Voice Actors Welcome! 132 members · 11 stories
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If anyone here is interested in stepping up their game into some real professional work, I may have an opportunity for you. I'm currently acting as a writer/producer on the project to translate a popular Korean animated TV show to English and distribute it to the North American market.

We're currently auditioning 10 major roles and about 30 minor roles that we need cast for, including several singing roles. Compensation is only profit-sharing for now -- if you're selected for any roles, you'll be entitled to an equal share of all profits from North American distribution of the show on TV and/or streaming platforms. (Though we're still negotiating with the Korean producers for the ability to fundraise against this project, and if that goes through, then we may be able to offer some up-front compensation.)

We'll be recording English voiceover for approximately 4.5 hours of content total, to be split into ~20 minute episodes for the N. American market. So if you're selected for any major roles, expect it to be a significant time investment. Please be prepared to take the project seriously and professionally, since you'll be working with a team of other professional voice actors. It can be done as a work from home project as long as you have your own recording equipment -- no studio time or travel required.

Audition scripts are available now. (As well as character bios and the subtitled Korean version of the show for reference.) Auditions will be due by January 20th. I shouldn't be posting the link on a publicly viewable forum, but if you're serious about auditioning for some roles in the project, please PM me and I'll forward you the link to all the information you'll need.

Thanks for considering!

Korean cartoon???
How did you get that?

A fairly convoluted story.
I donated a screenplay as a charitable donation to the producer's nonprofit, and he liked that one so much he invited me to work on an original TV show. That TV show included a few small clips from this Korean TV show. Now that we've gotten permission to do the entire Korean TV show for the N. American market, he brought me in as lead writer and a co-producer for that project.
One thing leads to another...

And Korea is ok with it?

Wow that cool wish I could help you but I have no experience in voice acting. Good luck on it I like to hear how it turns out

Well, I don't know about all of Korea. ^.^ But the Korean animation studio that originally produced the show is okay with it!

Bad Dragon
Group Admin


lead writer

What's there to write, don't you just translate the thing?

Mostly, yes.

Honestly, I'm mainly acting more as an editor. They already have English subtitles, but the original translation seems to be done by someone who wasn't a native English speaker, so sometimes the translation isn't great and needs to be tweaked to work better in English. Also the occasional localization tweak like changing measurement units or currency names, or changing the name of some Korean-specific food into something Americans will understand better. (I also need to go through and transcribe every non-verbal sound the characters make -- every laugh, grunt, sigh, etc -- because we'll also need voice-matching versions of those in the final product.)

The main challenge for me, though, is the songs. Currently, all the songs are translated very literally, so the English subtitles don't match the rhythm of the song at all. For the songs, I need to do much more extensive rewriting in order to come up with an English version that can be sung in a way that matches the existing music.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7789674 The lyrics to the songs can be improved with:
Matching the rhythm to the original might be a tougher nut to crac, though.

Well, I'd still have to transcribe them anyway before sending them to the AI ... honestly, it sounds easier to just edit it myself than to have to copy/paste things multiple times and still go over it to make sure the AI didn't screw anything up.

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