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Daft Punk saves Equestria
What's not to like? Nothing, that's what's not to like.

Unless you don't like Daft Punk.
In which case you are absurd.

im going to rape you regidar

1279220 exactly

1279221 oh noooooooooooooooooooo

1279220Than I must be very absurd.

1279239 explain this madness

1279247Old School rap most of the time.

From the title I assumed it would be Chuck Norris and Adam Sandler... it would be an awesome fic if they went to equestria


I do like me some Daft Punk.

1279205 I'm more or a classic and prog rock guy myself... Not much for me in the way of daft punk.

(I think I'm already feeling the licking of the flame wars.)


1279759 The... fuck? Horror movie scene gone horribly hilarious with slight creepy from the blood?

1279798 The exorcist. I am a blasphemer, therefore that's how I get down the stairs, according to daft punk listeners.

1279978 You're welcome. :pinkiehappy:

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