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As the lunch bell rang, students gradually made their way to the cafeteria. There were large and smaller tables with chairs scattered through the room, with napkin dispensers on each table. There was also a long staff table near the front.

On one side sat a stack of trays, containers of plastic utensils, condiments, plates, bowls, glasses, and mugs. Trash bins sat below them, and to the sides, and in a few other spots were the replicators. A bulletin board sat above the area for staff and student use.

There was also a long counter with various premade food for students or staff that didn't feel up to using the replicators, including lasagna, several different kinds of pizza, carrot dogs, salad, subways sandwiches,and a few types of pasta (spaghetti, fettuccine alfredo, fuselli with pesto, olives, and artichoke hearts, etc...). Dispensers for various types of soda, juice, lemonade, hot water, coffee, tea bags, and pouches of powered hot chocolate were at the end of the counter, as well as boxes of both regular and chocolate milk.

A shorter counter was clearly labeled that specifically contained items with meat in them, for the omnivores and carnivores in the student body.

A few cafeteria staff wandered around cleaning up vacant spaces, and getting food for anyone uncomfortable with the replicators.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon
((Posting this because no one seems to be doing the lunch thread, and everyone's waiting for it. My characters are having lunch in my office instead today.))

3088287 ((who does the cafeteria workers if students have questions?))

((No problem. Hopefully Viking doesn't have any issues with my posting it.))

((They are npcs, so pretty much anyone who wants to. If I'm around, I may, or the students can simply include the workers responses in their posts. Ukiah also has a character on the cafeteria staff that may show up named Dworn.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill happily hopped into lunch room, and got a salad from the cook, before she sat down at a table and began eating.

Beauty walked into the lunchroom and sighed, mandatory going to the lunch room rule wasn't her liking, and sat down at a table near the door. She didn't have to eat lunch, she never did at home, it was fine.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3089054 ((witch one?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill smiled as she lifted her head up from the bowl, "Hi!" she exclaimed, pieces of flower petals stuck to her lips.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill licked her lips and brought the petals into her mouth. she smiled, "What are you eating?" she asked,

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Alright." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill shrugged, "I liked it."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Perspectromancy was going on, it was good." Quill said. "My mom is still doing it, so she will teach today, you can be promised that."

Monochrome walked into the cafeteria, looking about the room as he entered.

"Hm. Quaint."

Hovering toward the replicators, Monochrome looked them over. They were... interesting jumbles of machinery, each with a single control panel which had been obviously modified for use with hooves.

The stallion landed in front of one of the replicators, searching about for a set of usage instructions. Failing to find one, he shrugged.

"Well, when in doubt, scan your card I suppose."

He took the ID lanyard from around his neck, passing the card across what he assumed was the sensor bar. The replicator lit up, coming to light with a low buzzing sound.

Monochrome whistled, looking up at the machine in awe. "What I wouldn't give for a few hours to take one of these apart..."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3089413 ((Sure...))
"Oh, im not in my moms class either. I am in another class, technical theater with that weird guy? I think itll be fun." Quill said.
Beauty watched all the humans and ponies walk into the cafeteria from her seat near the door. She watched one pony stare at a replicator like he was in love, and wondered why he was so interested in a thing that made food.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill smiled and tilted her head, so her horn could hit against the glass.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Everything's good! I really like this school and the ponies and people here are really nice. I was thinking of joining the flight class, just to see what would happen." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Alright." Quill said, going back to eating again.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill shook her head, "No."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Really?" Quill asked, tilting her head, "Did he play with his own brain?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Ow." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"That sounds sad...and a little creepy." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I guess..." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill brightened "Its ok! It was in interesting story, even if it was sad what happened to him."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Yeah, who is Athena?" Quill asked.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Cats are nice, but dogs are sweeter." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090518 ((:rainbowhuh:))
"I suppose so, and if you have a cat long enough and train it, it could act like a dog!" Quill exclaimed.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090559 ((You changed it, I was confused by disjointed words))
"That's good!" Quill said.

Group Contributor

3088287 ((Thanks SSS, I had my password reseted but the email never showed up:flutterrage:))

Dworn supervised the students all the while drinking from a tea cup.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090602 ((Im refreshing continually))
"Athena means smart?" Quill asked.

