The Self-Doubting Writers Support Group 1,120 members · 2,087 stories
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I wonder what as any ever come across an angry downvoter? What I mean by this is that someone gets so angry with me that they go ahead and downvote every single one of my stories. 

Let's rewind a year ago where this story starts:

The first incident that happened, I got into an argument with a guy that made a one-word comment on one of my stories. When I asked him why he did it because I felt that wasn't good feedback and he gave me a bogus excuse as to why he did it and I knew it was bogus because I looked at other comments the guy did on other stories and it was more than one-word and the comments got a whole bunch of thumbs up.

Right after I got into that argument and I mean right after that into that argument every single one of my stories got downvoted. 

Fast-ward a little bit to the next incident:

I posted in a group that I needed an editor for my stories. Well, someone did offer and I was happy about it. When he changed his mind the next day I was pissed about it. I made a blog about it and everything. I have since deleted the blog because I knew it was wrong.

Right after that and I mean right after that, guess what happened? You guessed it! Every single one of my stories downvoted. 

Okay fast-ward once again to present day on the third incident:

I overreacted to a review that I got on one of my stories. I made a thread about it in one of my groups to express my disapproval of it. And because I did that I got scolded and told that I can't take constructive criticism. 

I felt bad about it. I really do feel bad about it. So I made an apology post saying I am sorry for my actions and I am. Guess what happened after that? 

Yup! That's right! Every single one of my stories downvoted. 

It makes me feel that if you want your story to be well received then you have to be on your best behavior. I am not disappointed in the site, I'm disappointed in the people on this site. I know for a fact that in order for a chapter to be counted as a view all you have to do is click on it, stay there for 30 seconds and it counts as a view. I think the people that are downvoting me in retaliation for whatever wrong I've done will do that just so they can say hey I read it and I didn't like it. 

That's why I'm disappointed in the people on this site. I have half a mind to go and disable the ratings on all of my stories again because of this crap.

I don't know what to do about this stupid response for my actions. I think the fact that I apologized for what I did would say something. But, sadly, I guess not. This keeps happening every time I get into a disagreement with someone.  

I must add this, just because I get into a disagreement with someone and do wrong by them does not mean that I'm an evil person. The fact that all it takes is something like that for you to be painted as evil. That is very sad to me.

Most of the time I am nice and kind to people. Just because I get into a disagreement, whether it be an overreaction to something or one time in one of my groups someone does NOT make me a bad person. People are going to have disagreements with each other and everyone handles thing differently. Just because a person handles things in a way that you don't like doesn't mean that I am a bad person or evil. I wish people would see past that and find the good in me instead of holding my mistakes over me

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7488524 Downvoting somepony's stories without reading them is actually against the rules. Site admins have tools that allow them to see who downvoted it and I've seen them take actions against those who have.

When you see that happening, mark the timeframe and contact a site admin. They'll track down the perpetrator.

Oh, and being nice to people from time to time probably wouldn't hurt, either. If you have a trend of pissing off somepony on a regular basis, that might speak more about you than them.

Actually I have been nice to people a lot on this site all it takes is one little mistake and then you're painted as an evil person. As I said in my post, the fact that I went and apologized for my actions would say something. I know it's the person mad downvoting but I can't accuse them of it because as I also said, all you have to do is click on the chapter for 30 seconds and it counts as a view so that person can say that they haven't broken any site rules.

Bad Dragon
Group Contributor

7488540 That's how the feature works, but that doesn't mean a human site admin couldn't interpret the perpetrator's actions differently, even if the person took the time to mark chapters as 'read' (which you assume the person is doing, but maybe the person doesn't bother even with that).

If a person claims to have read all your stories in 10 minutes and found everyone downvote worthy but kept on 'reading', a site admin will call bullcrap on that, even if all the chapters are ticked as read.

all it takes is one little mistake

I don't judge people by just how they generally pretend to act. I also judge them by what they're capable of. All it takes is one instance of that, and I know they are capable of it. What you call 'a a mistake', I call 'a demonstration of potential'.

What you call a mere mistake is something I believe you're actually capable of doing. You couldn't have done it if you were incapable of doing it.

If you were choosing a roommate for yourself, who would you chose:
a) a person who is capable of killing and has made 'a mistake' of killing before, but probably, maybe won't kill anymore
b) a person who is incapable of killing


It makes me feel that if you want your story to be well received then you have to be on your best behavior. I am not disappointed in the site, I'm disappointed in the people on this site.

