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The Descendant
Group Contributor

I Knew It
Based on a Commission Made by PettankoPrincess at BronyCon
Written for The Ravens by The Descendant

"I knew it," Spike said, wrapping his arms in front of himself as a wide smirk went across his face.

Twilight turned to look at him, and a smirk of her own found its way across her features. Hyperbole. An exercise in rhetoric. Whatever the little dragon "knew", he didn't really. Perhaps now, as they calmed themselves after this exhausting day, she could get in a lesson in for him on this day of days after all.

The coronation celebration had barely ended, and as the two settled down for the evening Procer Twilight Sparkle Harmonia, Princess Twilight Sparkle... Twilight, or just Twi, turned to her baby dragon. Their first "real" conversation since her apotheosis unfolded as she lifted her hooves and he helped her remove the metallic boots.

"Oh?" she asked. "What did you know, Spike?"

"I knew you were a princess, alicorn... thing, all along!" he said, placing the boots in a neat row.

Twilight giggled. "Oh, really?" she said, a shadow of a smile hidden in her voice. "You knew that me completing Starswirl's spell would make me into a princess?"

They struggled with her dress, the newly minted royal waving her forelegs above her head awkwardly as Spike struggled with the hem. After a moment they freed her of its weight, and she looked down to see his confidence fading from his expression.


"You knew that Princess Celestia was looking for me specifically, that she had begun a gambit the day you were hatched?"

"It, I..."

"You knew that I would have wings?" she said, watching him carry the dress towards the closet. "Did you really know that, Spike?"

"Nope, I guess..."

"So," she said, having forced him to examine his exercise of rhetoric, "under what conditions do you get to say that you knew I was going to be a princess? It's called 'hyperbole' when we..."

"'Cause I've always known you were special, Twi," he interrupted. "You've... well, you've always been awesome and amazing to me. Now... now that you're a princess, everypony is just seeing the real you. They just get to see you the way, well... the way I always have."

Twilight's language lesson departed her mind in a flash. As she watched him adjusting her jewelry upon their stands a mountain of memories flashed through her. The way that he'd clung to her when she was just a filly, the way that he'd encouraged her, the way that he'd always spoken of her better traits... the way that he'd always been right there, at her side.

The way that he had always told her not to give up, the way that he had always believed in her... the way that he had always sought her approval. Had not this very transformation resulted from him lifting her out of another of her dark moments, of him fueling her with the unconditional love that he always presented to her? Had he not always been her number one assistant... her great little guy?

Rhetoric be damned.

She lowered herself to the floor just behind him, and looked her dragon over with a soft smile upon her face. In a moment, she pressed her muzzle against his shoulder gently, leaving a moist spot across his scales, a tiny kiss.

"Spike?" she said as the dragon reached up, touching the spot on his back. He turned to her, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Spike," she repeated. "Do you know that you've always been my very best friend? Do you know that there's no creature that I care about more?"

Spike stared at her for a moment, and then sank to his knees. With the enthusiasm of a child he fell forward into her forelegs, and she wrapped him tight to her chest.

"Heh!" he laughed, nuzzling into her. "Heh!"

"I knew it," she answered, and together they laid there, smiles erupting across their faces as the dusk gave way to night.


This is a cute little story. I highly enjoyed it!

Why can't we see stuff like this in the actual episodes?!



Sometimes it takes the shortest stories to convey the biggest ideas. Very well done!

Yes, it's all true.
Also, rhetorics are highly overrated.

A heartwarming scene that real life often steals;
Could somepony get me a bag for these feels?

I think I need an insulin shot after that. :twilightblush:

This is so awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Well written. Short, straight to the point, and all the more beautiful for it. Thanks for sharing this.

Now THIS was freaking awesome!

The Descendant
Group Contributor


I dunno... you guys have any interest in seeing this fleshed-out to a full-size (4K words) fic?

I'd read it again, if that's what you're asking.

1490975 I'd read it, if that's what you're asking, but I think it's perfect the way it is. Maybe instead of one large fic around this you could write a collection of mini-fics around Twilight's ascension.

1490975 Same answer here as on the other. I know I rather enjoyed your take on Princess Twilight we got in Zenith (well, the parts outside of the crypt and the hospital, [not that those parts were bad, you know what I mean]), so I'd love to see a little more fluffy interaction between her and Spike.

If you have an idea on how to do so, I'd love to see it. If not, don't try to force it. It's fine as is.

1490975 If you did, I'd read it. Not sure what you'd fill all those words with, though.


Pretty much what everyone else is saying. This one is just about perfect as is, but I'll read anything you post.

I definitely think this one should go in "Fever Dreams" if you feel there's nothing to add :twilightsmile:

1490975 (Copied over from the other story)
Really, I think that these work best as they are. If you were to type one of these out as a full story, I would say that The Royal We might work. The premise, that of a biographer writing the best-selling biography of Princess Twilight Sparkle, would be the most easily expanded of two. It would be very easy to hit the highlights of her life as he writes the book, almost in the style of one writing in a diary. that story, as it is, works well as either a full story or this short write-off.
On the other hand, I Knew It isn't as adaptable, and adding much more to it would likely end up coming off as cheap. Not to knock your skills as a writer, but there are only so many ways one can expand a story like this. Perhaps you could go a bit further in the conversation, covering a few more topics in-story. Perhaps you could split it up into two perspectives, showing the conversation from both points of view. But really, this story works best as it is: a short vignette of a conversation that captures the essence of Spike's faith and support in and of Twilight.
In the end, it's all up to you. Perhaps you can see some potential for expansion that I can't; after all, I'm not much of a writer. Sure, I can analyze something to death, but to actually write something? I find that to be a bit of a chore. Whether you go further with them than you have presented here or not, I look forward to see the result.
-- Mikhail Wilson


I'll admit that I love it as the short scene it is; having said that, if anyone can take a touching scene between Twilight and Spike and spin it into a swickedly awe-tastic longer story, you can.

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