The Defenders of Luna 620 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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The Accursed One
Group Admin

IF you see a distinct lack of anything, feel free to submit late!

Fact! Diaries of a Madman by whatmustido is the longest story on this site with 1,730,299 words. (From dj-pon3fan)

Joke! "Ornithologists were investigating some peculiar measurements in Boston today where they found nearly 80 percent of crows run over by oncoming traffic were run over by trucks, with only 20 percent attributed to cars. When asked why this is, the ornithologists said that the crows always posted a lookout in the tree to warn the others foraging on the road of impending danger and though they found the crows could say 'caw' just fine, they had great difficulty in saying the word 'truck'." (From ErraticOverlord)

Random thing! (From Dustin Lange)

Song! The first is from dj-pon3fan, the other from Dustin Lange.

Riddle! Yesterday's answer: You look in the mirror and see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the ball in half. Two halves make a whole. You take the whole and climb out of the box. No awards because everyone's a winner when you participate in a Nightly!
Today's riddle: In a room there are twenty quarters tails side up and an infinite amount of quarters head side up. You can flip any amount of the quarters but you have no way of telling what side is up on any particular quarter. How do you separate the quarters into two piles, each with the same amount of quarters tails side up? (From ErraticOverlord)


I love participating in these.

3815257 I love these things so much. This is probably the most use I've gotten out of group forum threads. Keep it up!

The Accursed One
Group Admin

And I love spamming your feed with my daily post! Win-win!
See above. And I will. Just remember Wednesday is entirely you fellows.

3815413 Just remember, it's not spamming if everyone wants it to be there. Like eating donuts. If I had a hat that kept filling with donuts, then I wouldn't complain until I wanted to put the hat on. The metaphor was a little lost there but you know what I mean...

Unless you don't in which case I have donuts to make you feel better.

3815257 Ooh, what is this exactly and where can I get more?

I agree with 3815267 & 3815404.

I missed these when you stoped doing them when knighty took away the group notifications.

The Accursed One
Group Admin

The post? I do these every day, with one made entirely by you guys the readers every Wednesday to spice up your week!
mmmm..... donuts....... But I know what you meant.

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