Twily's library 272 members · 545 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

Here are some basic rules:
- The story you're recommending, must NOT be yours.
- This group is still foal-centric, so the stories recommended MUST be about them.
- As this group generally avoids mature / adult stories, (exceptions are possible), you should likely avoid suggesting them. But if you want to do so, shoot a PM to an active admin (aside of SweetieAI Belle).
- ALL the rules still apply.

Format should be like this:

Why do you feel it should be in this group?
Name two things you like about the story:
Is there anything else you'd like to say about the story?

Keep in mind, that the stories recommended in this thread may or may not be read by the staff, and they might be silently added to the group without a separate thread.


NameApple Petals
Size: 8,450
Reason: This story is quite dark, but I love the fact that it really does show the Apple Family flawed.

Title: The Last Link
Author: Featherprop
Genre: Adventure (technically also AU)

The Frostmane Territories is nothing like Equestria, and nothing seems to work the same way- it's wild, the seasons run on their own schedule, and the weather has a mind of it's own. Now an entire village has gone silent, and one pilot is tasked to get a doctor there to head off a looming disaster.
The terrain is fearsome, time is running out, and events past and present will challenge him when he has to make life-or-death decisions that will affect the lives of Ponies near and far. What will he do when the line between right and wrong is blurred?
Are there some mistakes you can never recover from?

Why do you feel it should be in this group? It's a well-written story from an author who knows his stuff, and it's a departure from the mainstream. I've never seen anything else like it on the site, to be honest.

Name two things you like about the story: It's all OC in a good way, and it's a fusion of pony, airplanes, and Jack London.

Is there anything else you'd like to say about the story? This is one of those stories which has a criminally low view count. For anyone who liked a good, old-fashioned adventure story with ponies, this is worth checking out.

Group Admin

This story isn't foal-centric.



This story isn't foal-centric.

Ah, foal-centric only. I must have missed that rule; my apologies.

Group Admin

Yeah. It can easily be missed. It's only mentioned on the first page, the rules linked, and today's other post. It's pretty hidden.


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