Group Contributor

3089530 I've done that once you know! Had to change it into a rifle, to take down the evil GlassHeart!! Clever floated above him on a synthetic cloud. Clever flew away to grab a whole pizza.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Beauty glared at the fleeting anthro, and looked towards the replicators. The guy who made the food was by them, watching everyone. She supposed the amount of ponies walking by, nopony would notice her by the door and ask if she was hungry, which she was fine with.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090626 ((literally in two RP's refreshing both in two tabs every second))
"Cool." Quill said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090662 ((Im crazy, the other is a doctor who thread))
Quill went back to eating.

Group Contributor

3090662 Wheres the fun in that? Sounds dreadfully boring!! Clever floated over to the table and began to eat softly.

3090625 Dworn noted this and told his mouse to make sure no adolescent was misbehaving. He then trotted next to Beauty and asked politely Zittle Fill-E why zu no eet?
((I :heart: his accent))

Group Contributor

3090722 It doesn't take much for me to change something into something else. Especially when it's technology. It's all just algorithms, and patterns. Cpever laughed finishing the pizza off.

3089686 ((EAT SOMETHING FOR ONCE GOD DAMN IT! Note: Saying this jokingly.))

Sledge trotted into the room and looked around, noting all of the students with slight disdain. The only one who didn't earn a glare from him was Beauty, though he was pissed to see she still wasn't eating. The young stallion trotted over to a replicator and snagged two plates of pasta, then made his way over to the pegasus mare. He placed a plate in front of her and sat down, across from her with a scowl.

"So, how are you?" He asked, waiting for her to begin eating.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Beauty looked at the chef, "I...don't know what you just said."


"He's asking why you're not eating." Sledge deadpanned.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Oh. I normally don't eat lunch at home. So im not really hungry." Beauty shrugged.


*cough* "Bullshit." *cough* Sledge coughed into his hoof. "Eat, you're so skinny if your stood sideways you'd disappear."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"That is very much an overreaction." Beauty said. ((Im a pirate))

3090844 ((No you're not! EAT!))

"Overeaction, I'm starting to be able to see your ribs." Sledge said, leveling a look at her. "EAT! Or I'll be forced to do something drastic.

((Also, going to be breaking into your dorm soon. *wink wink*))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3090861 ((Really? That's too soon, and I meant im a pirate on a different RP thread))
Beauty rolled her eyes and leaned against the table, "I think that if I was good enough to eat at home and my bones never showed, they wouldn't be showing now when I have the same schedule as before."

3090876 ((Fine, I hope the store will refund the money I spent on the ski mask and the duct tape...))

"Funny thing about eating disorders, the pony who has it doesn't acknowledge it exists." Sledge said, speaking with his hands... hooves... whateva. "So, you may see yourself as a morbidly obese neck beard, but in fact you look like some sort of starving foal from Zebrica."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I don't see myself as all. That's kind of creepy actually." Beauty said.


"I'm not here to argue semantics, just eat already." Sledge groaned pushing her plate towards her.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I had enough to eat for breakfast. The human I room with is actually very good at making food in a kitchen made for humans." Beauty said.


Sledge gave a bemused expression. :ajbemused:, then tapped the table.


Pen Brush
Group Admin

Beauty sighed, "I don't see why you care so much. What is that anyway?" she asked, looking at the bowls.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Beauty sighed, "I don't see why you care so much. What is that anyway?" she asked, looking at the bowls.


"This?" Sledge asked, pointing at the bowls. "This is the schools attempt at pasta, I know, It's hard to tell." He sighed. "As for why I care so much, well..." Sledge trailed off.

Monochrome ordered his food from the replicator, beaming as he carried his massive serving of collard greens and hash browns to the table Sledge and Beauty shared, plopping down beside the other two ponies and beginning to munch happily. If anything, he was simply proud of himself for figuring out how the food replicators worked on his own.

Looking to the table's other two occupants, Monochrome grinned sheepishly, glancing to the mountain of food before him. "Took me a lot of button pressing to get the thing to work," he explained, biting a large chunk off of the pile, "I got the portion size wrong."

He rubbed the back of his neck with a wing, glancing between his tablemates. "I... I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?"

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