Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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I don't really like it. Not because of the art style or anything like that, but because the colors are a little dark for a group like ours and Fluttershy seems to be unhappy about being padded which is not what our group is about. What are your guy's thoughts on this?

2879178 ill see what i can throw together, im a gfx designer, so give me about an hour

2879178 I think Fluttershy is just scared of arrows.

Record time!!

2879412 That's a nice picture.

2879428 thanks... I dont have illustrator or photoshop right now (im not on my computer) so this will have to do ;) i only have photoshop touch on my tablet

Please no.
No no no.
I mean, seriously, if there were any more JPG artifacts it would be the archeological discovery of the year. Not to mention the atrocity of Word Art.

Give me a bit and I'll make something that's actually good.

2879616 i havent even uploaded it. If oliver wants it i will give him the high res version. You just hate anything anyone else makes.

Updated edition 1000x250

As previously stated i will give the png/tiff version if oliver wants it

2879655 - cute, nice work! Although Rarity still looks unsure about the whole thing. ^^

The typeface is a little imposing as well, something rounder might work better?

When is rarity ever sure about wearing a diaper?

Ive yet to see a story where she is all for wearing a diaper without a little (and by little i mean a lot) of pressuring

Pinkie is just over there: i am totally queen of all foalish diapers, twilights going..... More smarty pants? Rainbow is breaking the fourth wall, as is flutterbaby

Comment posted by DGGames deleted Feb 18th, 2014

2880448 - it works if you have The Next Generation under it. XD

2880471 problem solved.... Its been updated:
But for the hell of it

I love the one Oliver just put up, actually. Fluttershy is being way too adorable :)

If you want to show something, you don't upload a JPG version with a crapload of artifacts, you host it on a proper site like Imgur at full resolution.

And copy/pasting a bunch of (stolen) vectors does not a good banner make.

2882704 if I were to do that it would be: Hey world, here's my hard work take it and erase my signature and call it yours.

Yeah that's the reason you show off the crappy jpegs and give the full resolutions to those who pay for them, or in this case accept your work.

You really know nothing about graphics.
And yes iI do agree about the last part, I don't bother wasting my time on recreating them when they are perfectly done by authors I know and have asked to use work from in the past. Plus due to the fact that I didn't even put much effort into it, its not anywhere near my best work. But Im not even going to bother showing it to you, as you would gloat its shot, yet couldn't do even a smidge as good as it. You may be a good writer, and I give you that greatly, but my profession is in fact graphics design. You don't fuck with someone's profession. I didn't deny that I used other images, but I do deny the stolen. I request permission, there is quite a difference.

>Pay for them
>Banner for fetish site
Good fucking god, kid, it's like you don't understand that professional productions aren't equal to some hack job by someone who has Photoshop.

If your profession is graphics design and you chose that font then by all hells below it's going to be the shortest graphics design career in history.

Getting some serious Navy Seals Copypasta vibes from you, boy.

So you are a "professional" graphic designer yet you made a banner of various unrelated styles and edits. Seems legit.

Wow. This is a pretty nasty atmosphere for what should be an uneventful thread. Was the old group like this? You're just going to drive people away if you're at each other's throats all the time.

Group Admin

Would all of you guy's be quiet? Non of this matters. DGGames just used some weird generic font and probably didn't put much thought into whatever vectors he edited into the banner. :unsuresweetie:

This is a place for diapers and ponies. Literally one of the sweetest combinations of things you could put together. Now the two of you stop arguing, enjoy the fan fictions, and just enjoy the wonderful stories that are posted on this page!


I've made a banner that's just waiting on the green-light from the artist whose picture I used in it. Hopefully he'll okay it and I'll post it here.

Well, hopefully before long we'll get a more suitable banner up. For now though, let's take what we can get.

2879178 Here's my offering:
Full thing is here.

I actually like that one more then the current one.

:yay:dg games one is best. and yes we` should change the banner to be more lightheearted

Personally, I'd love one with a pony juggling bananas on a unicycle, but for some reasons there aren't any pictures like that. Go figure. :trixieshiftright:

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