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Some of my favorite webcomics are Cyanide & Happiness, Xkcd, and The System. After creating this comic featuring The System's "Jimmy the Murderdog" on Sweet Apple Acres:

I began wondering what would happen if characters from other webcomics entered Equestria-- such as The Purple-Shirted Eye-Stabber or Superjerk from Cyanide and Happiness. Basically, list your favorite webcomics and tell me what would happen if characters from them entered Equestria.

No, this is not a thinly veiled attempt to promote my new comic.

EDIT: I also like Dan but that's mainly only because I'm one of the main characters (ya rly.)

1266292 I haven't heard of any webcomic called "B-U", so that's of no help.

1266302 Could you please link me to the comic where that's from? You got me interested.

But you shouldn't, brobolupalous.

It's Ctrl+Alt+Del, the brainchild of Timothy something Buckley. Webomic artist, hack and professional asshole.
His webcomic is possibly a rare breed of anti-comedy, although it gave us gems like



You're better off with using that one that is like regular show on acid or Hark a Vagrant or that one about this fat nerd loser that acts almost like a child.
Sorry but I'm terrible at names.:twilightblush:

1266338 Tbh I really prefer oneshot comics with no main characters like the first three I listed. (There are exceptions: I do like this one called Dan but that's mostly only because A. it was created by a friend and B. I was one of the characters in it (true story.)

The ones I listed don't really have main characters, more than recurring characters.

Another one I like is Sent from the Moon even if it can get nonsensical and stupid real easy, but that's just my kind of humor.
Now how were those called? Dammit.

1266758 Yes.

1266338 You mean a comic that has actual real world issues in it?! Wow! Also, curious: What makes him an asshole? Is it his style of comic-making? Or what?

:rainbowhuh: ... what the hell am I looking at in that second one???

I know. What kind of idiot puts real life issues on a webcomic?:rainbowlaugh:
Or even worse, when you have a "comedy" oriented comic strip and then you suddenly do this

The hell are you even supposed to react?

Maybe his most notable feat was to make a site for a flash cartoon below newgrounds' sprite naruto fights' quality and ask for donations and subscriptions to continue it.
He made a bunch of money he was supposed to use for the cartoon that his braindead fans wanted to watch so much that they paid for it, but in the end he just bought himself a drawing tablet thingie so he could B^U more easily.

He can't even bother to B^U with his own hands today.


Do you even sadame!?

1270121 Huh. I honestly like drama in my stories, whether comic or fic or novel. Drama in movies has just gotten boring. But if he's that big a douche, maybe I'll steer clear of that.

It's called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Awesome, violent and intriguing manga series with several arcs following an eternal feud between an evil vampire overlord and his former friend who saw him become a monster and their descendants.

Over the top tyrannic rule of cool and awesome fashion designs but with slight homosexual overtones and imagery.

Read it! GOGOGOGOGOGOGO:pinkiehappy:

Webcomics can handle drama, though. Weekly comic strips of any kind, not.
If Garfield suddenly dropped a strip about John's death, completely out of context but with the usual format it would fall flat and go straight into NARM territory because it would feel like a joke, because it looks, behaves and quacks like a joke.

The trick is to know what you're are doing, and B^Uckley doesn't.
Most webcomics follow the usual weekly diary strip format, relying on pandering and quick gags for the lowest common denominator.
This is not to say that a webcomic can't give you a moving story with good characters, well done drama and a good execution of its own themes.
It can, but a series of short, self-conclusive comedic strips that deliver little content each time can't handle a story beyond "2-3 characters have wacky situations on their dorm room".

Okay, but, uh... what does that have to do with knives and a steamroller?

Honestly, everything.

Seriously, man. Wryyyyy is memes 101, almost as old as Chuck Norris jokes.

You're doing this on purpose now.

I didn't get online until two years ago. Most of the things people throw at me mean absolutely nothing to me.

1270710 A webcomic done well with drama that I can think of is El Goonish Shive.

What I said applies there since it is treated as a normal serialized comic.

It's most of the time normal to assume that most lurkers are somewhat versed on internet "culture", sorry then.
The steamroller thing is part of an attack made by Dio Brando, main antagonist of the series.

He first launches a blur of punches at his foe, then stops time and throws a myriad of knives towards his target.
Finally, he unstops time and launches a steamroller on top of his bleeding and dying opponent for shits and giggles.

Ahh, okay. I get it now. Well, much as I can without actually watching the show. My thanks. :twilightsmile:

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