Weston College (Archived) 51 members · 2 stories
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Viking Hoof
Group Contributor

I believe in a rule of three, if one RPer has three forms of seniority over another. (As in my thread my event my country etc) they should have the right to nonlethally incapacitate a mid behaving OC regardless of that OCs powers or strengths.

For example, Scribble's Coronation. It will be my thread, my coronation, my castle, if some OC enters and tries to attack me or harras me I should have the right to override their Mary Sue and just have Scribble's guards tranq or taser the jerk regardless if their +infinity armor or telekinetic abilities. I also don't want to be mean so I won't abuse the idea personally, but we should have some guideline rejecting or controlling this idea.

Group Admin
Group Contributor

1539872 True. But at the same time that doesn't add anything to the roleplay. You just bitch slapped the other person. Now not in all cases will it be a Mary Sue. So this works to an extant. But if some one is messing with your threads. Then figure out a creative way of defeating them. You have to respect the other persons OC. But at the same time make sure they don't screw over everything. It can be interesting to see where things lead. But character deaths is a big no no.

Viking Hoof
Group Contributor

1539890 O just don't want them to mess up our other special day.

Viking Hoof
Group Contributor

1539917 "nonlethal incapacitation"1539890

Group Admin

No, I'm going to tell you everything that's wrong and hypocritical with that. Just give me a second.

Group Contributor

1539923 You mean when I murdered Celestia? That wasn't in Scribbleverse... So you still have Celestia. True when you create a thread you habe a vision of what you want. But you have to remember that other players wont follow that perfectly. If you wanted them to roleplay with yourself. Its the other players reaction that makes a roleplay not the first idea.

Group Contributor

1539932:ajbemused: Of course you will.

Group Admin

That's not the point, it wasn't your thread to do that in. GIVE ME A SECOND!!!

Viking Hoof
Group Contributor

1539951>>1539957 "Attack or harrass me"1539932 these rules only apply to Mary Sues (hopefully) but what Im asking for is a set of guidelines addressing what this idea would.


You have to respect the other persons OC.

It can be interesting to see where things lead. But character deaths is a big no no.

You mean like that time when you "Fuck you, you're dead"'d my OC during that whole 'dream' thing?

Group Contributor

1539972 :rainbowlaugh: I play a threat you strike when its a good moment.
1539976 Actually what they do is cause the Op to be OP. But I'm not getting into this. So goodbye and goodnight.

Group Admin

...You really are just that dense aren't you? :ajbemused:

Group Contributor

1539989 That was before I turned a leaf. So don't bring that up. Please:fluttercry:

Group Contributor

1540001 We are not getting into this.:fluttershbad: Goodnight.


I would say on a more general basis, if it is your thread or your event, you are the creative focus behind it, and have the right to override others that are doing things to derail it. And if it is your place, you have creative control over it as well. This shouldn't be abused, but certainly you should be able to choose what is allowable behavior there and what isn't.

In the same vein, if you are the headmistress or vice-principal, or that has been delegated to you, you also should be able to override players actions, since all of Weston College and surroundings would be your place. That was the point behind the ban bats.

You should also use this as little as possible. If you override everything everyone wants to do, pretty soon no one will want to be in your threads or locations. But certainly you should be able to veto killing off the character your next 6 threads were going to be about, or destroying the building that you were setting them all in.

Of course, besides 'my thread', 'my event', and 'my location', there is 'my character'. A player should have the final word on what happens to their own character. OTOH, action to protect the thread, event, or location, may require taking them out, in which case, you want to do it in a way impacting them as minimally as possible. Their character should be playable for another thread.

Just my thoughts on the subject. This was off the top of my head, so I'm not saying I've thought of everything...

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

From what it seems you haven't turned anything.

Group Admin

This might have been better to post at the annex as a rule suggestion really. Keep in mind that this was one of the rules under Iron Galley's guideline

Group Contributor

1540028 Don't drop your self hate on me.

Viking Hoof
Group Contributor

1540047 I thought you were cool... Now this... *turns away from you*


Group Admin
F4D3 #21 · Aug 17th, 2013 · · 1 ·

This isn't self hate, this is stating the facts. You've gone back to trying to do villainous things without any inkling as to how villains work, it's the entire goddamn reason we're here right now, in the reboot. Keep to your strengths, because you have a lot of them, but right now villains aren't one of them.

Comment posted by SweetAI Belle deleted Aug 17th, 2013

Yes, that might have been a good idea. I'm sure I had Iron Galley's rules in the back of my mind when replying. Mind, there were one or two things in those rules I wasn't in total agreement with, too, as I recall. But this isn't really the place for discussing that, in any case.

