Mormon Bronies 108 members · 233 stories
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Group Admin

What were some of your favorite things about Christmas?

Mine was listening to my mom perform in Sacrament meeting. She played Oh Come, Oh Come Immanuel.... The Piano Guys version..... On the clarinet. Lets just say it was awesome!

All of the Above
Group Contributor

The presents
I would say the time I get to spend with my family.

Group Admin

Love that song. :pinkiehappy:

I'd say that the best part was probably the Christmas messages in Church. I love having Christmas lessons.

Write on,

My favorite part was being Santa with my brother. We stayed up late Christmas Eve, after our parents went to bed, and cleaned and decorated the house. This was a huge thing for my mom, because we couldn't afford any presents this year and my bro had made her depressed by showing her a video of a nuclear bomb that could wipe out half of California.

Good times.

2479073 I LOVE the music! One of the numbers we heard in Sacrament Meeting was an arrangement of "The First Noel" sung by the women's chorus. It was one of the most beautiful songs I've EVER heard, and I am keeping the arrangement for future use. I sing in the choir also, and am still singing to Christmas music in my car. I love the food, the gifts, the atmosphere. And family is paramount to the holiday. So, yeah; I love Christmas and am sad to see it go. This may have been my last Christmas at home for a while, if I go on my mission this year.

2479073 I'm going to have to listen to that song. It sounds cool!

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