Yes, but actually no. You don't need to be on your best behaviour--you can see a lot of people that can make snarky comments, speak about controversial topics, or even post something that most would deem wrong, rude, and so on, and yet their stories have zero downvotes or didn't receive a single downvote in months. (I've been curious about this kind of behaviour for quite a while now, so I like to check the stats on stories of such people.) On the other hand, certain notorious users tend to get downvoted on sight because of how many people they constantly annoy.

The best thing you can do is choose the people you interact with (e.g. ignoring people who are known/obvious trolls, are prone to jumping to conclusions, sending their followers after others, et cetera) and also make sure that you yourself don't come over as unnecessarily aggressive, sensitive, and so on. Don't let your frustration show too much when you write some post. Read it a couple of times, let it lie fallow for a few hours, and then return to it once you have calmed down a bit and read it again. You can even send it to some brutally honest friend that might tell you what to change to minimise the potential backlash.

Lastly, it's good to keep in mind that some people can be triggered very easily. I remember pointing out that someone posted something that was against the rules of that particular group. They responded to me, and all my stories got simultaneously downvoted, so it was quite clear where the votes came from. I didn't mention it, calmly responded to them, and gave them links to some other groups they could use. The downvotes miraculously disappeared. Of course, this cannot work in all instances, but it's good to keep a cool head and see what you can do.

Lastly lastly, it's also good to mention that if your story is really good, then a random downvote or two shouldn't hurt it much. In fact, when I look at story ratings, I usually mentally subtract a downvote or two exactly because of this reason.

I know for a fact that in order for a chapter to be counted as a view all you have to do is click on it, stay there for 30 seconds and it counts as a view. I think the people that are downvoting me in retaliation for whatever wrong I've done will do that just so they can say hey I read it and I didn't like it.

I can't accuse them of it because as I also said, all you have to do is click on the chapter for 30 seconds and it counts as a view so that person can say that they haven't broken any site rules.

First and foremost, where did you find the 30 second limit? Genuine question, I've never heard of it. And also, do you mean view as in story/chapter view, or do you mean that the little 'read' box next to the chapter name will get ticked off after 30 seconds? (I just tested the latter on some random story for a minute. It didn't work.) Anyway, in theory, one doesn't even need to wait 30 seconds. They could say they read the story logged out, or that the cover art, story description, or the very first sentence of the story deserved a downvote. However, if somebody mass-downvotes your stories, it'll be clearly noticeable, and the mods indeed can (and will, if asked to) do something about it.

That's why I'm disappointed in the people on this site. I have half a mind to go and disable the ratings on all of my stories again because of this crap.

Honestly, disabling ratings on your stories is one of the worst things you can do here, as it's generally frowned upon and may cause people to avoid reading and commenting on your stories, since this function is usually used by people that cannot take any constructive criticism. It's okay-ish to disable ratings on a story dedicated to paying homage to your late grandma or such, but doing it just to stop people from occasionally downvoting is not a good idea.

I see where coming from. I'm keeping the posts that I did in my blogs to remind me of what not to do in the future. I'm also going to start keeping a journal again so hopefully, I can prevent what I did from happening. I did talk to a site mod about these issues and they said even if they could track down the guy that did it, the problems that would come from doing so might not be worth it.

I'm not going to disable the ratings, I thought about that. Yeah if the read box is checked then that means that you have read the chapter and that also counts towards story views. So yeah I found that out when I accidentally did it to a story that I hadn't read yet. Just wanted to check out what I saw in the comments.


I'm not going to disable the ratings, I thought about that.

Good :)

Yeah if the read box is checked then that means that you have read the chapter and that also counts towards story views.

To be honest, I'm fairly certain that manually checking the box doesn't count towards story views. It gets checked automatically if you read (or scroll through) a certain portion of a chapter--if it's the first chapter, then yes, it'll also count towards story views.

That's what I meant sorry. All you have to do is click the chapter and just scroll through it once. That usually takes only 30 seconds to do that's how I found that out.

Oh, I see. Funnily enough, it actually ticks the box immediately on shorter stories, since you just need to view about 1/3 of the chapter or so (an educated guess on my part).

I have the same problem with my stories

It's happened to me at least six times, usually when I write something edgy.

Oh my gosh, why are people so rude? I don't understand, I'm so sorry that happened to you too

Used to bother me, now I'm just not invested in the community anymore.

It's still fucking bothers me a lot, and whenever I try to defend myself people get very rude!

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