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This is an odd one but, I'll try to explain it best I can. For months, I've slaved over an OC, he's not perfect I admit, and the story I'm writing with him isn't even fully realized... But, I've poured my heart and soul into this project, doing my absolute best to make him up to the standards of a good OC. However, my collab partner, just doesn't like it. I keep having my OC criticized, having him torn down to be a sniveling coward who no one would wanna be friends with.. I wanna counter and stick up for him, but it feels in part like it's just me being whiny that someone doesn't like my OC. I'm not sure what it really is but, I don't know. How do you respond to criticism about your OC? Not freak out when someone starts altering them, making them worse or ruining all the work you put into it? How do you deal with that without causing any conflict?

4578837 I usually respond saying that he has flaws just like anyone else. And, you know at least he's not a red and black alicorn who's destined to meet the mane 6 and save the universe.

Hmmm, well, if your collaboration partner doesn't like it, then that can mean one of a few things. However, I'll focus on what I think from your point of view. Characters are intrinsic parts of ourselves. We create them, bring them into existence, put them on paths - so-on-and-so-forth until that character becomes central to things that define us. In my own case, I introduced Wing into a roleplay group in the late 90s. Today, more people call me by that name than my given one. Frankly, I think you can stick up for your OC. From a collaboration perspective, how can it be fun for you if a piece of yourself is turned into something that is incapable of friendship? I'll just answer that - I don't think it can. Now... no disrespect to your collaborator, but if that person isn't willing to hear you out about this - and at least attempt to develop something that both of you can look forward to writing, then perhaps that isn't the best arrangement.

4578837 Not every OC is perfect not every OC will be liked


Some of it may be pride, but some of it may just be dislike toward OCs in general. If he has given suggestions to improve the OC, think about what he's saying and if it makes sense. Making OCs work can be difficult, but it's pretty rewarding in my opinion. If you need help, I'd suggest taking a look at some of the OC groups around here and searching their creation guides.

Hope that helps.:twilightsmile:

Thanks. And rather, I was talking about his criticisms towards my own OC, Is it stubborn pride that makes me upset everytime he says he doesn't like it?.

^ Pretty much what he said, don't think I could say it better.

No, no it is not. You see your OC how they were meant to be, how you intend them to be. You have every right to stick up for your OC because you created him, not your collaborator. I've had to do the same a few times, and fortunately things were settled. I sincerely hope that you can have the same.

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