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Hey, guys. As you know, there are characters in MLP who did horrible things. But there are some people, like me, who think that they deserved punishment, or harsher punishment than what they received. So this is a forum is to talk about 10 MLP characters who I think deserved worse than what they got. I even plan to make a video about this. In fact, it was a video by Dr Wolf that got me inspired to do this, only it was about Disney villains.

Note: All these characters that I have listed is all my opinion. And I am looking at characters from seasons 1 - 5, and the MLP movie.

10. Suri Polomare:

She took advantage of Rarity's generosity, by tricking her into using Rarity's fabrics for a dress, only to find that she used it make dresses for her fashion line for the fashion contest before Rarity could present her dresses she made with that same fabric. Then she clearly attempted to cheat her way into winning by saying that Rarity had lost, but she in fact really had won, only so that she could get her disqualified from the contest, and be winner by default.
And at the end, Coco Pommel resigned from being Suri's assistant, and telling Rarity everything that Suri tried to do. And as a result, Coco got a new job as a costume designer for musical theatre. But what about Suri? What happens to her? We don't know. We don't know what happens to her. It's possible that Coco reported Suri's deceitful actions to the judges and contest officials, and she could've gotten disqualified, and possibly banned from ever participating or appearing in any other fashion related event ever again. But we don't know, because we don't see what happens to her. And for all we know, Suri probably got away with it, and would continue to still do it.

9. Wind Rider:

This guy attempted to frame Rainbow Dash for a crime she didn't commit, and get her permanently kicked out of the Wonderbolts solely for the purpose of preserving his Wonderbolts speed record. And would've succeeded if it hadn't had been for Rarity. And ended up getting dishonourably discharged from the Wonderbolts at the end. But I feel he deserved much worse and here's why. When he was found out, he said and I quote: "I did what I had to do to protect my record! Sometimes you gotta play dirty to be the best!".
To me, this means that it probably wasn't the first time he did something like this. He probably framed so many other possible Wonderbolt members and reserves that could be a threat to breaking his record, and got them kicked out and having their careers and dreams ruined. So when you think about it, Wind Rider probably deserved worst if that was the case.

8. Babs Seed:

She is on the list for these crimes. She willingly, and knowingly destroyed the CMC's float, and bullied the CMC (one of them being her own family) physically, verbally, and psychologically, and possibly other foals in Ponyville off screen. Even though she did all that because she wanted to avoid being bullied by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and because of the bullying she had suffered back home, it shouldn't change the fact that she did all those things willingly and knowingly. But did she get punished for everything she did in the end? No. She suffered no punishment of any kind or form for what she did. Instead she was let off, and was accepted into the CMC. She should've at least got punished with hard labour on the Apple farm, forced to fix the damages she did, and Applejack should have written a letter to her family back home to tell them what she had done.
In fact, why is it that the CMC got punished for thing they did wrong, while Babs Seed, who did much worse than all the bad things CMC did put together, got off Scott-free? In my eyes, this is a classic example of punish the innocent and free the guilty.

7. Spoiled Rich:

This mare shouldn't come to a surprise. She had been manipulating and influencing her daughter, Diamond Tiara into doing such horrid things up until Crusaders of the Lost Mark. This makes all the terrible things that Diamond had done all linked to Spoiled Rich's abusive, snobby influence. And she was not afraid to speak so horribly about everyone at the schoolhouse near the end. And I for one thoroughly believe that Spoiled Rich was responsible for there being no money in the school board budget, since she's the head of the school board. And either spent all the budget on all the things Diamond said would happen if she won the election, or outright lied about the budget with the threat of blackmailing other members if they didn't lie too. In my opinion, Spoiled Rich should've been fired from the School Board, and Filthy Rich should've filed a divorce with her.

6. Svengallop:

Now this is a stallion who exploits a celebrity for their own personal gain. During his time in Ponyville, Svengallop makes numerous unreasonable demands to Pinkie Pie without Coloratura's knowledge, and he threatens to pull Coloratura out of the festival if Pinkie does not comply. Not to mention he also was shamelessly snobby towards "common" ponies Coloratura would interact with. That is just truly despicable!
I read up that the original draft of The Mane Attraction depicted Coloratura outright firing Svengallop, rather than Svengallop voluntarily abandoning her in the final draft. And according to Amy Keating Rogers, his continued shady dealings in Manehattan ultimately end in failure after the events of the episode. Although, his reputation is possibly ruined permanently, I still feel he deserved so much worse.

