The Defenders of Luna 620 members · 718 stories
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The Accursed One
Group Admin

Woo! One whole week of posts! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: :rainbowdetermined2: :yay: :moustache:
Today's theme is comics! Tomorrow's is a community special! You guys choose the theme or submit something for an individual segment!

Fact! Comic Sans MS was based on the lettering style in Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns
Joke! Can't find a good one on teh interwebz, so here's a link to something funny.

Random thing: Fact about me, relating to comics! I am currently in pre-production of a comic I'm making with one of my friends. It's called Blade, and it takes place in a futuristic, Romanesque society that isn't afraid of death.

Question! Favorite comic book series? (Manga counts, of course.)
Best Western comic: Blade (Call me biased. :derpytongue2:)
No vote for best manga since I haven't read any in a while.

I've never once read a comic... unless you count the MLP ones. :unsuresweetie: :twilightblush:

The Accursed One
Group Admin

Wanna read Blade when my friend and I make it?

2996822 Every time I see that avatar I can see Luna saying "Sup baby wanna make out!"

The Accursed One
Group Admin

Dude... She's prolly got a boyfriend, if not a lover. And I doubt Luna is the cheating type.

Sure! Will it be on Deviantart?

:rainbowlaugh: Now that is all I will think when I look at it as well!

The Accursed One
Group Admin


Stahp making the princess of the night seem seductive. Not a group rule, but please stahp. I dun want to be attracted to cartoon horses.

I'm sorry! I've had this pic on here for like, half a year!

The Accursed One
Group Admin

s'ok. My pic has been a pic of Trixie for most of the over a year I've been on this site.

2997064 Lol dude my name says it all doesn't? If I ain't her coltfreind then I am her lover.

2997118 And there not horses there ponies!

The Accursed One
Group Admin

I think she'd probably be with someone of a higher caliber. Princesses have standards. #shotsfired

Just curious. Any of you going to MLP-MSP? Or do you guys/girls not live near Minnesnowta Minnesota?

2997237 Ouch damn put that gun down dude before you kill someone!

The Accursed One
Group Admin

From PA, so no. I might be going to Bronycon with some internet friends this summer though.


2997259 I live in northern Indiana so I ain't too far away but far enough not to know of it.

Lucky! I've wanted to go there for a while now.

2997279 I want to got to one of these Bronycon sometime if I ever get a chance to.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

So about the main post? Response plz.

You don't know of it! Look it up on google an check out the guest list!
Just serch "MLPMSP" and go to the first site.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

luna profile picture thread now.
but mine's better than all of yours because she be sophisticated here.

2997537 Mine is cuter than all of yours!:pinkiehappy:

The Accursed One
Group Admin

I was going for sophisticated. She is a classy pony, after all.

Mine is more *clears throat* sexy?

Well you sure are enthusiastic.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

Okay, haven't we gone over the fact that none of us will ever even have a chance with Luna?

2997711 Ha! I got a chance in hell so I got a shot!

A Romanesque society? How can you have a society based on an architectural style predominant in Europe from the 6th to the 12th century?

If you include webcomics I think my favorite is Freefall but that is probably because it is the first webcomic I read. My favorite one from a technical and story telling standpoint is probably Girl Genius.

Considering she is a 100% fictional, blue, magical hair, flying unicorn princess. I know.
I'm not even into ponies, or any animal, for that matter. I just like to keep a joke going. :rainbowwild:

The Accursed One
Group Admin

I meant the society was like that of Rome, but not with all the slavery and stuff. The not afraid to die thing, mostly.

I know, I was just joking.

I have to pick a comic mini-series, I'm afraid: Kingdom Come. That's what got me back into comics after a long, long dry spell.

I love that Bohemian Rhapsody pun comic so, so much.

And I'm embarrassed to admit that the only American comics I really read are MLP and Archie. Manga, on the other hoof, is a completely different story. :raritywink:

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