Human in Equestria 16,888 members · 17,082 stories
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Here is an Idea that is have thought of for a long time, and now im asking you guys, since... well it would be a human in Equestria fic. But I want to know who would you want in it? Corvo, Daud, Delilah, Vera Moray (AKA Granny Rags), Emily Kaldwin, Jessamine Kaldwin, Piero, or someone else? Tell me what one you would like to see.

1755478 Eh, I would see it be more of "Outsider in Equestria" Nobody else could meld as well as him

What would be fun to see is someone writing in a character in the likeness of a comedian, such as Jim Carey or maybe Robin Williams. I could only imagine the shenanigans that would ensue if one of those two was set loose upon Canterlot or Ponyville.

I am gonna get so many flames for this, but I don't think Corvo would be a good idea. He has little to no personality as a silent protagonist, which means you would have to craft it all from scratch, and a lot of people would be disappointed even if it was done very well. That said, I do loike the idea, and going with someone like Daud who has a very clear personality, as well as a much clearer backstory and character to build off of, would be excellent to see.

Oh, by the way, there are a "small" amount of Dishonored fics on here so far.... I have a group with them if you want to see them.
Also Daud and The Outsider were two of the people I though of when I first thought of writing a fic like this. So far im thinking after The Brigmore Witches low chaos ending, several years later the outsider comes back and visits Daud when he is on his dead bed, and tells him that his work in this world is over, but he his story is not over yet. That he still has work to do, and through a series of eventsi have yet to think of, he winds up well in Equestria. But I don't want it to be a standard HIE fic, so I'd need to find a "Unique" way for him to wind up in Equestria, and form a new assassins group.

1755882 I'm a huge Dishonored guy, I'd be happy to read it and see how it does the game justice.

It be good to have several people thinking of ideas, Like a short desc, Long desc, and even a name for the story.... since im drawing a blank for all 3, so I just put Daud in all of them. I would also need some people to suggest what abilities, weapons, upgrades, and bone charms that he'd have. So if you or anyone else have any idea's im all ears.
Also so far I have chosen the tags, Dark, Crossover, Human, Alternate Universe, Tragedy, and Dark. Are they good or not, considering what the story is based off of?

1755969 Eh, I had a Dishonored fic I titled New Day Rising. Since it's probably not going to be a reality, you can take it.


I didnt even read the whole post but agree

I like it. And for the prologue I have decided to start it as a look back on what has happened to daud, in an autio log form. And having it played to the older Emily and Corvo. Followed by a funeral in. A royal fasion after they find out what he did to save her. But as they are about to bury him, his and corvo's mark of the outsider light up brightly followed by Daud disappearing leaving nothing behind but a note.

Emily after the bloodiest possible playthrough. Enroll her in Cherilee's class and wait for arts and crafts time. Remember her lovely drawings? :trollestia: Otherwise Corvo. Also post-bloodbath.

Ooh, or the Outsider! I'm sure he and Discord would get on famously! Maybe throw in Sheogorath and make it an orgy of what-the-fuckery.

Hmm not a bad idea. I might make one of those an alternate one shot. But here is a question for you, normal ponies or anthro?

Normal. Anthro isn't so bad but I'll always prefer normal if given a choice.

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