5. Rainbow Dash:

Now this may come as a surprise, but let me explain why Rainbow Dash deserves to be on the list.
In Tanks for the Memories, she tried to sabotage the work of the weather ponies bringing winter. Things like taking the snow clouds away, altering the flight path of duck traveling south for the winter, and messing up the weather ponies. But worst of all, she broke into the weather factory, and sabotaged the equipment inside, causing countless property damage. Although her actions failed in stopping winter, she still is guilty for such destructive damage to property. What makes it worse is that she endangered many ponies, including the town of Ponyville when that giant snowball landed on the town, which could have injured so many ponies, and caused even more property damage to houses and buildings.
Even though it did not happen, it still adds to the things Rainbow Dash is guilty for. The offences are workers sabotage, trespassing, breaking and entering, extensive destruction of factory machinery and property, and reckless endangerment of ponies. To name a few.
And was she punished for any of those things? No. Not at all. She would've faced a huge law suit, minimum jail time, and community service for what she did. And that's if she was lucky. The reason she escaped any of that is because of Twilight and her friends.

4. Trixie:

So let’s look at this character. She bought the alicorn amulet, despite the fact she knew and was even warned of the dangers of it, in order to get revenge on Twilight and everyone else in Ponyville, but mainly Twilight. She used it to cause all kinds of chaos just to get to Twilight. And after beating Twilight in a duel, she banished her from Ponyville, and then she put up a magical barrier to both prevent Twilight from ever returning, and imprisoning the whole town while even enslaving the entire population of the town in the process. Many would argue that all the things Trixie did was because of the corruption powers of the amulet, but I for the most part disagree on that. The reason for that is because she when she took off the amulet, she was free from it power, but she did try to hurt Rainbow Dash with what she intended to cast was a torture spell. Even though she failed in doing that, he intent was very clear. This seems to me that all the actions on what she did, with or without the amulet, was out of her own free will for the most part. The amulet's corruption just increased her intentions all the higher.
And when you look back on her first appearance, Twilight actually saved Trixie's life, and this is how Trixie repaid her. And what's worse, after all the horrible things she did, causing chaos, imprisoning, enslaving, and torturing the entire town, she never suffered any sort of punishment. She was let go Scott-free.

3. Prince Rutherford:

The actions of this guy is something else. He came to visit Ponyville as part of a Yakyakistani delegation to Equestria. He and his other yaks were given things that the ponies gave to them to make them feel at home. Things like trying to make Yakyakistan style food, Yakyakistan-style hay beds, and many other Yakyakistan-style things to the best of their ability to make them feel at home. But did they like any of those things, and did they accept any of these things with good grace? No. Instead, he and his entourage maliciously, and ungratefully trampled and destroyed everything they did, including little animals, with some of them being babies. And all without even the slightest bit of shame. And later, he decided to leave Ponyville and declare war on Equestria, all because of Spike playing a Pianola, instead of playing the piano for real. So his crimes are malicious destruction of property, attempted cruelty and murder of animals and possibly ponies, and threatening war on an innocent race. That is just totally unacceptable, uncivilized, and absolutely despicable behaviour. He and the other yaks should've been punished most severely. Instead of a friendship party, they should've been chained and lock-up in a rat infested dungeon for their hostility.

2. Starlight Glimmer:

As you are aware, Starlight Glimmer did some really horrible things before she was reformed. First, she captured, imprisoned, and brainwashed so many ponies into her so called town, and stripped them of their cutie marks. Who knows how much physical and psychological damage she caused to the innocent ponies she kidnapped and trapped. But the worst thing she did after she was stopped by the Main 6 was going back in time and trying to alter the events of the future. Fortunately, Twilight stopped her from doing so, but the fact that she amount of horrors that could've happened if she had succeeded is horrific to think about. The future could've costed the lives and existences of so many ponies. Instead of being punished for all that she did, she was given the opportunity to change and learn about friendship from the Main 6. In my opinion, and if it was up to me, she should've been either executed, or sent to Tartarus for all eternity.

1. Tempest Shadow aka Fizzlepop Berrytwist:

Now we come to number one. Now don't get me wrong. Tempest Shadow is my favourite characters in all of MLP, but she still did so many evil things. We're talking about Darth Vader equivalent evil things. And it's for this reason I put her down as the worst. When she was working for the Storm King, she conquered many civilizations to expand the Storm King's empire. She was even responsible for the capture, enslavement, and perhaps even deaths of so many countless lives. Tempest even invaded and enslaved her home of Equestria. And it was all just so she could get her horn back. Then when she was in pursuit of the Main 6, she tried to kill Capper and the pirates. Even though she failed, her intent was very clear. Even though she changed when the Storm King betrayed her, and that she saved the Main 6 from the Storm King, it doesn't make up for the so many countless wrongs she had done. We're talking about the destruction of colonies and races, enslavement of innocent lives, murder, attempted murder, attacking royalty, and high treason. Just for starters.
But did she face any punishment? Again, no! She was invited to stay, and was let go. Or perhaps join the royal guards as the new commander. She would've been executed for what she did. Or sent to Tartarus for all eternity.

So there you have it guys. Do you agree with the list? Let me know,because I'd like to hear what you think.

The fuck does this have to do with EqD

There’s a possibility all of these guys got punished off screen. That, or like everyone’s said throughout the EQG series, the characters are very forgiving.

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