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I've had this thought bouncing around in my head for a while, and I finally decided to put it to words. The last problem was where to put it. I could post it on the Spike group, or even as a Blog, but that might not reach the desired audience.

And then I realized, this was the perfect place to put my thoughts.

Now, Descendant's views on Spike and Twilight are well known. I am not going to reiterate them here, because I am quite sure you've all heard them at least once. Ever since I first heard it, it always struck me as 'off'. There was truth in the words, of course, but it just seemed like it was missing something.

So one day I started to think on it, on how TD kept saying that Twilight and Spike's relationship defied all description, when I came to my own, shall I say, epiphany. I'd tried earlier to compare it to a sibling relationship with some other writers, and the most common rebuttal I got was "I never acted like that with my siblings", both from the older and younger parts of the spectrum. And that was what caused me to understand why some people have difficulty with the concept of 'sibling' relationship, because we see sibling relationships as they have been in our life.

That thought process is flawed. As Applejack once said, your family are really the first group of friends you ever made. Family, especially siblings, are more than that. To those of us with siblings, try and recall a few things for me.

Did you fight with your siblings? Break something of theirs, argue with them or throw temper tantrums when one of you couldn't get your way?

Did you take care of each other? Did you help them search when they lost something important, solve a homework problem or practice for a sport/project/play?

Did you play with them? Did you wrestle in the back yard, play with each others action figures/dolls or just sit and watch TV/Movie together?

Sibling relationships, by their very nature, are multifaceted. I could ask everyone on this site, and I would not get the same answer twice as to how they got along with their siblings. The relationship between them is just as unique as the people involved in it are.

So I suppose what we call a 'Sibling Interaction' depends on how we define it. For me, the relationship is a combination of Storge Love, Rivals and Friends. Sometimes we love each other, sometimes we hate each other, but that is the true nature of a sibling relationship. I think the reason so many people look for different words to define the Twilight and Spike dynamic is because it is something vastly different from anything we could have possibly experienced in our life. We quite literally have no frame of reference for the way they interact.

We can see all of the sides of this multifacted relationship the two have throughout the series, I don't need to quote specific examples here. This is why I see them as siblings, because the interaction is very close to what I would expect from such a thing. Our parents may be the subject of our love (normal cases), but it is very odd for our parents to be a source of friendship. At a young age, certainly, but we naturally move to people our own age to form those bonds of friendship. And while we may grow apart from our siblings as well, we usually keep that 'friend' bond with them closer than the 'friend' bond with our parents.

Similarly, friends are very rarely recipients of Storge Love at such a young age. The young mind understands the difference between family and friends, even if we cannot articulate it.

To me, this puts the relationship between 'Best Friend' and 'Mother'. It meets all the requirements of what I would call 'Siblings', and falls in the right ballpark as far as the interactions scale.

I am not attempting to push anyone to my way of thinking. It is just that after seeing TD make his infamous speech so much, I felt the need to actually return fire a little bit. :raritywink:

Agree/Disagree/Debate to your heart's content, I welcome all!


Hmm… eh, my headcanon for the sidling or motherly relationship changes with the wind or why it needs to for a particular story. But still, excellent reasoning. :twilightsmile:

2351819 Personally, I couldn't do those thins with my siblings... seeing how my sister is 15 years older then me, and my brothers are over twenty years older then me. Plus, both have lived on the other side of the country and one's be in prison my whole life.

But, enough of that. Were talking about Spike and Twilight! My favorite duo! With me, it's... hard to judge their relationship. Sometimes I only think she cares for Spike as her assistant and nothing more, especially in the beginning. I know she loves him, but hey, I bet a bunch of bosses love the employee that does everything you say for free.

However, once she made friends her own gender, she kinda... abandoned Spike. Again, when you finally make friends your own age, you're not going hang around your employee/brother.

One of the major things about Twilight is this: she's insane. Twilight Sparkle can go crazy in thirty minutes if she thinks she'll fail Celestia... and Spike keeps her leveled. He's her morality chain; without him, she'll be in a asylum. :trollestia: That kind of relationship isn't healthy at all; where one cannot survive without the other, and one's greatest fear is being cast aside... even though it's slowly happening, especially if you think Spike is a little kid.

I think Spike views Twilight only as his best friend he has know all his life. We know Spike, deep in his conscious, has some level of attract to Twilight... Rarity's mane: Cutie Pox episode. I don't think Hasbro can pull off have a main character have a fetish so strong he's willing to go after his sister or mom. :twilightoops:

Anywho, that's my take. :moustache:

I gotta go with what I was told was once said by Cathy Weseluck, the voice actor of Spike. She said that their relationship was similar to that of siblings in a family where both parents have died. To me that seems about right.

The Descendant
Group Contributor

It is just that after seeing TD make his infamous speech so much,



No offense was intended, but it is kind of your bread and butter by now.

Also, not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping it would pull a response longer than one word out of you. :duck:


The Descendant
Group Contributor

I just got home from work. Gimmee a little while.:rainbowlaugh:


:twilightsheepish: Fair enough! Off to study for a 7 AM final then.



2351960 I know I shouldn't pry but... your brother's been in jail your whole life? :twilightoops:

The Descendant
Group Contributor

Finish my Christmas shopping for me, direct my Sunday School play, go to work for me, write the next chapter of Zenith, and buy me a new car and I'll find some time for this.:raritywink:


Don't worry about it, dude. I understand that life (especially around the holidays) can be a bit hectic. It was just some food for thought, and just because this is your board does not mean you are the only one who can have a debate here!

If other people disagree with me, I welcome their views as well. Being undisputed is boring, I want to be challenged.


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