and we'd still be here. You still brought it on yourself my typing the above comment. If you had just stayed your hands, and not typed a word, this thread would only have 6 or 7 comments and would have been forgotten a week ago.

Guns aren't necessary for anything in civilian life.

Ah. Well, defense against wild animals and hunting is ok.

Bit of a contradiction there, no?

Here's my proposition. we BOTH shut up and just let this thread finally die; We both have been nothing but asses to each other, I'm more than willing to let it go, and we both go our separate ways.

1. So? They still failed by shooting back. If the system hadn’t collapsed, everything would still be the same.
2. I am not repeating the same thing over and over. I bring up different counterarguments all the time.
3. Actually, the other two people had a small altercation and we came to a conclusion after a few comments. So, no.
4. I didn’t know that. The same would’ve happened if you stayed your hand as well.
5. Military grade weapon: fully or semi automatic, easy to reload, lots of ammunition.
Hunting weapon: Single shot, reloading reasonably long, little ammunition.
Quite a difference there, no?

Also, I agree. We should stop arguing. We’re just going to yell at each other indefinitely.

It is single shot. (Bolt-action counts, in fact that's what I meant by single shot.)


>Afghan Civil War
>Break up of Yugoslavia
>Romanian Revolution
>Somalian Civil War
>Ethiopian Civil War
>Libyan Civil War
>Contra War

I meant in Europe and before 1989.

I know that. What exactly are you trying to say?


I didn't mean to do that be unfair. I just didn't think of after 1989. Or outside of Europe.


While I don't buy thestatsfrom Australia,

You don't think "gunsamerica" has a slightly more apparent bias than the ABS?

I hardlybelievewhat the Australians say. Especially when it's reported that their police WILL NOT release the stats.

Except they do?

When the Australian's who have a gun ban in place, tell Americans to NOT LISTEN to their gun grabbing politicians

I don't think Australians have a habit of telling Americans to not listen to their politicians, most of them are on board with the whole NFA thing.

Liberals calling for gun control are the school bullies that take lunch money.
It's all a power grab: they'll have to murder me first.

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