The Admin's Group 204 members · 7 stories
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Most of the time this could be their own fault; other times it could be your own fault. Most of the time, however, it is the fault of both parties. The key component? Miscommunication!

Recently, I had received this for a notification of why one of my fellow staff decided to quit. I'll keep the guy unnamed because I still have a great respect for him, still does not stop the pain though.

You know, to be quite honest, man, the fun was sucked out of it once the rules started piling up. I always felt like I had 'big brother' breathing down my neck, always waiting for me to make a mistake and then I'd be given the boot anyway. I get that every group needs rules, and that's perfectly fine, but what I enjoyed about the group at the beginning was sucked out of it. A questionnaire? Seriously? This is a website where everyone writes pony fanfiction, and suddenly I'm handed a form to fill out my resume. Maybe you consider it a job, and that's fine too, but that's when it stops being fun for me.

Maybe I coulda handled it if I was an admin or something (and quite frankly I thought I would be, considering how soon I offered my help at the beginning), but I guess that just wasn't the case. Every time you came to me asking for advice I would try to give it, and then you'd just say "I'll consult with the admins." Well, I don't like the fact that I ultimately had no say in anything. Ever. That was pretty disrespectful and rude. And perhaps it's because of that too, that I just can't do it anymore.

You should probably go thank all of your commentators and reviewers who have actually done something for you, so they don't feel as though this has been a waste of time. And thank the people that filled out the questionnaire, for I am neck deep in the story competition 'circuit' right now to devote my full time to this group, and for that I am sorry. If you ever read any of my contest stories, you would KNOW that I am more than qualified to review the works of others. I appreciate you giving me a chance in the first place, so I feel I should at least thank you for that.

Sorry I could not live up to your expectations, but I wish the group the very best.

And you should probably thank Tidal most of all. He has impressed me the most in this group so far.

The conditions of this letter was either probably overstressed, or genuine. I feel like they were genuine, and that I have failed. There are also many factors that where in there that upset me to see a new light, however I'll keep those to myself. The point of this thread is how to deal with something like this.

As an Admin, it is our/your/their job to make sure the group runs smoothly. This includes rule changes and yada yada yada. That means, as things change you will get unhappy people!

EX. Whenever Knighty changes something, how many people do we see gripe about the change?

Now, if Multiple changes are made to quickly the number will grow, and people will question your ability. At times like these, people should talk to you with their concerns.... and a good admin should read on consider each word.... not obey each word, but at least recognize their worth. Failing to do this will lead to unsatisfactory results, at least they always do for me where ever I am at.

Now with the quote above, this was mostly my fault because things needed to be done. However most likely where done in the wrong way.... I'm still thinking on that so I don't know for sure.... yet.

When a person sends a letter like this to you, the best thing you can do is take it with the desire to learn. Recognize what is your fault, and what is theirs. The recognize any motives, because dedication is delicate, and may be lead to another alternative goal for their part.

Its best to invite others opinions in your group, so you are not blind to how people actually feel. You should not also let how people feel destroy your group as you try to please every one... pleasing every one will not help you or anyone ells.

So, here is the question. How do you deal with not only unsatisfied staff, but unsatisfied members as well?

What am I going to do? I am going to answer these questions and act accordingly

1. What where my original goals for my group?
2. How am I meeting those goals?
3. Am I doing my part through all this?

Ban them, of course! :pinkiehappy:

2928496 it's a tough balance when you control a high traffic group.

as you said, sometimes changes had to be made, and you don't have the luxury to ask, or wait, depending on the situation.
ah, back to the basic concept of your group, what made you create it in the first place.
I'd try to name it accordingly, then most of the rest would fall in line.
if someone is joining the group for the wrong reasons, they needs to be banned.
admins are just members with special privileges, they also may need to be banned?

If said changes came from over your head, there is no debate, it's done deal.
the rest of the changes are either because you noiced something isn't up to your initial i8dea,
or it is something that wouldn't work.
all of the members are fre to express their oppinions, so far as they follow stated rules, right?
if there is time, they should express oppinions and feelsings about thing well before a dead-line.

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