The Admin's Group 204 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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So, how many admins that are active on the site are still in this group?

I'm mostly wondering if it'd be worthwhile posting alerts here when things like sitewide spammers crop up...

--Sweetie Belle

7045798 Howdy from Scotland.

Hi, Hap!

Was remembering this group existed, and I figured I'd see how much life was still in it.

--Sweetie Belle

7045802 Well it's the least active time of day for the site (868 users online as far as I can tell site-wide...) so it might be wise to bump this during a time of heightened activity.

I get the impression that we're generally the ones that see spammers, since if I was a betting boi (and I am...) folk like SMU seem to aim for this time of day...

Yeah, might be a good idea.

And they do, I think partially because it's when there isn't much in the way of staff around.

--Sweetie Belle

7045807 > Group admins and mods asleep, post spam?

> Hap waking up:

I'm still around.

I'm less active than I used to be, but I'm definitely still around.

And on top of things, too! I was going to point out a spam thread in one of your groups, and it vanished!

Yep, I've seen you posting in things recently.

--Sweetie Belle

Yeah, that spammer is persistent. I've just had good timing being online to catch and delete/ban. Hopefully they get bored and go back to 4chan soon. :ajbemused:

I hope so. It's boring waiting for him to hit up groups of mine I know are on his list but he hasn't gotten to. I really want a blacklist feature, to blacklist people from joining groups.

Part of my good timing personally is that I can often glance at the threads and quickly hit ban at times I really shouldn't be around due to working at home...

--Sweetie Belle


Hi, I'm Sabwhy. I made a lot of specific nsfw groups based of my own personal interest and when I noticed they weren't around on the site of like minded people to join, but since then I have never really find the time to manage, add stories, or even check the groups I made, aside from catching when stories get added to them when i check my feed. >.<

Honestly, I think before I get back to college or get a job, I'm gonna wanna try to find some people to promote to moderator, if not just straight up give my admin positions to other takers, if that can be done on this site.

How many admins you need varies a lot depending on the size and activity of the group, but it is typically a good idea to have at least two people who are active on the site as admins, in case something happens to one of them or something happens when , so promoting admins might not be a bad idea, though you do want to be careful who you give admin rights. Ideally, it'd be someone that's level-headed, enthusiastic about the subject at hand, and has admin experience, though that can be hard to find.

As the founder, you are the only one that can delete the group, and if you ever decide to delete your account, the group disappears. If you ever do want to totally turn the group over to someone else, and change who is listed as the admin, you can pm anyone listed as a moderator on the staff page to do that (Eldorado, Meeester, Wanderer D). I'd suggest promoting them first, to make sure they have admin rights. Make sure it's someone you trust not to delete the group or their account, though.

--Sweetie Belle

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