Seriously? Self hate? W-what?

Group Admin


True. But at the same time that doesn't add anything to the roleplay. You just bitch slapped the other person.

True, which is why you need to stop doing it.

Now not in all cases will it be a Mary Sue. So this works to an extant. But if some one is messing with your threads. Then figure out a creative way of defeating them.

And Vikinga Hooves has done that. When Joker kept trolling her airship thread, she handled it well.

You have to respect the other persons OC. But at the same time make sure they don't screw over everything. It can be interesting to see where things lead. But character deaths is a big no no.

Coming from you? Really? That's a slap to the face. Remember the airship thread? You tried to 1) rip out Frappe's heart, which I could have done something with and I actually wanted that, but then you 2) INCINERATED HER BODY!:flutterrage:
If that isn't killing, I don't know what is.
You have no right to berate ANYONE on this subject, you are the worst OP RP person here.
Good day.

Group Admin

Beat you to the punch.:trollestia:
Another case is during the airship thread. ^

Group Admin

I got over it... What I was gonna do was really drastic, and I'm glad I didn't go through with it. :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

Ooh, can I see? I'd love to read what you had to say. Please PM it? I won't tell anyone what it say, and my word is my bond.:ajsmug:

Group Admin

It wasn't anything I said in particular... Just know that if Ukaih tries to make one of his paragraph and a half "replies" explaining why he's right and we're wrong I will beat him into the ground with. You remember that repost of Iron Galley's guidelines for RP? I was planning on reposting something else that has to do with villain creation.

If you want I can send you the link, as the points brought up are pretty interesting.

Group Admin

Sure, I'd like that.

Group Contributor

1542428 Man.....I was an idiot......:ajsleepy::ajsleepy::ajsleepy::ajsleepy::ajsleepy:.....Please tell me I've gotten 20% cooler....

Group Admin

Looking through older threads are we? Man, this was forever ago... Don't worry about it

Group Contributor

3140168 Well I was looking for a some what decent description of the lake. And stumbled across this. I still don't entirety agree but whatever:rainbowlaugh: Hey whats the deal with Weston has Viking told you our thoughts?

Group Admin

What is it?

Group Contributor

3140177 Well Knightstone is a nexus that connects Weston with MAAS. So pretty much Weston has it's own realm. So does MAAS but Knightstone connects the two. Making it so siblings could go to highschool of MAAS while college students are at Weston. Then everything intersects at Knightstone.

Group Admin

Hmm, yeah, maybe

Group Contributor

3140219 Well Vikinga is okay with it, and I am. Our major admins Sweetie seems okay with it. I'm not sure about Operator yet.

Group Admin

Does Operator even want a part of this? Last time I heard she didn't want to RP anymore.

Group Contributor

3148796 Well she is at Knightstone. So I'm not sure:applejackconfused:

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


I pm'ed her shortly after I set up the board for Knightstone and mentioned the reboot, she seemed interested, and now she's joined. Of course, we still will need an actual weston proforum board, I think. And, um, F4d3, are you going to join the Knightstone and MAAS boards?

Group Admin

It's in the past for me, and honestly I've forgotten all about it.
Not really, I remember certain things forever, but I haven't been brooding over it.
We're good.:ajsmug:

Group Admin

Oh! Heya, Haven't seen you in a while...

Group Admin

*Makes a thread labeled 'He's not dead, Jim.'*

Group Admin

Yeah... You've missed quite a lot

Group Admin

Yeah, the reboot happened while I was away, and apparently we abandoned Weston altogether, or at least what I remember Weston being.

Group Admin

Thing is... Knighty decided to ban RP altogether, so we're having to move somewhere else

Group Admin

that"s the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard for a while.
I understood his reason to ban R34, it was reducing his ability to get advertisement and pay for the site, but RP? Really?

Group Admin

He said that all the comment notifications were overloading the site. Also, you may have noticed, but he also removed thread notifications, as well as made it so notifications are purged like the day after they happen...

Group Admin

Yeah, I looked up the notes talking about it.
I disagree with his methods but there isn't much I can do, and I might do my own little side things to bring it back. Fruitless endeavors? That's my middle name.:pinkiecrazy:

Hmm, I wonder if there's something that could be added to the site to handle that sort of traffic better. Sometimes 'cutting your losses' is the thing to do, but he acted rather hastily in my opinion.

Group Admin

paranoia of the 502's returning are what he was most likely afraid of, though the means by which he attempted to fix it were a bit shady. According to him, though, he wants to return the site back to its original purpose, which is a damn shame.

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